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⚽️ Extract, prepare and publish Transfermarkt datasets.

analytics dataset dbt football football-data soccer-analytics

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

⚽️ Extract, prepare and publish Transfermarkt datasets.




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# transfermarkt-datasets

In an nutshell, this project aims for three things:

1. Acquiring data from the transfermarkt website using the [trasfermarkt-scraper](
2. Building a **clean, public football (soccer) dataset** using data in 1.
3. Automating 1 and 2 to **keep assets up to date** and publicly available on some well-known data catalogs.

[![Open in GitHub Codespaces](](

direction LR
competitions --|> games : competition_id
competitions --|> clubs : domestic_competition_id
clubs --|> players : current_club_id
clubs --|> club_games : opponent/club_id
clubs --|> game_events : club_id
players --|> appearances : player_id
players --|> game_events : player_id
players --|> player_valuations : player_id
games --|> appearances : game_id
games --|> game_events : game_id
games --|> clubs : home/away_club_id
games --|> club_games : game_id
class competitions {
class games {
class game_events {
class clubs {
class club_games {
class players {
class player_valuations{
class appearances {

- [πŸ“₯ setup](#-setup)
- [make](#make)
- [πŸ’Ύ data storage](#-data-storage)
- [πŸ•ΈοΈ data acquisition](#️-data-acquisition)
- [acquirers](#acquirers)
- [πŸ”¨ data preparation](#-data-preparation)
- [python api](#python-api)
- [πŸ‘οΈ frontends](#️-frontends)
- [🎈 streamlit](#-streamlit)
- [πŸ—οΈ infra](#️-infra)
- [🎼 orchestration](#-orchestration)
- [πŸ’¬ community](#-community)
- [πŸ“ž getting in touch](#-getting-in-touch)
- [🫢 sponsoring](#-sponsoring)
- [πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» contributing](#-contributing)


## πŸ“₯ setup

> **πŸ”ˆ New!** β†’ Thanks to [Github codespaces]( you can now spin up a working dev environment in your browser with just a click, **no local setup required**.
> [![Open in GitHub Codespaces](](

Setup your local environment to run the project with `poetry`.
1. Install [poetry](
2. Install python dependencies (poetry will create a virtual environment for you)
cd transfermarkt-datasets
poetry install
Remember to activate the virtual environment once poetry has finished installing the dependencies by running `poetry shell`.

### make
The `Makefile` in the root defines a set of useful targets that will help you run the different parts of the project. Some examples are
dvc_pull pull data from the cloud
docker_build build the project docker image and tag accordingly
acquire_local run the acquiring process locally (refreshes data/raw/)
prepare_local run the prep process locally (refreshes data/prep)
sync run the sync process (refreshes data frontends)
streamlit_local run streamlit app locally
Run `make help` to see the full list. Once you've completed the setup, you should be able to run most of these from your machine.

## πŸ’Ύ data storage
All project data assets are kept inside the [`data`](data) folder. This is a [DVC]( repository, so all files can be pulled from remote storage by running `dvc pull`.

| path | description |
| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `data/raw` | contains raw data for [different acquirers]( (check the data acquisition section below) |
| `data/prep` | contains prepared datasets as produced by dbt (check [data preparation](#-data-preparation)) |

## πŸ•ΈοΈ data acquisition
In the scope of this project, "acquiring" is the process of collecting data from a specific source and via an acquiring script. Acquired data lives in the `data/raw` folder.

### acquirers
An acquirer is just a script that collect data from somewhere and puts it in `data/raw`. They are defined in the [`scripts/acquiring`](scripts/acquiring) folder and run using the `acquire_local` make target.
For example, to run the `transfermarkt-api` acquirer with a set of parameters, you can run
make acquire_local ACQUIRER=transfermarkt-api ARGS="--season 2023"
which will populate `data/raw/transfermarkt-api` with the data it collected. Obviously, you can also run [the script](scripts/acquiring/ directly if you prefer.
cd scripts/acquiring && python --season 2023

## πŸ”¨ data preparation
In the scope of this project, "preparing" is the process of transforming raw data to create a high quality dataset that can be conveniently consumed by analysts of all kinds.

