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🎧 A Spotify music and playlist downloader working with free Spotify accounts written in Rust

1337 downloader free media mp3 music rust spotify

Last synced: 13 days ago
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🎧 A Spotify music and playlist downloader working with free Spotify accounts written in Rust




# DownOnSpot

A Spotify downloader written in Rust


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## 🆘 Help needed

> [!NOTE]
Currently, I am [rewriting DownOnSpot](
If you want to help me accelerate this process, please feel free to contact me at [](

## ⭐ Features

- ✅ Actually downloads from Spotify, free and premium
- ✅ Chose between 96, 160, 256 and 320 kbit/s (free users can't exceed 160kbit/s)
- ✅ Download tracks, playlists, albums and artists
- ✅ Multi-threaded
- ✅ Search for tracks
- ✅ Download MP3 and original OGG files
- ✅ Metadata tagging
- ✅ Simple CLI interface

> [!NOTE]
> Free Spotify users can not exceed 160kbit/s. Change the `quality` setting in the `settings.json` file to `Q160` or lower. If you want to download 256 or 320kbit/s, you need to use a premium account.

## ⚒ī¸ Building

1. Clone the repository using git and change to the local repository directory:

git clone
cd DownOnSpot

2. Install dependencies

If you are on Linux, make sure you have the `libasound2-dev` package installed.
Additionally, you need the [libmp3lame]( library.
On Mac OS, run `brew install lame`, provided you have [Homebrew]( installed.

3. Build

cargo build --release

> [!NOTE]
> You need [this private SSH key](assets/free_librespot_private_key) to clone a dependency of DownOnSpot to use it with a free Spotify account.
> Follow [this answer by DopeGhoti on]( to set up SSH with the private key.
> A sample `~/.ssh/config` file could look like this:
> ```text
> Host
> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/free_librespot_private_key
> ```
> If you do not want to use `free-librespot` (i.e. if you are using a paid Spotify account), replace `git = "ssh://[email protected]/oSumAtrIX/free-librespot.git"` with `librespot = "0.4.2"` inside the `Cargo.toml` file.

## 🕹ī¸ Usage

1. Create a [new application]( on the Spotify developer dashboard
2. Run DownOnSpot

$ ./down_on_spot
Settings could not be loaded because of the following error: IO: NotFound No such file or directory. (os error 2)...
..but default settings have been created successfully. Edit them and run the program again.

3. Edit the `settings.json` file

The `settings.json` file is located in the following directories:

- Windows: `C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\down_on_spot\settings.json`
- Unix: `~/.config/down_on_spot/settings.json`

🎉 Now you can use DownOnSpot

$ ./down_on_spot
down_on_spot.exe | | | |

### ⚙ī¸ Template variables

You can use the following template variables for `path` and `filename_template` in the `settings.json` file:

- %0disc%
- %0track%
- %album%
- %albumArtist%
- %albumArtists%
- %artist%
- %disc%
- %id%
- %title%
- %track%

## 🧭 Additional scripts

- [Userscript to download titles from YouTube](

## 🐞 Known issues

- Slow MP3 downloads due to libmp3lame
- Sporadic `channel error` when downloading tracks

## đŸ’Ē Contributors

## 🔑 License

DownOnSpot is licensed under the GPLv3 licence. Please see the [licence file](LICENSE) for more information.
[tl;dr]( you may copy, distribute and modify DownOnSpot as long as you track changes/dates in source files.
Any modifications to DownOnSpot must also be made available under the GPL, along with build & install instructions.