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manage cargo cache (${CARGO_HOME}, ~/.cargo/), print sizes of dirs and remove dirs selectively

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manage cargo cache (${CARGO_HOME}, ~/.cargo/), print sizes of dirs and remove dirs selectively




## cargo cache

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Display information on the cargo cache (`~/.cargo/` or `$CARGO_HOME`). Optional cache pruning.

![Screenshot of cargo cache default output (it's listed below also in textual form)](data/screenshot_readme_f724ec8.png?raw=true "Cargo Cache")

#### Key Features:
* check the size of the cargo cache and its components (cmd: `cargo cache`)
* do a simple cleanup removing checkouts but keeping original files needed for reconstruction on disk (`--autoclean`)
* clean up everything (cargo will re-download as needed)
* dry-run to see what would be removed (`--dry-run`)
* recompress git repos (`--gc`)
* search cache via regex queries (`cargo cache query "reg.*x"`)
* print crates that take the most space (`--top-cache-items`)
* alternative registries supported
* remove files older or younger than X (`--remove-if-{older,younger}-than`)
* builds and runs on `stable`, `beta` and `nightly` channel
* purge cache entries not used to build a specified crate (`cargo cache clean-unref`)
* print size stats on a local sccache build cache (`cargo cache sc`)
* verify extracted crate sources (`cargo cache verify`)

#### Installation:
```cargo install cargo-cache```

or for the bleeding edge development version:

```cargo install --git cargo-cache```

#### Default output (`cargo cache`):
This only calculates the sizes and does not touch anything:
Cargo cache '/home/matthias/.cargo':

Total: 4.22 GB
102 installed binaries: 920.95 MB
Registry: 2.25 GB
Registry index: 227.07 MB
4412 crate archives: 684.29 MB
2411 crate source checkouts: 1.34 GB
Git db: 1.05 GB
113 bare git repos: 993.72 MB
9 git repo checkouts: 55.48 MB
To learn more about the subdirectories inside the cargo home and what can be safely deleted, check `--info`.

#### Usage:
cargo cache [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

-a, --autoclean Removes crate source checkouts and git repo checkouts
-e, --autoclean-expensive As --autoclean, but also recompresses git repositories
-f, --fsck Fsck git repositories
-g, --gc Recompress git repositories (may take some time)
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --info Print information cache directories, what they are for and what can be safely deleted
-k, --keep-duplicate-crates Remove all but N versions of crate in the source archives directory
-l, --list-dirs List all found directory paths
-n, --dry-run Don't remove anything, just pretend
-o, --remove-if-older-than Removes items older than specified date: YYYY.MM.DD or HH:MM:SS
-r, --remove-dir Remove directories, accepted values: all,git-db,git-repos,
-t, --top-cache-items List the top N items taking most space in the cache
-V, --version Print version information
-y, --remove-if-younger-than Removes items younger than the specified date: YYYY.MM.DD or HH:MM:SS

clean-unref remove crates that are not referenced in a Cargo.toml from the cache
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
l check local build cache (target) of a rust project
local check local build cache (target) of a rust project
q run a query
query run a query
r query each package registry separately
registry query each package registry separately
sc gather stats on a local sccache cache
sccache gather stats on a local sccache cache
toolchain print stats on installed toolchains
trim trim old items from the cache until maximum cache size limit is reached
verify verify crate sources

#### Show the largest items in the cargo home:
cargo cache --top-cache-items 5

Summary of: /home/matthias/.cargo/bin/ (588.35 MB total)
Name Size
alacritty 38.40 MB
xsv 29.78 MB
rg 28.51 MB
cargo-geiger 15.11 MB
mdbook 12.39 MB

Summary of: /home/matthias/.cargo/registry/src/ (3.11 GB total)
Name Count Average Total
mozjs_sys 4 131.83 MB 527.31 MB
wabt-sys 2 83.73 MB 167.46 MB
openblas-src 2 78.42 MB 156.84 MB
curl-sys 6 18.47 MB 110.83 MB
winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 2 54.90 MB 109.80 MB

Summary of: /home/matthias/.cargo/registry/cache/ (1.18 GB total)
Name Count Average Total
mozjs_sys 10 29.45 MB 294.50 MB
curl-sys 16 3.03 MB 48.54 MB
libgit2-sys 18 2.54 MB 45.64 MB
servo-skia 6 5.23 MB 31.39 MB
openssl-src 5 5.55 MB 27.73 MB

Summary of: /home/matthias/.cargo/git/db/ (918.97 MB total)
Name Count Average Total
polonius 1 136.63 MB 136.63 MB
mdbook 1 111.45 MB 111.45 MB
rust-rocksdb 2 33.31 MB 66.62 MB
osmesa-src 2 28.45 MB 56.90 MB
ring 2 23.02 MB 46.04 MB

Summary of: /home/matthias/.cargo/git/checkouts/ (3.80 GB total)
Name Count Average Total
parity-ethereum 2 666.36 MB 1.33 GB
xori 1 372.69 MB 372.69 MB
polonius 2 186.34 MB 372.67 MB
alacritty 9 39.08 MB 351.74 MB
osmesa-src 2 166.12 MB 332.24 MB
#### Do a light cleanup
This removes extracted tarball sources and repository checkouts.
The original source archives and git repos are kept and will be extracted as needed by cargo.
Run `cargo cache --autoclean`:
Clearing cache...

Cargo cache '/home/matthias/.cargo':

Total: 3.38 GB => 3.28 GB
62 installed binaries: 665.64 MB
Registry: 2.03 GB => 2.00 GB
2 registry indices: 444.25 MB
10570 crate archives: 1.55 GB
96 => 0 crate source checkouts: 34.81 MB => 0 B
Git db: 685.13 MB => 619.64 MB
114 bare git repos: 619.64 MB
7 => 0 git repo checkouts: 65.48 MB => 0 B

Size changed 3.38 GB => 3.28 GB (-100.29 MB, -2.96%)

The crate also works if you override the default location of the cargo home via
the $CARGO_HOME env var!

Side note: cargo-cache started as my *learning-by-doing* rust project, if you see something that you find very odd or is in dire need of improvement please let me know and open a ticket!

#### Cleaning the cache on CI
Sometimes it is desired to [cache the $CARGO_HOME in CI](
As noted in the document, this might cache sources twice which adds unnecessary overhead.
To reduce the size of the cache before storing it, you might want to run `cargo cache --autoclean`.
The `ci-autoclean` feature provides a very stripped-down version of the crate that is only capable of running `cargo-cache --autoclean` automatically on launch and should compile within a couple of seconds.
To make use of this, you can add these commands to your ci:
cargo install (--git git:// OR cargo-cache) --no-default-features --features ci-autoclean cargo-cache
cargo-cache # no further arguments required
You can add the `vendored-libgit` feature if you would like to link libgit statically into cargo-cache.

#### FAQ
Q: Is this project related to [sccache](
A: Not really.
`cargo cache sccache` prints a little summary of the local(!) sccache-cache and shows how many files were last accessed on a given date but
it does not modify sccaches cache. It also does not act as a compiler cache such as (s)ccache.

#### License:

Copyright 2017-2022 Matthias Krüger

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license
, at your
option. All files in the project carrying such notice may not be
copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.