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Convertron3000 commodore 64 graphics converter

c64 commodore-64 converter graphics retrocomputing

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Convertron3000 commodore 64 graphics converter




# Convertron3000

Convertron3000 is a graphics converter for Commodore 64 computers.
It runs on 64 bit versions of Linux, MacOS, Windows and other systems supported by Python.


# Why Convertron3000?

reason | description
open source | easy to modify and to improve, any useful contribution is highly welcome
portable | available on Linux, MacOS, Windows and any other system supported by Python3
instant preview | just fiddle around with the sliders and see the result before converting

# Usage

Using Convertron3000 is pretty straight-forward:

* Open some image.
* Adjust the sliders or apply an effect.
* Convert to koala or hires format.
* optional: Check position of color-clashes.
* Save the resulting image.

# Dithering

As of now, Convertron3000 offers various dithering methods.
As the PIL-library only implements "floyd-steinberg"-dithering, all other dithering methods were taken from the hitherdither library.

reason | description
floyd-steinberg dithering | speedy performance from the PIL-library
bayer-ordered dithering | the speedy standard, my favourite for C64 pictures
line dithering | a modified bayer-ordered dithering method, sometimes looks better than normal ordered dithering
dot dithering | not my favourite, but might give nice results on some pictures
yliluomas1 dithering | Warning: Painfully slow - use with care! The results are stunningly good sometimes, though.

Please, take note that all dithering implementations except "floyd-steinberg"-dithering are quite slow when using the "Brightness palette"-mode, which is described below.

# Brightness palette

Sometimes converted images look better when applying a palette based on brightness values.

* Select "brightness palette" mode.
* Choose one of the presets ("purple", "brown" etc.).

You can also create your own palette like this:

* Edit the .json file: In the .json file you specify the size of your palette and the C64-colors like in one of the examples provided.
* Open your .json file. You find this option in the drop-down menu under "open custom gradient".
* Choose "custom" as your brightness palette.

# File Formats

The multicolor bitmap is stored in the widely-spread KoalaPainter (.koa) format:

* 2 bytes load address
* 8000 bytes raw bitmap data
* 1000 bytes raw "Video Matrix" (screen) data
* 1000 bytes raw "Color RAM" data
* 1 byte background data

The hires bitmap is stored in the widely-spread Advanced Art Studio (.art) format:

* 2 bytes load address
* 8000 bytes raw bitmap data
* 1000 bytes raw "Video Matrix" (screen) data

# Authors

* fieserWolF/Abyss-Connection - *initial work* - []( [](


* thanks to [Green/ATW]( for spontaneously naming Convertron3000 :)
* thanks to people on []( for commenting and giving ideas how to improve
* thanks to Henrik Blidh for his hitherdither library []( which I use
# Getting Started

Convertron3000 comes in two flavors:

- standalone executable for 64-bit systems Linux, MacOS/Darwin and Windows (see [releases](
- Python3 script

## Run the standalone executable

Just download your bundle at [releases]( and enjoy.
Keep in mind that only 64bit systems are supported as I could not find a 32bit system to generate the bundle.

### Note for Windows users

If some antivirus scanner puts Convertron3000 into quarantine because it suspects a trojan or virus, simply put it out there again.
It isn`t harmful, I used PyInstaller to bundle the standalone executable for you.
Unfortunately, the PyInstaller bootloader triggers a false alarm on some systems.
I even tried my best and re-compiled the PyInstaller bootloader so that this should not happen anymore. Keep your fingers crossed ;)

### Note for MacOS users

Your system might complain that the code is not signed by a certificated developer. Well, I am not, so I signed the program on my own.
"Convertron3000" can`t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
You need to right-click or Control-click the app and select “Open”.

## Run the Python3 script directly

Download _convertron.py_ and the whole _resource_ - directory into the same folder on your computer.

### Prerequisites

At least this is needed to run the script directly:

- python 3
- python tkinter module
- python "The Python Imaging Library" (PIL)
- python "hitherdither" library

Normally, you would use pip like this:
pip3 install tk pillow git+

On my Debian GNU/Linux machine I use apt-get to install everything needed:
apt update
apt install python3 python3-tk python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
pip3 install git+

# Changelog

## Future plans

- custom brightness palette editor

Any help and support in any form is highly appreciated.

If you have a feature request, a bug report or if you want to offer help, please, contact me:

[[email protected]]([email protected])

## Changes in 1.3 (on X2024)

- fixed: proper scaling, better conversion
- show position of color clashes in GUI and on console

## Changes in 1.2

- proper dithering support: bayer-ordered, line dither and some others
- GUI improvements
- moved standalone executables to [releases](

## Changes in 1.1

- transfered whole code to Python3
- great speed improvement, converts much faster now
- new feature: specify image on the command-line, e.g. " picture.jpg"
- standalone executables for 64bit-systems: Linux, Darwin (MacOS) and Windows
- GUI design adjusted for MacOS/Darwin
- numpy library not used any more
- documentation
- custom brightness palette now uses .json format

## Changes in 1.01

- added licenses
- added to github with proper

## Changes in 1.0

- hires mode
- colodore palette
- button: reset color modifiers to default
- start address now in hex
- custom brightness palette (config file)

## Changes in 0.1

- initial release

# License

_Convertron3000 is a graphics converter for Commodore 64 computers._

_Copyright (C) 2024 fieserWolF / Abyss-Connection_

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see [](

See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.

For further questions, please contact me at
[[email protected]]([email protected])

For Python3, The Python Imaging Library (PIL), Tcl/Tk and other used source licenses see file [LICENSE_OTHERS](LICENSE_OTHERS).