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An Awesome list of posts, videos and tutorials on Micro Frontends




# Awesome Micro Frontends

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微前端是一种类似于微服务的架构,它将微服务的理念应用于浏览器端,即将 Web 应用由单一的单体应用转变为**多个小型前端应用聚合为一的应用**。各个前端应用还可以**独立运行**、**独立开发**、**独立部署**。


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### 框架

- [Mooa](
- [Single-Spa](
- [Qiankun](
- [Icestark](
- [Ara Framework](
- [OpenComponents](
- [NUT](
- [PuzzleJs](

### 中文资源

- [黄峰达 - 为什么微前端开始在流行:后端解耦,前端聚合](
- [黄峰达 - 微前端的那些事儿](
- [李熠 - 微前端说明书](
- [Belllee - 微前端简介](
- [方应杭 - 微前端入门](
- [Vincent.W - 了解什么是微前端](
- [王下邀月熊 - 微前端的设计理念与实践初探](
- [云峰yf -【译】我不懂微前端(前端微服务)](
- [云峰yf - 【译】采用微前端架构](
- [黄峰达 - 微前端如何落地?](
- [黄峰达 - 实施前端微服务化的六七种方式](
- [Fundebug - 如何实现前端微服务化](
- [Supernavy - 个推前端微服务化:突破传统SPA瓶颈](
- [Trotyl Yu - 精致化的微前端开发之旅](
- [每日优鲜大前端团队 - 每日优鲜供应链前端团队微前端改造](
- [美团技术团队 - 用微前端的方式搭建类单页应用](
- [美团技术团队 - 微前端在美团外卖的实践](
- [字节跳动技术团队 - 字节跳动的微前端沙盒实践](
- [爱奇艺号 - 微前端架构实践](
- [前端之巅 - 网易严选企业级微前端解决方案与落地实践](
- [Kuitos - 可能是你见过最完善的微前端解决方案](
- [徐海峰 - 使用 Angular 打造微前端架构的 ToB 企业级应用](
- [张亚涛 - 带你手写微前端框架](
- [张亚涛 - 微内核架构在大型前端系统中的应用](
- [Kiliwalk - 微前端实践](

#### 系列教程

- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案1 - 思考](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案2 - Single-SPA](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案3 - 模块加载器](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案4 - 消息总线](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案5 - 路由分发](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案6 - 构建与部署](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案7 - 静态数据共享](
- [ - 前端微服务化解决方案8 - 二次构建](

#### 第十四届 D2 微前端专场

- [语雀 - 云生态新物种 —— 微前端架构体系](
- [语雀 - 标准微前端架构在蚂蚁的落地实践](
- [语雀 - 微前端沙盒体系](

#### Angular

- [AngularInDepth - 构建微前端 Angular Elements](

#### React

- [Ve - 微前端(singleSpa + React )试玩](
- [王下邀月熊 - 基于 React & TypeScript & Webpack 的微前端应用模板](

#### Vue

- [王圣松 - Single-Spa + Vue Cli 微前端落地指南](

### 示例

- [Joeldenning - Vue Microfrontends](
- [CanopyTax - single-spa-examples](

### 书籍

- [黄峰达 - 前端架构:从入门到微前端](
- [Michael Geers - Micro Frontends in Action](

### 英文资源

> 下列英文资源主要来源于 [Rajasegar - awesome-micro-frontends]( 项目,感谢 Rajasegar Chandran 的无私分享。

#### Concepts

- [](
- [Micro frontends — a microservice approach to front-end web development ](

