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Data structures and algorithms in X minutes. Code examples from my YouTube channel.

algorithms b-trees bellman-ford-algorithm binary-search breadth-first-search computer-science data-structures depth-first-search dijkstras-algorithm floyd-warshall-algorithm ford-fulkerson-algorithm kruskals-algorithm maximum-flow minimum-spanning-trees prims-algorithm red-black-trees search-algorithms shortest-path-algorithms sorting-algorithms tree-traversal

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Data structures and algorithms in X minutes. Code examples from my YouTube channel.




# Data Structures & Algorithms

Code examples from my [YouTube channel](
The code may differ on some videos, as I've added to this retroactively.

## Topics

| Topic | Description | Playlist | Code |
| ----- | ----------- | -------- | -----|
| CS Tutorials | All of my computer science tutorials in one playlist. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Analyzing Algorithms | Time complexity of algorithms including 𝚯, O, and 𝛀. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Data Structures | The building blocks! | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Minimum Spanning Trees | Greedy algorithms for finding a minimum spanning tree in a weighted, undirected graph. Prim's = pick a node. Kruskal's = iterate through edges. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Shortest Path Algos | Dijkstra's = shortest path from one node to all nodes. Bellman–Ford = shortest path from one node to all nodes, negative edges allowed (not negative cycles). Floyd–Warshall = shortest path between all pairs of vertices, negative edges allowed (not negative cycles). | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Maximum Flow Algos | Algorithms that compute the maximum flow in a flow network. Ford–Fulkerson = greedy. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Search Algos | Searching arrays and tree data structures. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Sort Algos | Sorting unordered arrays. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Tree Traversal Algos | Traversing binary search trees. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Red-Black Trees | Self-balancing binary search trees with red and black nodes. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| AVL Trees | Self-balancing binary search trees with nodes that have a balance factor of -1, 0, or 1. Balance factor = height of left child - height of right child. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| B-Trees | Self-balancing search trees with nodes that may have more than two children. Well suited for databases and file systems. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Heaps | Nearly complete binary trees useful for priority queues (min–heaps) and heap sort (max–heaps). | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |
| Fibonacci Heaps | Data structure that implements a mergeable heap. | [Playlist]( | [Code]( |

## Additional Learning

* [Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS)](
* [Algorithms](
* [Big-O Cheat Sheet](
* [Python Time Complexities](
* [Coding Interview University](

## Languages

Subtitles are posted in the languages below. If I missed yours, send me a note.

* Arabic
* Bangla
* Chinese
* Croatian
* Czech
* Danish
* Dutch
* English
* French
* German
* Hebrew
* Hindi
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Marathi
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Spanish
* Swahili
* Tamil
* Telugu
* Turkish
* Ukrainian
* Urdu
* Vietnamese