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A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.

beautiful code codesnippets editor fastify screenshot sharing snippets solid solid-js tweet typescript

Last synced: 10 days ago
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A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.




![CodeImage logo](assets/banner.png?raw=true)

> Create elegant code screenshots of your source code.

![Latest release Version](
![Build workflow badge](
[![Built with SolidJS](](
[![Built with Vanilla Extract](](

## Introduction

[CodeImage]( is the newest tool to help developers to create beautiful screenshots of their code,
providing several
features to speed up the process to post in social media.

CodeImage - A tool to manage and beautify your code screenshots | Product Hunt

![CodeImage showcase](assets/showcase_1.png)

## 🤖 Tech stack

CodeImage architecture consist of a PNPM monorepo, currently subdivided in `packages` and `apps`.

### Apps

#### [@codeimage/app](./apps/codeimage)

The front-end application, entirely built with SolidJS.

It currently also relies on these libraries:

- [vanilla-extract]( Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript.
- [CodeMirror6]( Extensible code editor
- [StateBuilder]( Composable state management
- [@codeui/kit]( Accessible UI Kit based
on [Kobalte](
- [solid-primitives]( SolidJS primitives library

#### [@codeimage/api](./apps/api)

The REST API layer built with [Fastify](,
[Prisma ORM]( and [Auth0](

### Packages

- [@codeimage/ui](./packages/ui): contains the source code of the UI kit of CodeImage front-end application.
> **Note** the UI kit is being moved to [@codeui/kit]( repository
- [@codeimage/config](./packages/config): contains the base configurations and interfaces for CodeImage
- [@codeimage/highlight](./packages/highlight): contains the custom editor and highlighting themes for CodeMirror
- [@codeimage/dom-export](./packages/dom-export): contains the [html-to-image](
fork which includes several fix for image export
- [@codeimage/locale](./packages/locale): contains a wrapper
of [@solid-primitives/i18n]( which
includes strict typing for i18n
- [@codeimage/vanilla-extract](./packages/vanilla-extract): contain
the [Vanilla Extract]( plugin fork which includes SolidJS and PNPM fixes
to work under monorepo.
- [@codeimage/prisma-models](./packages/prisma-models): contains the Prisma ORM backend models shared across front-end
and back-end application.
- [@codeimage/atomic-state](./packages/atomic-state): contain the source code of a small state manager which includes
some utilities helper for RxJS and solid-js/store

## 🌏 Contributions

> **Warning** **Read this before opening any PR!**

When contributing, it's better to first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or discussion, or any other method
with the owners of this repository before making a change.

See the [](./ guide for more details.


CodeImage is the winner of SolidHack 2022 for the Best Application category!

## License

MIT © [Riccardo Perra](