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Router for Web Components

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Router for Web Components




## Router for Web Components
> Works with [Polymer](, [X-Tag](, and natively.
> [](

Manage page state. Lazy-load content. Data-bind path variables and query parameters. Use multiple layouts. Navigate with `hashchange` and HTML5 `pushState`. Animate transitions using `core-animated-pages`.

[Download]( or run `bower install app-router --save`.

## Configuration

Define how URLs map to pages.


App Router


## Navigation

Click links or call `router.go()`.






The router listens to `popstate` and `hashchange` events. Changing the URL will find the first `app-route` that matches, load the element or template, and replace the current view.

#### hashchange
Clicking `Home` will fire a `hashchange` event and tell the router to load the first route that matches `/home`. You don't need to handle the event in your Javascript. Hash paths `#/home` match routes without the hash ``.

#### pushState
You can use the [pushstate-anchor]( or [html5-history-anchor]( to extend `` tags with the HTML5 history API.


This will call `pushState()` and dispatch a `popstate` event.

#### go(path, options)
You can call the router from Javascript to navigate imperatively.

// or
document.querySelector('app-router').go('/home', {replace: true});

If you use `go(path, options)` you should also set the mode to `hash` or `pushstate` on the router.



## Data Binding
Path variables and query parameters automatically attach to the element's attributes.

``` html

Order 123


If you're using Polymer, you can also bind path variables and query parameters to templates.

Your order number is {{orderId}}


See it in action [here](!).

## <app-route> options

#### import a custom element
Lazy-load a custom element.



You only need to set the `element` attribute if the element's name is different than the file name.

#### pre-loaded custom element
Include the `element="element-name"` attribute on the route to use a pre-loaded custom element. This is how you use bundled (vulcanized) custom elements.



#### import template
You can import a `` instead of a custom element. Just include the `template` attribute.



#### inline template
Finally, you can in-line a `` like this.


Inline template FTW!


#### regular expressions
Include the `regex` attribute to match on a regular expression. The format is the same as a JavaScript regular expression.



#### redirect
A route can redirect to another path.



When you use `redirect` you should also set `mode="hash|pushstate"` on the `app-router`.

## <app-router> options

#### mode
One set of routes will match regular paths `/` and hash paths `#/`. You can force a specific mode with `mode="auto|hash|pushstate"`.



When left in `auto`, redirects and `go(path, options)` will use hash paths.

#### trailing slashes
By default `/home` and `/home/` are treated as separate routes. You can configure the router to ignore trailing slashes with `trailingSlash="ignore"`.


## Demo Site & Example Setup
Check out the `app-router` in action at [](

You can download an example setup here to get running locally.

Examples showing `app-router` and `flatiron-director` versus no router

## Breaking Changes
Check the [change log]( for breaking changes in major versions.

## Build, Test, and Debug [![Build Status](](
Source files are under the `src` folder. The build process writes to the root directory. The easiest way to debug is to include the source script rather than the minified HTML import.


To build:
- Run `bower install` and `npm install` to install dev dependencies
- Lint, test, build, and minify code with `gulp`
- Manually run functional tests in the browser by starting a static content server (node `http-server` or `python -m SimpleHTTPServer`) and open [http://localhost:8080/tests/functional-tests/](http://localhost:8080/tests/functional-tests/)