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Headless Chrome .NET API

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Headless Chrome .NET API




# Puppeteer Sharp

[![Build status](][BuildUrl]
[![Demo build status](][BuildDemoUrl]


Puppeteer Sharp is a .NET port of the official [Node.JS Puppeteer API](

## Recent news

* [Puppeteer-Sharp 2023 recap](

## Useful links

* [API Documentation](
* Slack channel [#puppeteer-sharp](
* [StackOverflow](
* [Issues](
* [Blog](

## Prerequisites

* As Puppeteer-Sharp is a NetStandard 2.0 library, the minimum platform versions are .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 2.0. [Read more](
* If you have issues running Chrome on Linux, the Puppeteer repo has a [great troubleshooting guide](
* X-server is required on Linux.

## How to Contribute and Provide Feedback

Some of the best ways to contribute are to try things out file bugs and fix issues.

If you have an issue or a question:

* Ask a question on [Stack Overflow](
* File a [new issue](

## Contributing Guide

See [this document]( for information on how to contribute.

## Usage

## Take screenshots

using var browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher();
await browserFetcher.DownloadAsync();
await using var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(
new LaunchOptions { Headless = true });
await using var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.GoToAsync("");
await page.ScreenshotAsync(outputFile);
snippet source | anchor

You can also change the view port before generating the screenshot

await Page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions
Width = 500,
Height = 500
snippet source | anchor

### Generate PDF files

using var browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher();
await browserFetcher.DownloadAsync();
await using var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = true });
await using var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.GoToAsync(""); // In case of fonts being loaded from a CDN, use WaitUntilNavigation.Networkidle0 as a second param.
await page.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document.fonts.ready"); // Wait for fonts to be loaded. Omitting this might result in no text rendered in pdf.
await page.PdfAsync(outputFile);
snippet source | anchor

### Inject HTML

await using var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.SetContentAsync("

My Receipt
var result = await page.GetContentAsync();
snippet source | anchor

### Evaluate Javascript

await using var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
var seven = await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync("4 + 3");
var someObject = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync("(value) => ({a: value})", 5);
snippet source | anchor

### Wait For Selector

using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())
await page.GoToAsync("");
await page.WaitForSelectorAsync("div.main-content")
await page.PdfAsync(outputFile));

### Wait For Function

using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())
await page.GoToAsync("");
var watchDog = page.WaitForFunctionAsync("()=> window.innerWidth < 100");
await page.SetViewportAsync(new ViewPortOptions { Width = 50, Height = 50 });
await watchDog;

### Connect to a remote browser

var options = new ConnectOptions()
BrowserWSEndpoint = $"wss://{apikey}"

var url = "";

using (var browser = await PuppeteerSharp.Puppeteer.ConnectAsync(options))
using (var page = await browser.NewPageAsync())
await page.GoToAsync(url);
await page.PdfAsync("wot.pdf");

## Sponsors

A massive thanks to [AWS](, who sponsored Puppeteer-sharp from Nov 2023 via the [.NET on AWS Open Source Software Fund]( and [JetBrains]( for a community Resharper and Rider license to use on this project.

And a huge thanks to everyone who sponsors this project through [Github sponsors](

Tolga BalciRichard GarsideAmazon Web Services