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This bundle allows you to integrate the jQuery FullCalendar plugin into your Symfony2 application.

Last synced: 16 days ago
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This bundle allows you to integrate the jQuery FullCalendar plugin into your Symfony2 application.




CalendarBundle - jQuery FullCalendar bundle.
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This bundle allows you to integrate the [jQuery FullCalendar]( plugin into your Symfony2 application.

Once installed, this bundle will use event listeners to load events from any bundle in your application.


Before installing, please note that this bundle has a dependency on the [FOSJsRouting]( bundle to expose the calendar AJAX event loader route. Please ensure that the FOSJsRouting bundle is installed and configured before continuing.

### Through Composer (Symfony 2.1+):

Add the following lines in your `composer.json` file:

composer require adesigns/calendar-bundle

Register the bundle in `app/AppKernel.php`:

``` php
// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
return array(
// ...
new ADesigns\CalendarBundle\ADesignsCalendarBundle(),

Register the routing in `app/config/routing.yml`:

``` yml
# app/config/routing.yml

resource: "@ADesignsCalendarBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"

Publish the assets:

$ php app/console assets:install web


Add the required stylesheet and javascripts to your layout:



Then, in the template where you wish to display the calendar, add the following twig:

{% include 'ADesignsCalendarBundle::calendar.html.twig' %}

Adding Events

The best part about this bundle is that you can add events to the calendar from any part of your application. The calendar loads events via AJAX, and dispatches an event to load calendar events from your application.

When a request is made to load events for a given start/end time, the bundle dispatches a `calendar.load_events` event. Adding event listeners is an easy 2 step process

Create an Event Listener class in your bundle:

``` php
// src/Acme/DemoBundle/EventListener/CalendarEventListener.php

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener;

use ADesigns\CalendarBundle\Event\CalendarEvent;
use ADesigns\CalendarBundle\Entity\EventEntity;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;

class CalendarEventListener
private $entityManager;

public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;

public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
$startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
$endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();

// The original request so you can get filters from the calendar
// Use the filter in your query for example

$request = $calendarEvent->getRequest();
$filter = $request->get('filter');

// load events using your custom logic here,
// for instance, retrieving events from a repository

$companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('AcmeDemoBundle:MyCompanyEvents')
->where('company_events.event_datetime BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate')
->setParameter('startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))
->setParameter('endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))

// $companyEvents and $companyEvent in this example
// represent entities from your database, NOT instances of EventEntity
// within this bundle.
// Create EventEntity instances and populate it's properties with data
// from your own entities/database values.

foreach($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {

// create an event with a start/end time, or an all day event
if ($companyEvent->getAllDayEvent() === false) {
$eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getTitle(), $companyEvent->getStartDatetime(), $companyEvent->getEndDatetime());
} else {
$eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getTitle(), $companyEvent->getStartDatetime(), null, true);

//optional calendar event settings
$eventEntity->setAllDay(true); // default is false, set to true if this is an all day event
$eventEntity->setBgColor('#FF0000'); //set the background color of the event's label
$eventEntity->setFgColor('#FFFFFF'); //set the foreground color of the event's label
$eventEntity->setUrl(''); // url to send user to when event label is clicked
$eventEntity->setCssClass('my-custom-class'); // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels

//finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar

Additional properties and customization of each event on the calendar can be found in the Entity/EventEntity class.

Then, add the listener to your services:
``` xml


And that's it! When the `ADesignsCalendarBundle::calendar.html.twig` template is rendered, any events within the current month/day/year will be pulled from your application.

Extending the Calendar Javascript

You may want to customize the FullCalendar javascript to meet your applications needs. In order to do this, you can
copy the calendar-settings.js in Resources/public/js, and modify it to fit your needs. For instance, you can pass
custom filters to your event listeners by adding extra parameters in the eventSources method:

``` javascript
eventSources: [
url: Routing.generate('fullcalendar_loader'),
type: 'POST',
// A way to add custom filters to your event listeners
data: {
filter: 'my_custom_filter_param'
error: function() {
//alert('There was an error while fetching Google Calendar!');