#### Posts

- [Building Micro Frontends with React, Vue, and Single-spa](
- [6 Patterns for Microfrontends](
- [Micro Frontends by Cam Jackson](
- [Micro frontends - a microservice approach to front-end web development](
- [Microservices to Micro-Frontends](
- [Cookie Cutter Scaling](
- [Microservice Websites](
- [What is a micro frontend](
- [ThoughtWorks Technology Radar](
- [Dynamic vs. static ui composition](
- [Micro-libraries: The Future of front-end development](
- [The monolithic frontend in the microservices architecture](
- [A Software Architect's Approach towards MicroFrontends](
- [An approach to building Scalable Web Apps](
- [A Take on Micro-Frontends](
- [Building Microfrontends - Series](
- [Including Front-End Web Components Into Microservices](
- [Microservice Grid and Micro Frontends](
- [Microservice Websites](
- [Microservices to Micro-Frontends by Sandeep Jain](
- [Front-end microservices with Web Components](
- [Supporting Micro-frontends with ASP.NET Core MVC](
- [Building micro frontends — angular elements](
- [Micro Front-Ends: Webpack Manifest](
- [My experience using micro frontends by David Den Toom](
- [Page Building using Micro-Frontends and Server-Side Include](
- [Strangling a Monolith to Micro-frontends with Laravel, Vue.js, and Hypernova](
- [Serverless Micro-frontends using Vue.js, AWS Lambda, and Hypernova](
- [Using Micro-Frontends in WordPress with Gutenberg Blocks](
- [Taming the Frontend Monolith](
- [Micro-frontend Architecture: Replacing a Monolith from the Inside Out](
- [Breaking down the last Monolith - Micro Frontends](

#### Videos

- [Micro Frontend - Web Rebels, Oslo 2018](
- [Break Up With Your Frontend Monolith - JS Kongress 2017](
- [Youtube Playlist - Micro Frontend Talks](
- [Micro­service Websites by Gustaf Nilsson Kotte](
- [Breaking The Monolith](
- [Microservice UI Composition](
- [Introduction to Piral](

#### Slides

- [Micro Frontends - 2017](
- [Micro Frontend - Web Rebels, Oslo 2018](
- [Migrating from Monolith to Microfrontends](
- [Microservice Websites (microXchg 2017)](
- [Microservice Websites Presentation](
- [Avoid the Monolith by Michael Geers](
- [Micro Frontends by Michael Geers](
- [Micro Frontends - The Nitty Gritty Details or Frontend, Backend, 🌈 Happyend](
- [Micro Frontends by Assaf Gannon](
- [Micro Frontends by Srikanth Jallapuram](
- [Micro Frontends: Building a modern webapp with multiple teams by Michael Geers](
- [Introduction to micro frontends by Kuba Holak](
- [Microfrontends architecture by Lucca Mezzalira](
- [Lets talk about Micro Frontends](
- [Micro Frontends - a strive for fully verticalized systems](
- [Building micro-frontends by Luca Mezzalira](

#### Experience Reports

- [Upwork: Modernizing Upwork with Micro Frontends](
- [allegro: Managing Frontend in the Microservices Architecture](
- [Hello Fresh: Front-end Microservices](
- [OpenTable: Microservices in the Frontend World](
- [OpenTable: Dismantling the monolith](
- [5 years of OpenComponents](
- [AutoScout24: UI Composition](
- [Klarna Checkout](
- [Spotify: Technology Stack](
- [Let's build a Webshop out of Micro Frontends](
- [Using Micro-Frontends to Permanently Solve the Legacy JavaScript Problem](
- [Micro Frontends with Gustaf Nilsson Kotte](
- [Experiences Using Micro Frontends at IKEA](
- [Microservice Websites: Building consumer-facing websites with multiple teams](

#### Related

- [Angular_MicroApps_Different_Technologies](
- [A tiny, fast, zero-dependency event emitter](
- [Exercises for course "Integrating microservices on the frontend"](
- [Extending the microservice paradigms to web development](
- [Micromono](
- [Microservices in the frontend with BFFs providing their own bundles and API.](
- [Proxy middleware for express that enables composition of microservices.](
- [Service Oriented Front-end](
- [Simulate a micro frontend project using NodeJS, React and NGinx Reverse Proxy in Alpine Docker images](

#### Platforms

- [Mashroom Server](
- [Piral](

#### Awesome Micro Frontends

- [Rajasegar - awesome-micro-frontends](
- [ChristianUlbrich - awesome-microfrontends](

## 贡献

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