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ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core

asp-net-core asp-net-core-mvc aspnetcore aspnetcoremvc elmah elmah-core error-handling error-log errors logging mvc mvc-core mvc6 net-core net-core-3 net-core-5 net-core-6 netcore netstandard netstandard20

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core




This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache license 2.0.

# Using ElmahCore
ELMAH for Net.Standard and Net.Core (3.1, 5, 6)

![alt text](

Add nuget package **elmahcore**

## Simple usage
1) services.AddElmah() in ConfigureServices
2) app.UseElmah(); in Configure
`app.UseElmah()` must be after initializing other exception handling middleware, such as (UseExceptionHandler, UseDeveloperExceptionPage, etc.)

Default elmah path `~/elmah`.

## Change URL path
services.AddElmah(options => options.Path = "you_path_here")
## Restrict access to the Elmah url
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.OnPermissionCheck = context => context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;
**Note:** `app.UseElmah();` needs to be after
or the user will be redirected to the sign in screen even if he is authenticated.
## Change Error Log type
You can create your own error log, which will store errors anywhere.
class MyErrorLog: ErrorLog
//implement ErrorLog
This ErrorLogs available in board:
- MemoryErrorLog – store errors in memory (by default)
- XmlFileErrorLog – store errors in XML files
- SqlErrorLog - store errors in MS SQL (add reference to [ElmahCore.Sql](
- MysqlErrorLog - store errors in MySQL (add reference to [ElmahCore.MySql](
- PgsqlErrorLog - store errors in PostgreSQL (add reference to [ElmahCore.Postgresql](
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.LogPath = "~/log"; // OR options.LogPath = "с:\errors";
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.ConnectionString = "connection_string";
options.SqlServerDatabaseSchemaName = "Errors"; //Defaults to dbo if not set
options.SqlServerDatabaseTableName = "ElmahError"; //Defaults to ELMAH_Error if not set
## Raise exception
public IActionResult Test()
HttpContext.RaiseError(new InvalidOperationException("Test"));
## Microsoft.Extensions.Logging support
Since version 2.0 ElmahCore support Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
![alt text](

## Source Preview
Since version 2.0.1 ElmahCore support source preview.
Just add paths to source files.
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.SourcePaths = new []

## Log the request body
Since version 2.0.5 ElmahCore can log the request body.

## Logging SQL request body
Since version 2.0.6 ElmahCore can log the SQL request body.
![alt text](

## Logging method parameters
Since version 2.0.6 ElmahCore can log method parameters.
![alt text](
using ElmahCore;

public void TestMethod(string p1, int p2)
// Logging method parameters
this.LogParams((nameof(p1), p1), (nameof(p2), p2));


## Using UseElmahExceptionPage
You can replace UseDeveloperExceptionPage to UseElmahExceptionPage
if (env.IsDevelopment())

## Using Notifiers
You can create your own notifiers by implement IErrorNotifier or IErrorNotifierWithId interface and add notifier to Elmah options:
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.Path = @"errors";
options.LogPath = "~/logs";
options.Notifiers.Add(new ErrorMailNotifier("Email",emailOptions));
Each notifier must have unique name.
## Using Filters
You can use Elmah XML filter configuration in separate file, create and add custom filters:
services.AddElmah(options =>
options.FiltersConfig = "elmah.xml";
options.Filters.Add(new MyFilter());
Custom filter must implement IErrorFilter.
XML filter config example:

see more [here](

JavaScript filters not yet impemented :(

Add notifiers to errorFilter node if you do not want to send notifications
Filtered errors will be logged, but will not be sent.

## Search And Filters

Since version 2.2.0 tou can use full-text search and multiple filter.

Full-text search work on analyzed text fields.

![alt text](

Filters are available through either the **Add filter** button.

![alt text](

Or you can use **filter icon** to the right of the error field.

![alt text](

Currently supports only Memory and XmlFile error logs.