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Tushar Nankani's blog - Undirected Graph 📜

blog mdx netlify nextjs undirected-graph

Last synced: 15 days ago
JSON representation

Tushar Nankani's blog - Undirected Graph 📜




![Tushar Nankani's Undirected Graph](public/og_image.png)

The overload of ideas has pushed me to connect the dots, analogous to my directionless, although somehow connected thoughts forming a data structure.

Undirected Graph

[![Netlify Status](](
[![MADE BY Next.js](](

## About


## Features

- **Tagging**: organizes content by tags
- **Author**: displays author names who write a post
- **Pagination**: limits the number of posts per page
- **CMS**: built with CMS to allow editors modifying content with the quickest way
- **SEO optimized**: built-in metadata like JSON-LD
- **Shortcode**: extends content writing with React component like WordPress shortcodes

## Dependencies

- [TypeScript](
- [Next.js](
- [Netlify](
- [MDX](

## Local Setup || Contributing

- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository: `git clone`
- Change directory: `cd undirected-graph`
- Change branch before making any changes: `git checkout -b "feat/add-new-feat"`
- Run `npm run dev` to start the devlopment server. Go to `localhost:3000`
- Make changes and push to the respective branch.
- Open a Pull Request.

### Styling pages by a customized theme

All source codes related to the blog are under [components](/src/components) and [pages](/src/pages) directory.
You can modify it freely if you want to apply your design theme.
All components use [styled-jsx]( and [css-modules]( to define their styles, but you can choose any styling libraries for designing your theme.

The directory tree containing the blog source code are described below:

meta: yaml files defining metadata like authors or tags
public: images, favicons and other static assets
├── assets: other assets using inside of components
├── components: pieces of components consisting of pages
├── content: mdx files for each post page
├── lib: project libraries like data fetching or pagination
└── pages: page components managing by Next.js

## References

- A huge shoutout to [wutali/nextjs-netlify-blog-template](
- [Netlify CMS Documentation](
- [Building a Markdown blog with Next 9.4 and Netlify](
- [Hugo Theme - Codex](
- [Next.js Starter Template for TypeScript](
- [Building Blog with NextJS and Netlify CMS](
- [Unicons](