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Development Kit for building Smart Account Modules

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Development Kit for building Smart Account Modules




# ModuleKit

**A development kit for building and testing smart account modules**

ModuleKit allows you to:

- **Easily build smart account modules** with interfaces for:
- Validators
- Executors
- Hooks
- **Unit test** your modules using a dedicated helper library
- **Integration test** your modules using different modular ERC-4337 accounts and a helper library that abstracts away the complexity

In-depth documentation is available at [](

> The ModuleKit is in active development and is subject to breaking changes. If you spot a bug, please take out an issue and we will fix it as soon as we can.

## Using the ModuleKit

### Installation

#### Using our template

Use the [module-template]( to create a new repo and install the dependencies:

pnpm install

#### Using git submodules

forge install rhinestonewtf/modulekit
cd lib/modulekit
pnpm install

#### Using a package manager

pnpm install @rhinestone/modulekit --shamefully-hoist
cp node_modules/@rhinestone/modulekit/remappings.txt remappings.txt

### Usage

The ModuleKit can be used to **build**, **test** and **deploy** smart account modules. The full documentation is available at [](, but the following aims to provide a quick overview.

### Building modules

Import Module bases from `modulekit/Modules.sol`. The core bases include:

- `ERC7579ValidatorBase`: A base for building validators
- `ERC7579ExecutorBase`: A base for building executors
- `ERC7579HookBase`: A base for building hooks
- `ERC7579HookDestruct`: A base for building hooks with destructured calldata (e.g. `onExecute` or `onInstallModule`)
- `ERC7579FallbackBase`: A base for building fallbacks

We also provide more advanced bases like:

- `SchedulingBase`: A base for building schedule-based executors
- `ERC7484RegistryAdapter`: A base for querying the Module Registry

### Testing modules

The ModuleKit provides an integration test suite for testing your modules across different modular accounts. To use the test suite, inherit from `RhinestoneModuleKit` and create an account instance using `makeAccountInstance(accountName)`. To learn more about using this instance, visit the documentation for our [integration test suite](

You can then run the tests using the following commands:

forge test

Using a different account type (one of `SAFE` and `KERNEL`):


To validate the ERC-4337 rules:

SIMULATE=true forge test

To calculate gas consumption of modules using `instance.log4337Gas("identifier")`:

GAS=true forge test

### Deploying modules

To deploy modules using the [Module Registry](, you can use the `RegistryDeployer` in a foundry script. You can then deploy your module using the following command:

address module = deployModule({
code: bytecode,
deployParams: deployParams,
salt: bytes32(0),
data: additionalData

## Module Examples

For module examples, check out our [core modules]( or our [experimental modules]( and for module inspiration see our [module idea list]( For general examples, check out the [awesome modular accounts repo](

## Using this repo

To install dependencies, run:

pnpm install

To build the project, run:

pnpm build

To run tests, run:

pnpm test

To run the linter, run:

pnpm lint:sol

## Contributing

For feature or change requests, feel free to open a PR, start a discussion or get in touch with us.