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EquiBind: geometric deep learning for fast predictions of the 3D structure in which a small molecule binds to a protein

drug-discovery equivariance geometry graph-neural-networks molecules protein-structure proteins

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EquiBind: geometric deep learning for fast predictions of the 3D structure in which a small molecule binds to a protein




# EquiBind: Geometric Deep Learning for Drug Binding Structure Prediction

### [Paper on arXiv](

**Before using EquiBind, also consider checking out our new approach called DiffDock which improves over EquiBind in multiple ways.
The DiffDock [GitHub]( and [paper](**

EquiBind, is a
SE(3)-equivariant geometric deep learning model
performing direct-shot prediction of both i) the receptor binding location (blind docking) and ii) the
ligand’s bound pose and orientation. EquiBind
achieves significant speed-ups
compared to traditional and recent baselines.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to open an issue or ask me
via [[email protected]]([email protected])
or [social media]( or Octavian Ganea via [[email protected]]([email protected]). We are happy to hear from you!



# Dataset

Our preprocessed data (see dataset section in the paper Appendix) is available from [zenodo]( \
The files in `data` contain the names for the time-based data split.

If you want to train one of our models with the data then:
1. download it from [zenodo](
2. unzip the directory and place it into `data` such that you have the path `data/PDBBind`

# Use provided model weights to predict binding structure of your own protein-ligand pairs:

## Step 1: What you need as input

Ligand files of the formats ``.mol2`` or ``.sdf`` or ``.pdbqt`` or ``.pdb`` whose names contain the string `ligand` (your ligand files should contain **all** hydrogens). \
Receptor files of the format ``.pdb`` whose names contain the string `protein`. We ran [reduce]( on our training proteins. Maybe you also want to run it on your protein.\
For each complex you want to predict you need a directory containing the ligand and receptor file. Like this:
│ name1_protein.pdb
│ name1_ligand.sdf
│ name2_protein.pdb
│ name2_ligand.mol2

## Step 2: Setup Environment

We will set up the environment using [Anaconda]( Clone the
current repo

git clone

Create a new environment with all required packages using `environment.yml`. If you have a CUDA GPU run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

If you instead only have a CPU run:

conda env create -f environment_cpuonly.yml

Activate the environment

conda activate equibind

Here are the requirements themselves for the case with a CUDA GPU if you want to install them manually instead of using the `environment.yml`:
pytorch 1.10

## Step 3: Predict Binding Structures!

In the config file `configs_clean/inference.yml` set the path to your input data folder `inference_path: path_to/my_data_folder`.
Then run:

python --config=configs_clean/inference.yml

Done! :tada: \
Your results are saved as `.sdf` files in the directory specified
in the config file under ``output_directory: 'data/results/output'`` and as tensors at ``runs/flexible_self_docking/``!

# Inference for multiple ligands in the same .sdf file and a single receptor

python -o path/to/output_directory -r path/to/receptor.pdb -l path/to/ligands.sdf

This runs EquiBind on every ligand in ligands.sdf against the protein in receptor.pdb. The outputs are 3 files in output_directory with the following names and contents:

failed.txt - contains the index (in the file ligands.sdf) and name of every molecule for which inference failed in a way that was caught and handled.\
success.txt - contains the index (in the file ligands.sdf) and name of every molecule for which inference succeeded.\
output.sdf - contains the conformers produced by EquiBind in .sdf format.

# Reproducing paper numbers
Download the data and place it as described in the "Dataset" section above.
### Using the provided model weights
To predict binding structures using the provided model weights run:

python --config=configs_clean/inference_file_for_reproduce.yml

This will give you the results of *EquiBind-U* and then those of *EquiBind* after running the fast ligand point cloud fitting corrections. \
The numbers are a bit better than what is reported in the paper. We will put the improved numbers into the next update of the paper.
### Training a model yourself and using those weights
To train the model yourself, run:

python --config=configs_clean/RDKitCoords_flexible_self_docking.yml

The model weights are saved in the `runs` directory.\
You can also start a tensorboard server ``tensorboard --logdir=runs`` and watch the model train. \
To evaluate the model on the test set, change the ``run_dirs:`` entry of the config file `inference_file_for_reproduce.yml` to point to the directory produced in `runs`.
Then you can run``python --config=configs_clean/inference_file_for_reproduce.yml`` as above!
## Reference

:page_with_curl: Paper [on arXiv](
title={Equibind: Geometric deep learning for drug binding structure prediction},
author={St{\"a}rk, Hannes and Ganea, Octavian and Pattanaik, Lagnajit and Barzilay, Regina and Jaakkola, Tommi},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},