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An Ember.js codemod to make upgrades automatic.

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An Ember.js codemod to make upgrades automatic.




# ember-watson

> A young Ember Doctor.

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## Getting Started

`ember-watson` can be used as an Ember CLI addon, it will extend the
available list of commands.

To install, run `ember install ember-watson` and you are good
to go.

## Commands

### Prototype Extensions

ember watson:convert-prototype-extensions

Convert computed properties and observers to not use prototype
extensions. You can specify `appPath` (defaults to `app/`) in case you
want to convert code somewhere different to `app/`.

For more info about this please refer to the following PR [Encourage decorator-style Ember.computed/](

### Resource Router Mapping

ember watson:convert-resource-router-mapping

Converts `this.resource('user')` to `this.route('user',
{resetNamespace: true })` in `app/router.js`.

Helps with the deprecation added in

### Methodify (ES2015)

ember watson:methodify

Converts methods in file to ES6 method syntax.

### Find Overloaded CPS

ember watson:find-overloaded-cps

Helps you locate all the places where your source may trigger the
"Using the same function as getter and setter" deprecation.

### Replace Needs with Injection

ember watson:replace-needs-with-injection

Convert `needs` declarations the individual properties using
the new `Ember.inject.controller()` feature. Also convert any uses
of the `controllers` hash to use the newly defined properties.

### Remove usages of Ember.K

ember watson:remove-ember-k

Replaces all usages of `Ember.K` with just plain functions.
The `` argument is mandatory and can be `--empty` or `--return-this`.
Invoked with `--empty` it will replace `Ember.K` with an empty function, which is more idiomatic JS.
Invoked with `--return-empty` it will replace it by a function that returns `this` so allows chaining.
This command runs automatically in all folders that might contain ember code, so no `` or `--dry-run`
options are available.

### Tests: Upgrade QUnit Tests

ember watson:upgrade-qunit-tests

This command will traverse your tests directory fixing your QUnit
test to use the 2.0 compatible output (see

The following are some of the changes:

- Add `import { module, test } from 'qunit'` if ember-qunit is not
used. You need to use ember-cli-qunit-v0.3.8 which includes
QUnit's shims. See [ember-cli#3245](
- Import `skip` if used in tests: `import { module,test, skip } from 'qunit'`
- Add assert to callback function in `test`.
- Use `assert` inside test, e.g. `ok` becomes `assert.ok`.
- Use `beforeEach` and `afterEach` instead of `setup` and `teardown`
inside module.

### Tests: Use Destroy App Helper

ember watson:use-destroy-app-helper

Convert (qunit or mocha flavored) acceptance tests to utilize the `destroyApp`
helper [introduced]( in
Ember CLI 1.13.9.

### Tests: Convert `andThen` style async tests to `async/await`

ember watson:convert-tests-to-async-await

Convert (qunit or mocha flavored) acceptance tests to utilize `async/await`

// before:
it('can visit subroutes', function(done) {

andThen(function() {


andThen(function() {
expect(find('h2').text())'this is an acceptance test');

// after:
it('can visit subroutes', async function() {
await visit('/');


await visit('/foo');

expect(find('h2').text())'this is an acceptance test');

### Ember Data: Async Relationships Default

ember watson:convert-ember-data-async-false-relationships

In Ember Data 2.0 relationships will be asynchronous by default. Sync relationships will still be supported but you will need to manually opt into them by setting { async: false } on your relationships. This task adds an explicit `async: false` options to all `belongsTo` and `hasMany` that
either have no options or its options does not contain an explicit async value.

For more information, read [ember-data 1.13 release notes](

### Ember Data: Model Lookups

ember watson:convert-ember-data-model-lookups

This changes the way model lookups happen when working with Ember
Data. When using `hasMany` or `belongsTo`, the first argument will
become a dasherized string. Here's some examples:

// before, using a camelCase string
export default DS.Model.extend({
postComments: DS.hasMany('postComment', {async: true})

// after
export default DS.Model.extend({
postComments: DS.hasMany('post-comment', {async: true})

// before, using a variable or looking up on App.
export default DS.Model.extend({
postComments: DS.hasMany(PostComment, {async: true})

// after
export default DS.Model.extend({
postComments: DS.hasMany('post-comment', {async: true})

### Ember Data: Remove isNewSerializerAPI

ember watson:remove-ember-data-is-new-serializer-api

Removes `isNewSerializerAPI` literals in your serializer code.
You should use this *after* you make sure all your serializers are
compatible with the new serializer API in 1.13. You can find more
information on how to upgrade serializers

// before
export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
isNewSerializerAPI: true

// after
export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend({});

## Specifying a file or path

You can run any of the commands passing as argument the path, file or
regular expression of the files that you want to transform.

ember watson:upgrade-qunit-tests tests/unit*
ember watson:upgrade-qunit-tests tests/unit/model-test.js
ember watson:upgrade-qunit-tests tests

The same is possible with `ember watson:convert-prototype-extensions`
and `ember watson:convert-ember-data-model-lookups`.

## Using without Ember CLI

`ember-watson` can be used without Ember CLI too, just do `npm
install -g ember-watson`.

Then you can use the commands from above, just with the altered syntax.

`ember watson:upgrade-qunit-tests` becomes `ember-watson upgrade-qunit-tests`

For additional help use `ember-watson -h`.

## License

ember-watson is [MIT Licensed](