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Stream a remote desktop screen directly to your browser

Last synced: 13 days ago
JSON representation

Stream a remote desktop screen directly to your browser




## WebRTC remote view

### Dependencies

- [Go 1.12](
- If you want h264 support: libx264 (included in x264-go, you'll need a C compiler / assembler to build it)
- If you want VP8 support: libvpx

### Architecture


More info in [this blog post](

### Running the server

The server receives the following flags through the command line:

`--http.port` (Optional)

Specifies the port where the HTTP server should listen, by default the port 9000 is used.

`--stun.server` (Optional)

Allows to speficy a different [STUN]( server, by default a Google STUN server is used.

Chrome 74+, Firefox 66+, Safari 12.x are supported. Older versions (within reason) should be supported as well but YMMV.

### Building the server

Build the _deployment_ package by runnning `make`. This should create a tar file with the
binary and web directory, by default only support for h264 is included, if you want to use VP8 run `make encoders=vp8`, if you want both then `make encoders=vp8,h264`.

Copy the archive to a remote server, decompress it and run `./agent`. The `agent` application assumes the web dir. is in the same directory.

WebRTC requires a _secure_ domain to work, the recommended approach towards this is to forward the agent port thru SSH tunneling:

ssh -L YOUR_LOCAL_PORT:localhost:9000

Then access the application on `http://localhost:YOUR_LOCAL_PORT`, localhost should be considered
secure by modern browsers.

### Screenshot

![Demo screenshot](docs/screenshot.png)

### Feature requests

I'll see what I can do! Create an issue.

### License

MIT - see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for the full text.