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Yii 2 implementation of Quill, modern WYSIWYG editor

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Yii 2 implementation of Quill, modern WYSIWYG editor




# yii2-quill

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*Yii 2 implementation of Quill, modern WYSIWYG editor.*

## Quill

You can find Quill at
- [Documentation](
- [Guides](
- [Playground](
- [GitHub](

## yii2-quill

### Installation

Run console command

composer require bizley/quill:^3.3

Or add the package to your `composer.json`:

"require": {
"bizley/quill": "^3.3"

and run `composer update`.

### NPM Assets

This package might depend on some NPM packages. Make sure you can fetch them by configuring your
`composer.json` properly (i.e. by using - see instructions there).

### Usage

Use it as an active field extension

= $form->field($model, $attribute)->widget(\bizley\quill\Quill::class, []) ?>

Or as a standalone widget

= \bizley\quill\Quill::widget(['name' => 'editor', 'value' => '']) ?>

### Basic parameters

- **theme** *string* default `'snow'`
`'snow'` (`Quill::THEME_SNOW`) for Quill's [snow theme](,
`'bubble'` (`Quill::THEME_BUBBLE`) for Quill's [bubble theme](,
`false` or `null` to remove theme (you might need to provide your own toolbar in case of no theme).
See [Quill's documentation for themes](

- **toolbarOptions** *boolean|string|array* default `true`
`true` for theme's default toolbar,
`'FULL'` (`Quill::TOOLBAR_FULL`) for full Quill's toolbar,
`'BASIC'` (`Quill::TOOLBAR_BASIC`) for few basic toolbar options,
*array* for toolbar configuration (see below).

### Toolbar

Quill's toolbar from version 1.0 can be easily configured with custom set of buttons.
See [Toolbar module]( documentation for details.

You can pass PHP array to `'toolbarOptions'` parameter to configure this module (it will be JSON-encoded).

For example, to get:

new Quill('#editor', {
modules: {
toolbar: [['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], [{'color': []}]]

add the following code in widget configuration:

'toolbarOptions' => [['bold', 'italic', 'underline'], [['color' => []]]],

## Additional information

### Container and form's inputs

Quill editor is rendered in `div` container (this can be changed by setting `'tag'` parameter) and edited content is
copied to hidden input field so it can be used in forms. You can modify container's HTML attributes by setting
`'options'` parameter and hidden field HTML attributes by setting `'hiddenOptions'` parameter.

### Editor box's height

When `allowResize` option is set to `false` (default) editor's height is *150px* (this can be changed by setting
`'options'` parameter). Setting `allowResize` to `true` resets the minimum height and allows it to be expanded freely.
Editor's box extends as new text lines are added.

### Quill source

By default, Quill is provided through the CDN ( You can change the Quill's version set with the
current yii2-quill's release by changing `'quillVersion'` parameter but some options may not work correctly in this case.
Starting from version 3.0.0 you can use local assets for Quill provided through NPM packet manager - to do
so run

composer require npm-asset/quill:^1.3

Or add the package to your `composer.json`:

"require": {
"npm-asset/quill": "^1.3"

You also need to set `['localAssets' => true]` in Quill's configuration.

### Additional JavaScript code

You can use parameter `'js'` to append additional JS code.
For example, to disable user input Quill's API provides this JS:


To get the same through widget's configuration add the following code:

'js' => '{quill}.enable(false);',

`{quill}` placeholder will be automatically replaced with the editor's object variable name.
For more details about Quill's API visit

### Formula module

Quill can render math formulas using the [KaTeX]( library.
To add this option configure widget with [Formula module](

'modules' => [
'formula' => true, // Include formula module
'toolbarOptions' => [['formula']], // Include button in toolbar

By default, KaTeX is provided through the CDN ( You can change the version of KaTeX by setting
the `'katexVersion'` parameter. Starting from version 3.0.0 you can use local assets for KaTeX provided through NPM
packet manager - to do so run

composer require npm-asset/katex:^0.15

Or add the package to your `composer.json`:

"require": {
"npm-asset/katex": "^0.15"

You also need to set `['localAssets' => true]` in Quill's configuration.

### Syntax Highlighter module

Quill can automatically detect and apply syntax highlighting using the [highlight.js]( library.
To add this option configure widget with [Syntax Highlighter module](

'modules' => [
'syntax' => true, // Include syntax module
'toolbarOptions' => [['code-block']] // Include button in toolbar

By default, highlight.js is provided through the CDN ( You can change the version of
highlight.js by setting the `'highlightVersion'` parameter. Starting from version 3.0.0 you can use local assets for
highlight.js provided through NPM packet manager - to do so run

composer require npm-asset/highlight.js:^11.4

Or add the package to your `composer.json`:

"require": {
"npm-asset/highlight.js": "^11.4"

You also need to set `['localAssets' => true]` in Quill's configuration.

You can change the default highlight.js stylesheet (for both CDN and local version) by setting the `'highlightStyle'`
parameter. See [the list of possible styles](

### Smart Break module

You can add Smart Break (support for shift + enter) by using the
[quill-smart-break]( plugin:

'modules' => [
'smart-breaker' => true,

Starting from version 3.1.0 quill-smart-break is provided through NPM packet manager by local asset. For
previous versions you would have to add it through custom JS (see `js` property).

composer require npm-asset/quill-smart-break:^0.2

Or add the package to your `composer.json`:

"require": {
"npm-asset/quill-smart-break": "^0.2"

You also need to set `['localAssets' => true]` in Quill's configuration.