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An observable microservice bus library for .NET, that wraps the underlying message transports in simple Rx based interfaces.

csharp dotnet messaging microservices observable obvs reactive-extensions servicebus

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

An observable microservice bus library for .NET, that wraps the underlying message transports in simple Rx based interfaces.




# Obvs: an observable microservice bus
## observable services, *obviously*

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### Features

* Obvs is just a library, not a framework - use as much or as little as you need.
* Leverage messaging and Reactive Extensions to quickly compose a system of decoupled microservices.
* Add new services and message contracts with a minimal amount of code and effort.
* Don't tie yourself to any one transport, migrate between transports with minimal code changes required
* Use a mix of transports and serialization formats, allowing you to pick what works for your services.
* Declare a new Obvs ServiceBus easily using the fluent code based configuration.
* Don't want to use Obvs message contract interfaces? Use the generic ServiceBus and supply your own.
* Standardize on messaging semantics throughout by wrapping integrations with external API's as custom endpoints.
* Don't distribute if you don't need to, Obvs ServiceBus includes a local in-memory bus.
* Use one of the many available serialization extensions, or even write your own.
* Easily debug and monitor your application using logging and performance counter extensions.

### Versions/Roadmap

* V6 - `System.Reactive 5.0`, supports `netstandard2.0`, `net472` and `net5.0`. Mono-repo
* V5 - `System.Reactive 4.1`, supports `netstandard2.0` and `net472`
* V4 - `System.Reactive 3.1.1`, supports `netstandard1.6` and `net452`

### More Details

* Convention based messaging over topics/queues/streams per service.
* Multiplexing of multiple message types over single topics/queues/streams.
* Dynamic creation of deserializers per type, auto-discovery of message contracts.
* Exceptions are caught and raised on an asynchronous error channel.

### Extensions

* Transports: ActiveMQ / RabbitMQ / NetMQ / AzureServiceBus / Kafka / EventStore
* Serialization: XML / JSON.Net / NetJson / ProtoBuf / MsgPack
* Logging: NLog / log4net
* Monitoring: Performance Counters / ElasticSearch
* Integrations: Slack

## Example

Define a root message type to identify messages as belonging to your service:

public interface IMyServiceMessage : IMessage { }

Create command/event/request/response message types:

public class MyCommand : IMyServiceMessage, ICommand { }

public class MyEvent : IMyServiceMessage, IEvent { }

public class MyRequest: IMyServiceMessage, IRequest { }

public class MyResponse : IMyServiceMessage, IResponse { }

Create your service bus:

IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure()

Send commands:

serviceBus.Commands.Subscribe(c => Console.WriteLine("Received a command!"));
await serviceBus.SendAsync(new MyCommand());

Publish events:

serviceBus.Events.Subscribe(e => Console.WriteLine("Received an event!"));
await serviceBus.PublishAsync(new MyEvent());


.Subscribe(request => serviceBus.ReplyAsync(request, new MyResponse()));

serviceBus.GetResponses(new MyRequest())
.Subscribe(r => Console.WriteLine("Received a response!"), err => Console.WriteLine("Oh no!"));

Define custom endpoints that can wrap API calls or integrations with other systems:

public class MyCustomEndpoint : IServiceEndpointClient
Type _serviceType = typeof(IMyCustomServiceMessage);

public IObservable Events
// subscribe to external MQ broker

public Task SendAsync(ICommand command)
// call external API

public IObservable GetResponses(IRequest request)
// call external API and wrap response in observable

public bool CanHandle(IMessage message)
return _serviceType.IsInstanceOfType(message);


IServiceBus serviceBus = ServiceBus.Configure()
.WithEndpoints(new MyCustomEndpoint())

## Run Examples in Docker

cd examples
docker-compose up

cd client
dotnet run -f netcoreapp3.1