Data prepartion is done in SQL using [dbt]( and [DuckDB]( You can trigger a run of the preparation task using the `prepare_local` make target or work with the dbt CLI directly if you prefer.

* `cd dbt` β†’ The [dbt](dbt) folder contains the dbt project for data preparation
* `dbt deps` β†’ Install dbt packages. This is only required the first time you run dbt.
* `dbt run -m +appearances` β†’ Refresh the assets by running the corresponding model in dbt.

dbt runs will populate a `dbt/duck.db` file in your local, which you can "connect to" using the DuckDB CLI and query the data using SQL.
duckdb dbt/duck.db -c 'select * from'


> :warning: Make sure that you are using a DukcDB version that matches that [that is used in the project](devcontainer/devcontainer.json).

### python api
A thin python wrapper is provided as a convenience utility to help with loading and inspecting the dataset (for example, from a notebook).

# import the module
from transfermarkt_datasets.core.dataset import Dataset

# instantiate the datasets handler
td = Dataset()

# load all assets into memory as pandas dataframes

# inspect assets
td.asset_names # ["games", "players", ...]
td.assets["games"].prep_df # get the built asset in a dataframe

# get raw data in a dataframe

The module code lives in the `transfermark_datasets` folder with the structure below.

| path | description |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `transfermark_datasets/core` | core classes and utils that are used to work with the dataset |
| `transfermark_datasets/tests` | unit tests for core classes |
| `transfermark_datasets/assets` | perpared asset definitions: one python file per asset |

For more examples on using `transfermark_datasets`, checkout the sample [notebooks](notebooks).

## πŸ‘οΈ frontends
Prepared data is published to a couple of popular dataset websites. This is done running `make sync`, which runs weekly as part of the [data pipeline](#-orchestration).

* [Kaggle](
* [](

### 🎈 streamlit
There is a [streamlit]( app for the project with documentation, a data catalog and sample analyisis. The app ~~is currently hosted in, you can check it out [here]( deployment is currently disabled until [this]( is resolved.

For local development, you can also run the app in your machine. Provided you've done the [setup](#-setup), run the following to spin up a local instance of the app
make streamlit_local
> :warning: Note that the app expects prepared data to exist in `data/prep`. Check out [data storage](#-data-storage) for instructions about how to populate that folder.

## πŸ—οΈ [infra](infra)
Define all the necessary infrastructure for the project in the cloud with Terraform.

## 🎼 orchestration
The data pipeline is orchestrated as a series of Github Actions workflows. They are defined in the [`.github/workflows`](.github/workflows) folder and are triggered by different events.

| workflow name | triggers on | description |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `build`* | Every push to the `master` branch or to an open pull request | It runs the [data preparation](#-data-preparation) step, and tests and commits a new version of the prepared data if there are any changes |
| `acquire-.yml` | Schedule | It runs the acquirer and commits the acquired data to the corresponding raw location |
| `sync-.yml` | Every change on prepared data | It syncs the prepared data to the corresponding frontend |

*`build-contribution` is the same as `build` but without commiting any data.

> πŸ’‘ Debugging workflows remotelly is a pain. I recommend using [act]( to run them locally to the extent that is possible.

## πŸ’¬ community

### πŸ“ž getting in touch
In order to keep things tidy, there are two simple guidelines
* Keep the conversation centralised and public by getting in touch via the [Discussions]( tab.
* Avoid topic duplication by having a quick look at the [FAQs](

### 🫢 sponsoring
Maintenance of this project is made possible by sponsors. If you'd like to sponsor this project you can use the `Sponsor` button at the top.

β†’ I would like to express my grattitude to [@mortgad]( for becoming the first sponsor of this project.

### πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» contributing
Contributions to `transfermarkt-datasets` are most welcome. If you want to contribute new fields or assets to this dataset, the instructions are quite simple:
1. [Fork the repo](
2. Set up your [local environment](#-setup)
3. [Populate `data/raw` directory](#-data-storage)
4. Start modifying assets or creating new ones in [the dbt project](#-data-preparation)
5. If it's all looking good, create a pull request with your changes :rocket:

> ℹ️ In case you face any issue following the instructions above please [get in touch](#-getting-in-touch)