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GTK+ bindings and wrappers for Rust (DEPRECATED SEE )

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GTK+ bindings and wrappers for Rust (DEPRECATED SEE )




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__Rust__ bindings and wrappers for __GLib__, __GDK 3__, __GTK+ 3__ and __Cairo__.

## Building

__rgtk__ expects __GTK+__, __GLib__ and __Cairo__ development files to be installed on your system. Optionally, it is recommended to install the debug packages containing helpful debug symbols.

### Debian and Ubuntu

> sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
> sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0-dbg libglib2.0-0-dbg libcairo2-dbg

### Fedora

> sudo yum install gtk3-devel glib2-devel

### OS X

Install [XQuartz](, then:
> brew install gtk+3 --without-x11
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig

### Windows

Install [mingw-w64]( (select the win32 threading model) and download a __GTK+__ SDK:
* The GNOME project has an official distribution of GTK+ 3.6: [x86](, [x64](
* [GTK+ for Windows Runtime Environment Installer: 64-bit]( supports GTK+ 3.14, its SDK downloads can currently be found [here](

Make sure both mingw's and the sdk's `bin` directories are in your `PATH` e.g. (assuming mingw is installed in `C:\mingw-w64` and the SDK unpacked into `C:\gtk`)
C:\> set PATH="C:\mingw-w64\bin;C:\gtk\bin;%PATH%"
It's crucial that GCC from mingw is used by Rust so either make sure that mingw is earlier in the `PATH` or delete `gcc.exe` and `ld.exe` from the Rust installation.

## Versions and features

__rgtk__ targets __GTK+__ 3.6 and __Cairo__ 1.10 by default, other versions support is enabled by requesting a corresponding feature e.g.
> cargo build --features "GTK_3_10 CAIRO_1_12"
Currently supported versions are __GTK+__ 3.4 to 3.14 and __Cairo__ 1.10 to 1.12.

We are currently targetting rust master compiler to build __rgtk__, make sure you have the latest version before submitting any bugs.

In `examples` you can find some tests showing off the functionality, these can be built and run as follows:

> cd examples
> cargo build --release
# Or, if your system has GTK 3.10 or later
> cargo build --features GTK_3_10 --release
> ./target/release/gtktest
> ./target/release/cairotest

When building documentation don't forget to specify the feature set you're using:

> cargo doc --feature GTK_3_12

Your local copy can be accessed using your browser at


You can also access a daily build of the docs via the internet:

## Including rgtk as a cargo dependency

To include rgtk as a cargo dependency you have to add it to your Cargo.toml and specify the GTK version you want using Cargo features
git = ""
features = ["GTK_3_12"]

## Use __rgtk__

To implement __GTK+__ inheritance in rust, we implemented gtk superclasses as traits located in `rgtk::gtk::traits::*`. The various widgets implement these traits and live in `rgtk::gtk::*`.

For your convenience the various traits are reexported in the `rgtk::*` namespace as `Gtk{trait_name}Trait` so you can just use...

extern mod rgtk;
use rgtk::*;
``` easily access all the gtk widgets and all traits methods:

let button = gtk::Button:new(); // You have access to the struct methods of gtk::Button aswell
// as the trait methods from gtk::traits::Button as GtkButtonTrait.

## Projects using rgtk
* [SolidOak](
* [rrun](

If you want yours to be added to this list, please create a Pull Request for it!

## Contribute

Contributor you're welcome!

You probably know but __Gtk+__ uses its own GObject system: inherited class and interface.

To respect this design, I follow a special design on __rgtk__:

* Interface -> Implement them on a trait with only default methods.
* Class -> Implement the construct on the class impl and other methods on a traits.
* Sub-class -> Implement all the methods on the class.

Example for GtkOrientable, GtkBox, GtkButtonBox:

GtkOrientable is an interface with all methods implemented as default method of the trait gtk::traits::Orientable.

GtkBox is a class with constructors implemented on the struct `gtk::Box`, and the other method as default methods of the trait `gtk::traits::Box`. So `gtk::Box` implements `gtk::traits::Orientable` and `gtk::traits::Box`.

GtkButtonBox is a sub-class of GtkBox, the struct `gtk::ButtonBox` implements all the methods of GtkButtonBox and the traits `gtk::traits::Orientable` and `gtk::traits::Box`.

Finally, all the gtk widgets implement the trait gtk::traits::Widget.

## License

__rgtk__ is available under the same license term as GTK+: the LGPL (Lesser General Public license).