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Create framework agnostic components that are truly reusable and interoperable with all the benefits of the React ecosystem – using the HTML5 custom elements API to extend HTML's vocabulary.

components custom-elements react reactjs webcomponents

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Create framework agnostic components that are truly reusable and interoperable with all the benefits of the React ecosystem – using the HTML5 custom elements API to extend HTML's vocabulary.




![React Standalone](media/logo.png)

> Create framework agnostic components that are truly reusable and interoperable with all the benefits of the React ecosystem – using the HTML5 [custom elements API]( to extend HTML's vocabulary.

![License MIT](

* **npm:** `npm install react-standalone --save`

## Table of Contents

* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Handling Props](#handling-props)
* [Specifying a Schema](#specifying-a-schema)
* [Component Events](#component-events)
* [Passing JSON Structure](#passing-json-structure)
* [Element Methods](#element-methods)
* [Extending Elements](#extending-elements)
* [Browser Support](#browser-support)


## Getting Started

Take a look at the [`mars-weather` component](example/packages/mars-weather) for an idea on how to structure your reusable component – however essentially a *component* consists of a tag name — such as `mars-weather`, the React `component` and an [optional schema](#specifying-a-schema) using [`osom`](

import { createModule } from 'standalone';
import schema from './schema';
import component from './component';

export default createModule('mars-weather', { schema, component });


Once you have created your package, a custom element will be created with the supplied `tagName` which can be embedded into the DOM – all of the React lifecycle methods will be invoked, such as `componentWillUnmount` when the element has been removed from the DOM.



As the `mars-weather` component is an entirely custom element, it can be embedded in **any** JavaScript framework — Angular, Vue, React, Cycle, Ember, [Vanilla](, etc...

**Bonus:** Use [Keo with shadow boundaries]( for a true [Polymer-esque]( feel.

## Handling Props

By specifying attributes on the custom element, the values of the attributes are passed into your component as props – any changes to the `state` will be handled internally to your component, whereas any changes to your element's attributes will cause a re-render with the updated `props`.

In the `mars-weather` example, we have setup the `getDefaultProps` method to return the default props, however users can override the `unit` prop by passing in a [`data` attribute]( named `data-unit`.



In the above case, the `data-unit` attribute will be transformed to `unit` — as `Standalone` strips away any `data-` prefixes — and then re-renders your component, allowing you to access the attribute as `this.props.unit`.

### Specifying a Schema

As **all** HTML attributes are `string`s, `Standalone` allows you to specify a schema for your component, which will transform `string` attributes into the data type you expect using [`osom`](

export default {
unit: {
type: String,
default: 'F'

Once you have configured the schema to use for your component, you can happily setup the usual [React `propTypes`]( specifying the data type you're expecting to be passed through.

## Component Events

Using [Custom Events]( you can easily set-up a communication channel between your components and the outside world.

// Instantiate `CustomEvent` and then specify the name of the event, followed
// by the payload which will be passed to your listener function.
const event = new CustomEvent('migrate-planets', {
bubbles: true,
detail: {
planet: 'Saturn'


It's crucial that you emit the event as `bubbles: true` otherwise the event would simply halt at the `findDOMNode(this)` node rather than bubbling up to the `mars-weather` node — unless you dispatch the event on the `mars-weather` node by using `findDOMNode(this).parentNode`.

Within your component you emit the event — `CustomEvent` — using `dispatchEvent` and then bind your custom element — such as `mars-weather` — using `addEventListener` from the outside.

const node = document.querySelector('mars-weather');

node.addEventListener('migrate-planets', event => {

// Update the `data-planet` attribute to reflect the newly migrated planet
// which will cause the component to re-render with the update prop.
node.setAttribute('data-planet', event.detail.planet);


### Passing JSON Structure

As invoking `setAttribute` on your component causes React to re-render your component, it may be useful to supply a JSON payload to your component instead — especially if you're defining a multitude of attributes; this also helps with performance as you would only need one `setAttribute` to update many props and re-render.

By defining a schema you can specify an attribute that will be parsed as JSON.

export default {
payload: {
type: JSON.parse

Attaching a JSON string to your element's `data-payload` attribute will cause it to be parsed into an object using `JSON.parse`, and passed to your React component as `this.props.payload` which can be defined in the `propTypes` using `PropTypes.shape`.

## Element Methods

All `Standalone` components extend `HTMLElement.prototype` and allow for adding custom functions to the element — which you can invoke once you have a reference to the associated element. Take a look at [`mars-weather`'s methods]( for an example.

const getWeather = function() {
const weather =;
return `The current weather on Mars is ${weather}!`;

// ...


When a component has been appended to the DOM it will update its `HTMLElement` prototype to assign the rendered component to `getPrototypeOf(this).component` — this conveniently allows you to access the `props` and `state`, and invoke functions internal to the React component.

It's worth noting that `this.component` will **only** be available once the component has been appended to the DOM.

## Extending Elements

With the Custom Elements API it is possible to extend existing elements – using the `is` attribute to specialise. `Standalone` allows you to extend elements by passing the element to extend.

// Creates a `mars-weather` element.
export default createModule('mars-weather', { schema, methods, component });

// Creates a `input[is="mars-weather"]` element.
export default createModule('input/mars-weather', { schema, methods, component });

It's worth noting that when you extend a known element, your element will extend its prototype – in the case above the `mars-weather` element will extend `input` and its `HTMLInputElement` prototype.

## Browser Support

* Chrome >= v33
* Opera >= v20
* *IE >= 11
* *Safari >= 7
* *Firefox

_\* Requires the excellent [webcomponents-lite.js]( polyfill (13K gzipped)_
