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Monaka convert custom struct to NSData.

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Monaka convert custom struct to NSData.




# Monaka

[![Carthage compatible](](

## Overview

Monaka convert custom struct and fundamental values to NSData (also nested array and dictionary).

## Purpose

You can persistent store of your defined struct. Your defined struct is for example 'latest selected tab index', 'array of struct fetched from API' or 'current application state'. I think these should be represented as simple struct and can be stored in application. Converted data can be written in file or NSUserDefault.

## Installation

### Carthage

github "naru-jpn/Monaka"

### CocoaPods

pod 'Monaka'

## Usage

### For Standard Variables

`Packable` variable ⇄ NSData.

// Pack
let value: Int = 10
let data: NSData = Monaka.pack(value)

// Unpack
let unpacked = Monaka.unpack(data) as? Int

### For Custom Struct

#### 1.Make a custom struct confirming protocol `CustomPackable`

struct Sample: CustomPackable {

let id: String

// Return new struct from applied properties.
static var restoreProcedure: ([String : Packable] -> Packable?) = { (properties: [String : Packable]) -> Packable? in
guard let id = properties["id"] as? String else {
return nil
return Sample(id: id)

#### 2.Activate your custom struct.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {


// Other codes...

return true

#### 3.Pack/Unpack

You can Pack/Unpack as standard types.

// Pack
let value: SampleStruct = SampleStruct(id: NSUUID().UUIDString)
let data: NSData = Monaka.pack(value)
// Unpack
let unpacked = Monaka.unpack(data) as? SampleStruct

## License

Monaka is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.