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Example of User Authentication using React with React Router and AWS Amplify

authentication react react-authentication react-router

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Example of User Authentication using React with React Router and AWS Amplify




# React Authentication Example

This repo goes along with the blog post React Authentication in Depth

![Completed Project](

## This project features:
- User sign up
- User sign in
- 2 factor authentication
- Real world auth flow using React Router
- Protected routes
- Redirects for unauthorized users

## Getting started

1. clone the project

git clone

2. install dependencies using npm or yarn

yarn || npm i

3. Start project

npm start

## Setting up AWS services
If you do not have your AWS services already created, follow these steps. If you already have your services set up, just configure your aws-exports.js file.

1. from the root of the project, create awsmobile project

awsmobile init

2. add user sign-in / authentication (Amazon Cognito)

awsmobile user-signin enable

3. push new services to console

awsmobile push