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Unity DOTS Sprite Rendering Package

2d dots ecs entities entity-component-system package performance rendering sprites unity unity-ecs unity3d

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Unity DOTS Sprite Rendering Package




# NSprites - Unity DOTS Sprite Rendering Package
This framework provides sprite rendering system compatible with Entities package (unity ECS). [Changelog](

Basically it sync whatever entity component you want with GPU data to perform instanced rendering. As a result all entities with same Material can be rendered with single drawcall.

## Features
* Using power of :boom:**DOTS**:boom: + instancing to render numerous of sprites
* Using any public to you per-entity blittable component as shader instanced property
* Data update strategies to avoid unnecessary CPU load
* Edit-time rendering (subscene only)

## Basic API
**For more detailed information please read [project's wiki](** :blue_book:
// registrate components as properties at assembly level anywhere in project
[assembly: InstancedPropertyComponent(typeof(WorldPosition2D), "_pos2D")]
[assembly: InstancedPropertyComponent(typeof(SpriteColor), "_color")]
// registrate render with ID, Material, capacity data and set of properties
if (!SystemAPI.ManagedAPI.TryGetSingleton(out var renderArchetypeStorage))
// don't registrate same renderID
material, // material with [Enable GPU Instancing] enabled and shader supporting instancing
bounds // bounds in which sprites will be visible. For example new Bounds(, * float.MaxValue)
null, // override for MaterialPropertyBlock if needed
128, // initial ComputeBuffers capacity
128, // minimal capacity step for ComputeBuffers
"_pos2D", // world 2D position property
"_color" // color property
// initialize sprite entity with all needed components for rendering
entityManager.AddSpriteRenderComponents(spriteEntity, renderID);
// WorldPosition2D and SpriteColor are example client's components
entityManager.AddComponentData(spriteEntity, new WorldPosition2D { Value = /*your value here*/ });
entityManager.AddComponentData(spriteEntity, new SpriteColor { Value = Color.White });

// or from baker
private class Baker : Baker
public override void Bake(SpriteAuthoring authoring)
AddComponent(new WorldPosition2D { Value = new float2(authoring.transform.position.x, authoring.transform.position.y) });
AddComponent(new SpriteColor { Value = Color.White });
this.AddSpriteComponents(authoring.RenderID); // Render ID is client defined unique per-render archetype int. You can define it manually or for example use Material's instance ID or whatever else.
Also shader you're using should be compatible with instancing. Check my [example shader gist]( The main idea is to use `StructuredBuffer _propertyName`. Though it is possible to use instanced properties with ShaderGraph, so you may try your option. For local example shader main part can look like:
// ...
StructuredBuffer _propertyPointers;
StructuredBuffer _color;
// ...
Varyings UnlitVertex(Attributes attributes, uint instanceID : SV_InstanceID)
// ...
int propPointer = _propertyPointers[instanceID]; // this is internal package property to point right data during component sync
float4 color = _color[propPointer];
//fallback if somehow instancing failed
float4 color = float4(1,1,1,1);
// ...

## How it works
[`SpriteRenderingSystem`]( sync registered entity components with [ComputeBuffers]( to send data to GPU and then renders entities with [`Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedProcedural`]( System also controls how ComputeBuffers reallocates if capacity exceeds. Sprites are simple entities with no limits of what components you use.

## Check [Foundation](
NSprites doesn't provide anything except rendering and managing data for it. Though you can implement anything you want on top of it. Also I want to share some foundation project where you can find examples and maybe even useful tools to work with this package. Foundation provides such things as sorting / culling / animation / 2D transforms / basic data authoring and registration.

## Check sample project - [Age of Sprites](
This sample project covers basics of rendering with NSprites. Use it to get a main idea of how stuff can be implemented but not as production-ready solutions.


## Installation
### Requirements
* Unity 2022.2+
* Entities v1.0.0-pre.65+

### [Compatibility](
There is few things we should care when talking about using NSprites in real projects. Since this package uses **GPU instancing**
and `ComputeBuffer` on CPU side with `StructuredBuffer` on GPU side (in shader) to send sprites data, we need platform and Graphics API support
this two.

| **Graphics API** | **Description** |
| Direct3D11 | :warning: partially supported |
| Direct3D12 | :white_check_mark: supported |
| Vulkan | :white_check_mark: supported |
| OpenGLCore | :warning: partially supported |
| OpenGLES3 | :warning: partially supported |

| **Platform** | **Description** |
| PC | :white_check_mark: supported |
| WebGL | :no_entry: unsupported |
| Android | :grey_question: not fully checked |
| iOS | :question: not checked |

### [Install via Package Manager](
* Window -> Package Manager -> + button -> Add package from git url
* Paste ``
### Install via git submodule
* `cd` to your project's `/Packages` folder
* git submodule

## Support :+1: Contribute :computer: Contact :speech_balloon:
I wish this project will be helpful for any ECS early adopters! So feel free to send bug reports / pull requests, start discussions / critique, those all are **highly** appreciated!
You can contact with my [discord account]( / join [discord server](!
Also there is a [thread]( on unity dots forum!

Preferred way to send support: [BOOSTY](

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