
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

:scroll: Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.

nswag nswagstudio odata openapi openapi-client openapi-codegen openapi3 scaffolding swagger visual-studio visual-studio-extension vsix vsix-extensions

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

:scroll: Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.





[Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service]( is a Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022 extension to generate `C#` (`TypeScript`) `HttpClient` (or `C#` `Controllers`) code for `OpenAPI` (formerly [`Swagger API`]( web service with [NSwag](

> Starting from Visual Studio Community 2019 v16.1.3 extensions based on `Microsoft Connected Services` now work fine.

> The project is developed and maintained by [Nikolay Chebotov (**Unchase**)](

## Getting Started

#### **[Read How-To on](**

Install from `Tools -> Extensions and Updates` menu inside [Visual Studio]( 2017 (for [VisualStudio]( 2019: `Extensions -> Manage Extensions`) or [download]( as `VSIX` package from VSGallery or [download]( as `VSIX` package from [Visual Studio Marketplace](

![Adding Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service in Visual Studio](img/Unchase-OpenAPI-Swagger-Connected-Service.gif)

## Builds status

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## Features

- Generate `C#` or `TypeScript` clients/proxies (client code) from Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 specifications
- Generate `C#` ASP.NET Controller from Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 specifications
- **Experimental**: Generate `C#` or `TypeScript` clients/proxies (client code) or ASP.NET Controller from OData specification converted to OpenAPI based on [OpenAPI.NET.OData](
- Generate `.nswag` file for using in [`NSwagStudio`]( (no need to install for generating)
- Add required dependencies for the `C#` client (before generating):
- Library targeting .NET Standard 1.4+:
1. Newtonsoft.Json ([NuGet](
2. System.Net.Http ([NuGet](
3. System.ComponentModel.Annotations ([NuGet](
- Library targeting the full .NET:
1. Newtonsoft.Json ([NuGet](
2. System.Runtime.Serialization (GAC)
3. System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations (GAC)
- Library targeting PCL 259 (Portable Class Library):
1. Newtonsoft.Json ([NuGet](
2. Microsoft.Net.Http ([NuGet](
3. Portable.DataAnnotations ([NuGet](
- Add Required dependences for the `C#` controller (before generating):
1. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc ([NuGet](
- **Command** to open generated `.nswag` and `.nswag.json` files in [NSWagStudio](
- **Command** to compare `.nswag.json` specification file with another `.nswag.json` specification file (or specification given by `endpoint`)
- Storage of the last 10 endpoints (specification path)

## Settings Meaning

Meaning of the Unchase [OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service]( settings according to [NSwagStudio](

![Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service settings meaning](img/Unchase-OpenAPI-Swagger-Connected-Service-Settings-Meaning.png)

## Exclude type names

Since [v1.4.0]( you can exclude type names in separate Window for C# client code generation:

![Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service - exclude type names](img/Csharp-Client-Generation-Exclude-Type-Names.png)

## Generate code from OData specification converted to OpenAPI specification

Since [v1.5.0]( you can generate code from OData specification converted to OpenAPI specification:

![Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service - generate from OData](img/Csharp-Client-Generation-OData.png)

## Custom Commands

### `Open in NSwagStudio` Command

Since *v1.1.** have been added menu command embedded in Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu lets you open generated `.nswag` and `.nswag.json` files in [NSwagStudio](

This extension is for those times where you generate `.nswag` and `.nswag.json` files and you want to be able to quickly open it in [NSwagStudio](

#### Prerequisite

> In order to use this extension, you must have [Visual Studio]( 2017/2019, this connected service as well as [NSwagStudio]( installed.

#### Solution Explorer

You can open `.nswag` and `.nswag.json` files in [NSWagStudio]( by simply right-clicking it in Solution Explorer and select **Open in NSwagStudio**:

![Open in NSwagStudio menu Command](img/OpenWithNSwagCommandMenu.png)

#### Path to NSwagStudio.exe

If you installed [NSwagStudio]( at a non-default location, a prompt will ask for the path to `NSwagStudio.exe`.

You can always change the location in *Tools -> Options -> Web -> Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service*:

![Open in NSwagStudio Option](img/UnchaseOpenAPIConnectedServiceCommandsOptions1.png)

### `Compare OpenAPI-specifications...` Command

Since *v1.2.** have been added menu command embedded in Visual Studio Solution Explorer context menu lets you compare generated `.nswag.json` specification-file with another `.nswag.json` specification-file (or with specification given by `endpoint`).

This extension is for those times where you generate `.nswag.json` file and you want to quickly compare it with another specification or specification given by `endpoint`.

#### Prerequisite

> In order to use this extension, you must have [Visual Studio]( 2017/2019 as well as this connected service.

#### Solution Explorer

You can compare `.nswag.json` specification-file with another `.nswag.json` specification-file (or with specification given by `endpoint`) by simply selecting one or two files and right-clicking them in Solution Explorer and select **Compare OpenAPI-specifications...**:

![Compare OpenAPI Specifications Command](img/CompareOpenAPISpecificationsOneFileCommandMenu.png) ![Compare OpenAPI Specifications Command](img/CompareOpenAPISpecificationsTwoFilesCommandMenu.png)

#### Path to the specification `Endpoint`

You can always change the specification Endpoint to compare with in *Tools -> Options -> Web -> Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service*:

![Compare OpenAPI Specifications Option](img/UnchaseOpenAPIConnectedServiceCommandsOptions2.png)

#### Compare View

![Compare OpenAPI Specifications Command result](img/CompareOpenAPISpecificationsCommandResult.png)

## HowTos

- [ ] Add HowTos in a future
- [ ] ... [request for HowTo you need](

## Troubleshooting

### Can't open .nswag file in NSwagStudio

- You can use **Open in NSwagStudio** menu command
- If generated code corrupted, try to open `.nswag` file in [`NSwagStudio`]( (Windows GUI for editing .*nswag files)
- If it doesn't open, try to create new `.nswag` file in [`NSwagStudio`]( for the same API service link and check the differences

### Installation completes but I can't see the Service in the list of connected services (Visual Studio 2019)

- Relevant [bug report]( `Connected Services` restored in the v16.1.3 update to [Visual Studio]( 2019.

## Roadmap

See the [changelog]( for the further development plans and version history.

## Feedback

Please feel free to add your [review](, [request a feature](, [ask a question]( or [report a bug]( including in connected service:

![Unchase OpenAPI Connected Service Report a Bug](img/Unchase-OpenAPI-Connected-Service-ReportBug.png)

Thank you in advance!

## Thank me!

If you like what I am doing and you would like to thank me, please consider:

[![Buy me a coffe!](img/buymeacoffe.png)](

Thank you for your support!


Copyright © 2019 [Nikolay Chebotov (**Unchase**)]( - Provided under the [Apache License 2.0](