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Real world Fast-API application template using gino(Async ORM) based on hexagonal architecture

async async-orm dependency-injection docker fastapi fastapi-template flake8 gino hexagonal-architecture jenkins pgadmin4 postgresql python3 python38 realworld realworld-application sonarqube swagger tutorial

Last synced: 12 days ago
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Real world Fast-API application template using gino(Async ORM) based on hexagonal architecture




> ### 🛠 Status: WIP
> *Under developement, WIP. Be patient.*

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A real wolrd template project using Fastapi framework as well as a full implementation of CI/CD.

Introduction to many of FastAPI's features, including pydantic models, dependency injection, and Gino (Async ORM) integration, using hexagonal architecture.

This repository contains a skeleton app which can be used to speed-up your next project.

- **Fast-API:** Asynchronous RESTful API Framework
- **Gino:** Async ORM used with AsyncPG and postgreSQL
- **Alembic:** Database migrations
- **hexagonal architecture:** Bettre code organisation
- **Pipenv:** Package manager (Also creating virtual environement)
- **Pytest:** Run unit test with code coverage
- **JWT:** Token authentication.
- **PGAdmin4:** Client for postgreSQL
- **Makefile:** Building project
- **SonarQube:** Analysing code and interpreting pytest and cov report
- **Flake8, Mypy:** Lint code
- **Isort, Black, Autoflake:** Formating code
- **Bandit:** Check for vulnerabilities
- **Docker:** Packaging and deployment
- **Jenkins:** CI/CD

for running the server locally
- first install pipenv
pip install pipenv

- setup a local environnement
source setup/scripts/

- install the dependencies locally
pipenv run make install-dev-deps

The command above will install for you a separate environnement and installing all dependencies

- run unit test
pipenv run make test

- run the local server with localhost:8080
pipenv run make run

Deployment with Docker
You must have docker and docker-compose tools installed in your system. Then just run:

make build-dev
make run-dev-containers

This will build the images and run 3 containers (Fastapi application, PostgreSQL, PGAdmin 4) in developement environnement.

If you want to run the containers in production environnement, you can do the following:

make build-prod
make run-prod-containers

Your can find the files to configure each environnement in the root directory:
- env-develop.env
- env-production.env

Application will be available on localhost in your browser.

All routes are available on /docs paths with Swagger

Sonar Qube


Project structure

Files related to application are in the ``src`` or ``tests`` directories.
Application parts are:

├── api - web related stuff.
├── core - application configuration, server management, logging.
├── domain - Business logic.
├── infrastructure - external services of the application like db.
└── - FastAPI application entry point.

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature)
3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add My Feature')
4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature)
5. Open a Pull Request

* Mail: [email protected]

Release Notes