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Version 2.1.0 released

cluster-analysis clustering genomics lsh-forest pca rna-seq singlecell

Last synced: 24 days ago
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Version 2.1.0 released




The latest version of dropClust is now available in desktop and online versions.

New Additions

Improved Interoperability | Integrative Analysis | Online web-server |
SingleCellExperiment Container | | |

dropClust Online

Visit []( for the online version.

- [Installation](#desktop-installation)
- [Tutorial](#vignette-tutorial)
- [Setting-up](#setting-up-directories)
- [Loading data](#loading-data)
- [Pre-processing](#pre-processing)
- [Sampling](#structure-preserving-sampling)
- [Clustering](#clustering)
- [Visualizing](#visualizing-clusters)
- [Differential gene analysis](#find-cluster-specific-differentially-expressed-genes)
- [Plot marker genes](#plot-hand-picked-marker-genes)
- [Draw heatmap](#draw-heatmap)
- [Integrative Analysis](#integrative-analysis)

Desktop Installation

The developer version of the R package can be installed with the following R commands:

``` r
install_github("debsin/dropClust", dependencies = T)

Vignette tutorial
This vignette uses a small data set from the 10X website (3K PBMC dataset [here]( ) to demonstrate a standard pipeline. This vignette can be used as a tutorial as well.

Setting up directories

``` r


Loading data

dropClust loads UMI count expression data from three input files. The files follow the same structure as the datasets available from the 10X website, i.e.:

- count matrix file in sparse format
- transcriptome identifiers as a TSV file and
- gene identifiers as a TSV file

``` r
# Load Data, path contains decompressed files
sce <-readfiles(path = "C:/Projects/dropClust/data/pbmc3k/hg19/")

dropClust performs pre-processing to remove poor quality cells and genes. dropClust is also equipped to mitigate batch-effects that may be present. The user does not need to provide any information regarding the source of the batch for individual transcriptomes. However, the batch-effect removal step is optional.

Cells are filtered based on the total UMI count in a cell specified by parameter `min_count`. Poor quality genes are removed based on the minimum number of cells `min_count` with expressions above a given threshold `min_count`.

``` r
# Filter poor quality cells. A threshold th corresponds to the total count of a cell.

### Data normalization and removing poor quality genes

Count normalization is then performed with the good quality genes only. Normalized expression values is computed on the raw count data in a SingleCellExperiment object, using the median normalized total count.


### Selecting highly variable genes
Further gene selection is carried out by ranking the genes based on its dispersion index.

# Select Top Dispersed Genes by setting ngenes_keep.
sce<-RankGenes(sce, ngenes_keep = 1000)

Structure Preserving Sampling

Primary clustering is performed in a fast manner to estimate a gross structure of the data. Each of these clusters is then sampled to fine tune the clustering process.

``` r



Gene selection based on PCA
Another gene selection is performed to reduce the number of dimensions. PCA is used to identify genes affecting major components.

``` r

# Find PCA top 200 genes. This may take some time.



### Fine tuning the clustering process

By default best-fit, Louvain based clusters are returned. However, the user can tune the parameters to produce the desired number of clusters. The un-sampled transcriptomes are assigned cluster identifiers from among those identifiers produced from fine-tuning clustering. The post-hoc assignment can be controlled by setting the confidence value `conf`. High `conf` values will assign cluster identifiers to only those transcriptomes sharing a majority of common nearest neighbours.

``` r
# When `method = hclust`
# Adjust Minimum cluster size with argument minClusterSize (default = 20)
# Adjust tree cut with argument level deepSplit (default = 3), higher value produces more clusters.
sce<-Cluster(sce, method = "default", conf = 0.8)

Visualizing clusters

Compute 2D embeddings for samples followed by post-hoc clustering.

``` r

sce<-PlotEmbedding(sce, embedding = "umap", spread = 10, min_dist = 0.1)

plot_data = data.frame("Y1" = reducedDim(sce,"umap")[,1], Y2 = reducedDim(sce, "umap")[,2], color = sce$ClusterIDs)

ScatterPlot(plot_data,title = "Clusters")


Find cluster specific Differentially Expressed genes

``` r

DE_genes_all = FindMarkers(sce, selected_clusters=NA, lfc_th = 1, q_th =0.001, nDE=30)

file = file.path(tempdir(),"ct_genes.csv"),
quote = FALSE)


Plot hand picked marker genes

``` r

marker_genes = c("S100A8", "GNLY", "PF4")

p<-PlotMarkers(sce, marker_genes)

Heat map of top DE genes from each cluster

``` r
# Draw heatmap
p<-PlotHeatmap(sce, DE_res = DE_genes_all$DE_res,nDE = 10)


Integrative analysis

## Loading datasets

Each dataset represents one batch and must be a `SingleCellExperiment` object. The objects are are merged by passing a list in the next step.

``` r


objects = list()

objects[[1]] = sce_sc_10x_qc

objects[[2]] = sce_sc_CELseq2_qc

objects[[3]] = sce_sc_Dropseq_qc

## Merge datasets using dropClust

Datasets can be merged in two ways: using a set of DE genes from each
batch or, using the union of the sets of highly variable genes from each

## Perform correction and dimension reduction

``` r
dc.corr <- Correction(merged_data, method="default", close_th = 0.1, cells_th = 0.1,
components = 10, n_neighbors = 30, min_dist = 1)

## Perform Clustering on integrated dimensions

``` r
dc.corr = Cluster(dc.corr,method = "kmeans",centers = 3)


## Visualizing clusters

Compute 2D embeddings for samples followed by post-hoc clustering.

``` r
ScatterPlot(dc.corr, title = "Clusters")

![Batch corrected dropClust based

## Optional Batch correction

Users can use `fastmnn` method for batchcorrection. Specific arguments of fastmnn can also be passed through the `Correction` module.

``` r
merged_data.fastmnn<-Merge(all.objects, = FALSE)
mnn.corr <- Correction(merged_data.fastmnn, method="fastmnn", d = 10)
mnn.corr = Cluster(mnn.corr,method = "kmeans",centers = 3)
ScatterPlot(mnn.corr, title = "Clusters")


## Marker discovery from the merged dataset

``` r
de<-FindMarkers(dc.corr,q_th = 0.001, lfc_th = 1.2,nDE = 10)
