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React Native Starter with Fully Integrated Authentication

aws-cognito aws-cognito-template react react-native

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React Native Starter with Fully Integrated Authentication




# React Native Auth Starter

Easy authentication for your next React Native app.


### 🎧 Powered by [Amplify](

## Features

✅ Preconfigured, production tested authentication flow

✅ 2 Factor Authentication Enabled

✅ React Navigation

✅ Redux

✅ Amplify React Native

✅ Opinionated yet configurable

✅ Themeable

✅ Cross-Platform

## Getting Started

1. Clone project

git clone

2. Change into react-native-auth-starter directory

cd react-native-auth-starter

3. Install dependencies

yarn || npm install

4. Configure AWS Amplify config in `index.js` by adding your own `aws-export.js` file in the `src` directory. If you do not already have this file, continue to step 5


5. Install [AWSMobile CLI]( if not already installed and configured (for steps on how to configure AWSMobile CLI, see [this]( two minute video)

npm i -g awsmobile-cli
awsmobile configure

6. Create a new AWS Mobile Hub Project using the AWSMobile CLI

awsmobile init

7. Enable User Sign In

awsmobile user-signin enable
awsmobile push