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Gradle plugin that generates dependency graphs from your project.

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Gradle plugin that generates dependency graphs from your project.




# gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin

Gradle plugin that lets you visualize your dependencies in a graph.

# Set up

[Gradle 3.3]( or higher is required.

buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin:0.8.0"

apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator"

Note that this plugin can be applied at the root of the project or at a specific project. Both cases will just work.

### Snapshot

buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "com.vanniktech:gradle-dependency-graph-generator-plugin:0.9.0-SNAPSHOT"

apply plugin: "com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator"

## Usage

By default, this plugin provides two reporting tasks:

| `generateDependencyGraph` | `generateProjectDependencyGraph` |
| ![Dependency Graph](art/dependency-graph.svg) | ![Project Dependency Graph](art/project-dependency-graph.svg) |
| Generates a **complete** dependency graph in `build/reports/dependency-graph/` | Generates a dependency graph of the **project modules** in `build/reports/project-dependency-graph/` |

_Source project: [vanniktech/Emoji](

The graphs are generated in `.png`, `.svg` & `.dot` format.

There are extension points to be able to generate graphs which only include some dependencies and their transitive ones. The trick is to hook a [Generator](./src/main/kotlin/com/vanniktech/dependency/graph/generator/DependencyGraphGeneratorExtension.kt) in over the `dependencyGraphGenerator` extension. Note that this is extremely experimental and will likely change between releases. It's still fun though.

### Generator Example

We only want to show which Jetbrains libraries we're using.

import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorPlugin
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Color
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Style


dependencyGraphGenerator {
generators {
jetbrainsLibraries {
include = { dependency -> dependency.getModuleGroup().startsWith("org.jetbrains") } // Only want Jetbrains.
children = { true } // Include transitive dependencies.
dependencyNode = { node, dependency -> node.add(Style.FILLED, Color.rgb("#AF1DF5")) } // Give them some color.

The same can be done using Kotlin

import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorExtension
import com.vanniktech.dependency.graph.generator.DependencyGraphGeneratorPlugin
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Color
import guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Style


configure {
generators.create("jetbrainsLibraries") {
include = { dependency -> dependency.moduleGroup.startsWith("org.jetbrains") } // Only want Jetbrains.
children = { true } // Include transitive dependencies.
dependencyNode = { node, dependency -> node.add(Style.FILLED, Color.rgb("#AF1DF5")) } // Give them some color.

This will generate a new task `generateDependencyGraphJetbrainsLibraries` which when run will yield this graph:

![Example Jetbrains graph](art/dependency-graph-jetbrains-libraries.svg)

# License

Copyright (C) 2018 Vanniktech - Niklas Baudy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0