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HTML to PDF converter based on markdown-to-pdf

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HTML to PDF converter based on markdown-to-pdf




# html5-to-pdf

> Node module that converts HTML files to PDFs.

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The PDF looks great because it is styled by HTML5 Boilerplate or Bootstrap. What? - Yes! HTML is pushed into the HTML5 template `index.html`. Electron renders the page and saves it to a PDF. You can customize the page by adding custom CSS and JS assets.


* Uses [Puppeteer]( in order to get more fine-grain PDF options.
* Use async/await and ES6 - no more coffee-script
* For migration in your current code, consider using the new `async` functionality in your existing promise chains (see example)

## Getting started

`npm install --save html5-to-pdf`


`npm install --global html5-to-pdf`

## Out in the Wild

### [CV](

Uses `webpack` and `webpack-dev-server` to let you see your changes live, and has the option to publish to HTML or PDF.

## Output Example usage

const HTML5ToPDF = require("../lib")
const path = require("path")

const run = async () => {
const html5ToPDF = new HTML5ToPDF({
inputPath: path.join(__dirname, "assets", "basic.html"),
outputPath: path.join(__dirname, "..", "tmp", "output.pdf"),
templatePath: path.join(__dirname, "templates", "basic"),
include: [
path.join(__dirname, "assets", "basic.css"),
path.join(__dirname, "assets", "custom-margin.css"),

await html5ToPDF.start()
await html5ToPDF.close()

(async () => {
try {
await run()
} catch (error) {
process.exitCode = 1
} finally {



## Typescript

A Typescript definition for this library can be obtained by installing [@types/html5-to-pdf](

## Reference

### Options

Options are passed into the constructor.

#### options.inputPath

Type: `String`
Required: true

Path to the input HTML

#### options.inputBody

Type: `String` or `Buffer`

Path to the input html as a `String`, or `Buffer`. If specified this will override inputPath.

#### options.outputPath

Type: `String`

Path to the output pdf file.

#### options.include

Type: `Array`

An array of strings or objects containing a type of `['css', 'js']` and a filePath pointing to the asset.


// ...


"type": "css",
"filePath": "/path/to/asset.css"
// ...

#### options.renderDelay

Type: `Number`
Default value: `0`

Delay in milli-seconds before rendering the PDF (give HTML and CSS a chance to load)

#### options.template

Type: `String`
Default value: `html5bp`

The template to use when rendering the html. You can choose between `html5bp` (HTML5 Boilerplate) or `htmlbootstrap` (Boostrap 3.1.1)

#### options.templatePath

Type: `String`
Default value: the `html5-to-pdf/templates/#{options.template}`

The template to use for rendering the html. If this is set, it will use this instead of the template path.

#### options.templateUrl

Type: `String`

The url to use for rendering the html. If this is set, this will be used for serving up the html. This will override `options.templatePath` and `options.template`

#### options.pdf

Type: `Object`

This object will be passed directly to [puppeteer]( The full list of options can be found [here](

#### options.launchOptions

Type: `Object`

This object will be passed directly to [puppeteer]( The full list of options can be found [here](

### Legacy Options


See `options.pdf` above for pdf options. Since some of these options are converted over to work with [puppeteer](, this is automatically done if `options.pdf` is left empty.

#### options.options.pageSize **[COMPATIBLE]**

Type: `String`
Default value: `A4`

'A3', 'A4', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'

#### options.options.landscape **[COMPATIBLE]**

Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `false`

true for landscape, false for portrait.

#### options.options.marginsType **[NOT COMPATIBLE]**

Type: `Number`
Default value: `0`

* 0 - default
* 1 - none
* 2 - minimum

#### options.options.printBackground **[COMPATIBLE]**

Type: `Boolean`
Default value: `false`

Whether to print CSS backgrounds.


## CLI interface

### Installation

To use html5-to-pdf as a standalone program from the terminal run

npm install --global html5-to-pdf

### Usage

Usage: html5-to-pdf [options]


-V, --version output the version number
-i --include .. path to either a javascript asset, or a css asset
--page-size [size] 'A3', 'A4', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'
--landscape If set it will change orientation to landscape from portriat
--print-background Whether to print CSS backgrounds
-t --template [template] The template to used. Defaults to html5bp.
--template-path [/path/to/template/folder] Specifies the template folder path for static assets, this will override template.
--template-url [http://localhost:8080] Specifies the template url to use. Cannot be used with --template-path.
-d --render-delay [milli-seconds] Delay before rendering the PDF (give HTML and CSS a chance to load)
-o --output Path of where to save the PDF
-h, --help output usage information


## Note for running in docker

See [Example Dockerfile](/examples/Dockerfile). Make sure to container with

docker build -t local/html5-to-pdf-example -f examples/Dockerfile .
docker run --rm -i --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN local/html5-to-pdf-example

Refer to puppeteer [documentation](


### Note for running headlessly on Linux

_(like on a server without X)_:

html5-to-pdf uses Puppeteer, which Google Chrome Headlessly, which in turn relies on an X server to render the pdf.
If for whatever reason it can't find a running X server, it will silently fail.

To fix, just run whatever display server you prefer (that's implementing X).
If you have no X server, chances are you are running on a headless server anyway, in which case there is no point in running a full-blown GUI (that's not facing any users).
You can instead use [Xvfb](, a virtual frame buffer.

#### Depedency Installation

# (might need sudo)
apt-get install -y libgtk2.0-0 libgconf-2-4 libasound2 libxtst6 libxss1 libnss3 xvfb

#### Environment Setup

# (might need sudo)
Xvfb -ac -screen scrn 1280x2000x24 :9.0 &
export DISPLAY=:9.0

#### Troubleshooting

It's ok if Xvfb can't find fonts or shows other warnings.
If Xvfb can't start, it probably thinks there's another X server running. Check that.
If there is no other X server running but Xvfb insists there is, run this:

# (might need sudo)
rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
rm /tmp/.X1