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CLI & codemod scripts for upgrading to CanJS 3, 4 and 5

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CLI & codemod scripts for upgrading to CanJS 3, 4 and 5




# can-migrate

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CLI & codemod scripts for upgrading to CanJS 3 to 6.

## Usage

Check out the [Using Codemods guide on]( for an overview of this project, how to install `can-migrate`, how to use the CLI, and recommendations for how to migrate your app.

## Generate template and tests

There is now a quick and easy way to create a transform and the associated tests and diff files. Running:
./bin/can-migrate-generate.js --can-version=6
Will either add the files to an existing folder or create a folder and add the files. It will create `transform.js` | `transform-test.js` | `transform-input.js` | `transform-output.js` as well as adding the information into the `transforms.json`.

## transforms.json

There is one entry in the array per type of template/test required to generate the transforms.
The current groups of transforms are:

- Component Rename: rename parts of a component
- can.extend: swap out extend for assign or deep-assign
- can-data: swap out .data() for domData
- Replace imports/requires: Replace existing import/require statements and replace any references in the code
- Replace can.*: Replace can.* methods and add the corresponding import/require

"copy": [ // Copy these files from src
"input": "...", // Source filename
"output: "...", // Destination filename
"type": "fixture|test|transform" // Type of copy determines where the destination file ends up (more on that below)
"generate": [ // Generate output from the template in src using "transforms
"template": "...", // Source filename
"outputPath: "...", // Destination filename
"type": "fixture|test|transform" // Type of copy determines where the destination file ends up (more on that below)
"transforms": [
"shortName": "component", // Short name of the transform for debugging and template filename generation
"oldSourceValues": [ // List of ways this component could be imported/required. Used to replace these with newer component import
"newSourceValue": "can-component", // The new value of the import/require
"exampleLocalName": "MyComponent" // The example local name to include in generate documentation
"oldObjectName": "can", // Object name to look for
"oldPropertyName": "addEvent", // Property name to look for
"newPropertyName": addEventListener, // What should replace the (false for nothing, could be a complex replacement like mutate.appendChild)
"sourceValue": "can-construct" // Key to look up the configurable naming in config.json

## Types

- __test__: Copied to `lib`, file is added to `test/test.js`.
- __fixture__ : Copied to `test/fixtures`
- __transform__: Copied to `lib/transforms`