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Genetic multiplexing of barcoded single cell RNA-seq

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Genetic multiplexing of barcoded single cell RNA-seq




# demuxlet
Genetic multiplexing of barcoded single cell RNA-seq

### Citation

Demuxlet has been published:

If you find it useful, please cite: Kang et al., Nature Biotechnology 2017.

### Tips for running

* Set `--alpha 0 --alpha 0.5`, which assumes the expected proportion of 50% genetic mixture from two individuals, to get better estimates of doublets.
* Set `--group-list` to a list of barcodes (i.e. barcodes.tsv from 10X) to speed things up and only get demultiplexing for cells called by other methods
* To reproduce the results presented in Figure 2 of the demuxlet paper, please go to: to download the vcf and the outputs of demuxlet.

### Introduction

**_demuxlet_** is a software tool to deconvolute sample identity and identify multiplets when multiple samples are pooled by barcoded single cell sequencing.
**_demuxlet_** takes (1) a SAM/BAM/CRAM file produced by the standard 10x sequencing platform, or any other barcoded single cell RNA-seq (with proper --tag-UMI and --tag-group) options (2) a VCF/BCF file containing the genotype (GT), posterior probability (GP), or genotype likelihood (GL) to assign each barcode to a specific sample (or a pair of samples) in the VCF file.

### Installing demuxlet

Before installing demuxlet, you need to install [htslib]( in the same directory you want to install demuxlet (i.e. demuxlet and htslib should be siblings).
**NOTE** htslib 1.11 is not supported for now - use earlier releases (e.g. 1.10.x)

After installing htslib, you can clone the current snapshot of this repository to install as well

$ git clone
$ cd demuxlet
$ autoreconf -vfi
$ ./configure (with additional options such as --prefix)
$ make
$ make install (may require root privilege)

### Using demuxlet

demuxlet uses a self-documentation utility. You can run each utility with -man or -help option to see the command line usages.

$ ./demuxlet (for short usage)
$ ./demuxlet -help (for detailed usage)

The detailed usage is also pasted below.

Options for input SAM/BAM/CRAM
--sam [STR: ] : Input SAM/BAM/CRAM file. Must be sorted by coordinates and indexed
--tag-group [STR: CB] : Tag representing readgroup or cell barcodes, in the case to partition the BAM file into multiple groups. For 10x genomics, use CB
--tag-UMI [STR: UB] : Tag representing UMIs. For 10x genomiucs, use UB

Options for input VCF/BCF
--vcf [STR: ] : Input VCF/BCF file, containing the individual genotypes (GT), posterior probability (GP), or genotype likelihood (PL)
--field [STR: GP] : FORMAT field to extract the genotype, likelihood, or posterior from
--geno-error [FLT: 0.01] : Genotype error rate (must be used with --field GT)
--min-mac [INT: 1] : Minimum minor allele frequency
--min-callrate [FLT: 0.50] : Minimum call rate
--sm [V_STR: ] : List of sample IDs to compare to (default: use all)
--sm-list [STR: ] : File containing the list of sample IDs to compare

Output Options
--out [STR: ] : Output file prefix
--alpha [V_FLT: ] : Grid of alpha to search for (default is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5)
--write-pair [FLG: OFF] : Writing the (HUGE) pair file
--doublet-prior [FLT: 0.50] : Prior of doublet
--sam-verbose [INT: 1000000] : Verbose message frequency for SAM/BAM/CRAM
--vcf-verbose [INT: 10000] : Verbose message frequency for VCF/BCF

Read filtering Options
--cap-BQ [INT: 40] : Maximum base quality (higher BQ will be capped)
--min-BQ [INT: 13] : Minimum base quality to consider (lower BQ will be skipped)
--min-MQ [INT: 20] : Minimum mapping quality to consider (lower MQ will be ignored)
--min-TD [INT: 0] : Minimum distance to the tail (lower will be ignored)
--excl-flag [INT: 3844] : SAM/BAM FLAGs to be excluded

Cell/droplet filtering options
--group-list [STR: ] : List of tag readgroup/cell barcode to consider in this run. All other barcodes will be ignored. This is useful for parallelized run
--min-total [INT: 0] : Minimum number of total reads for a droplet/cell to be considered
--min-uniq [INT: 0] : Minimum number of unique reads (determined by UMI/SNP pair) for a droplet/cell to be considered
--min-snp [INT: 0] : Minimum number of SNPs with coverage for a droplet/cell to be considered

### Interpretation of output files

**_demuxlet_** generates multiple output file, such as `[prefix].best`, `[prefix].sing`, `[prefix].sing2`, and optionally `[prefix].pair` (with `--write-pair` argument). Each file contains the following information
* The `[prefix].best` file contains the best guess of the sample identity, with detailed statistics to reach to the best guess
* The `[prefix].sing` file contains the statistics for matching each cell with each possible sample.
* The `[prefix].sing2` file contains the statistics similar information to the previous one, but generated for sanity checking of the `[prefix].pair` results.
* The `[prefix].pair` file contains the statistics for matching each cell with each possible configuration of doublet.

The `[prefix].best` file contains the following 22 columns.
1. BARCODE - Cell barcode for the cell that is being assigned in this row
2. RD.TOTL - The total number of reads overlapping with variant sites for each droplet.
3. RD.PASS - The total number of reads that passed the quality threshold, such as mapping quality, base quality.
4. RD.UNIQ - The total number of UMIs that passed the quality threshold. If a UMI is observed in a single variant multiple times, it won't be counted more. If a UMI is observed across multiple variants, it will be counted as different.
5. N.SNP - The total number of variants overlapping with any read in the droplet.
6. BEST - The best assignment for sample ID.
* For singlets, SNG-
* For doublets, DBL---
* For ambiguous droplets, , AMB---)
7. SNG.1ST - The best singlet assignment for sample ID
8. SNG.LLK1 - The log(likelihood that the ID from SNG.1ST is the correct assignment)
9. SNG.2ND - The next best singlet assignment for sample ID
10. SNG.LLK2 - The log(likelihood that the ID from SNG.2ND is the correct assignment)
11. SNG.LLK0 - The log-likelihood from allele frequencies only
12. DBL.1ST - The sample ID that is most likely included if the assignment is a doublet
13. DBL.2ND - The sample ID that is next most likely included ifthe assignment is a doublet
14. ALPHA - % Mixture Proportion
15. LLK12 - The log(likelihood that the ID is a doublet)
16. LLK1 - The log(likelihood that the ID from DBL.1ST is the correct singlet assignment)
17. LLK2 - The log(likelihood that the ID from DBL.2ND is the correct singlet assignment)
18. LLK10 - The log(likelihood that the ID from DBL.1ST is one of the doublet, and the other doublet identity is calculated from allele frequencies only)
19. LLK20 - The log(likelihood that the ID from DBL.2ND is one of the doublet, and the other doublet identity is calculated from allele frequencies only)
20. LLK00 - The log(likelihood that the droplet is doublet, but both identities are calculated from allele frequencies only)
21. PRB.DBL - Posterior probability of the doublet assignment
22. PRB.SNG1 - Posterior probability of the singlet assignment when excluding all possible doublets