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Webcam component

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Webcam component




# react-webcam

[![Build Status][build-badge]][build]


Webcam component for React. See [](
for browser compatibility.

**Note: Browsers will throw an error if the page is loaded from insecure origin. I.e. Use https.**

## Installation

# with npm
npm install react-webcam

# with yarn
yarn add react-webcam

## Demo

## Usage

import React from "react";
import Webcam from "react-webcam";

const WebcamComponent = () => ;

### Props

The props here are specific to this component but one can pass any prop to the underlying video tag eg `className`, `style`, `muted`, etc

| prop | type | default | notes |
| audio | boolean | false | enable/disable audio |
| audioConstraints | object | | MediaStreamConstraint(s) for the audio |
| disablePictureInPicture | boolean | false | disable Picture-in-Picture |
| forceScreenshotSourceSize | boolean | false | uses size of underlying source video stream (and thus ignores other size related props) |
| imageSmoothing | boolean | true | pixel smoothing of the screenshot taken |
| mirrored | boolean | false | show camera preview and get the screenshot mirrored |
| minScreenshotHeight | number | | min height of screenshot |
| minScreenshotWidth | number | | min width of screenshot |
| onUserMedia | function | noop | callback for when component receives a media stream |
| onUserMediaError | function | noop | callback for when component can't receive a media stream with MediaStreamError param |
| screenshotFormat | string | 'image/webp' | format of screenshot |
| screenshotQuality | number | 0.92 | quality of screenshot(0 to 1) |
| videoConstraints | object | | MediaStreamConstraints(s) for the video |

### Methods

`getScreenshot` - Returns a base64 encoded string of the current webcam image. Example:


You may also pass in an optional `dimensions` object:

getScreenshot({width: 1920, height: 1080});

### The Constraints

We can build a constraints object by passing it to the videoConstraints prop. This gets passed into getUserMedia method. Please take a look at the MDN docs to get an understanding how this works.

As an example take a look at this [CodePen demo]( which shows how to build a custom aspect ratio for the video.

## Screenshot (via render props)

const videoConstraints = {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
facingMode: "user"

const WebcamCapture = () => (

{({ getScreenshot }) => (
const imageSrc = getScreenshot()
Capture photo



## Screenshot (via ref)

const videoConstraints = {
width: 1280,
height: 720,
facingMode: "user"

const WebcamCapture = () => {
const webcamRef = React.useRef(null);
const capture = React.useCallback(
() => {
const imageSrc = webcamRef.current.getScreenshot();
return (

Capture photo

## Capturing video

It is possible to capture video with `` using the [MediaStream Recording API](

You can find an example [](

## Choosing a camera

### User/Selfie/forward facing camera

class WebcamCapture extends React.Component {
render() {
const videoConstraints = {
facingMode: "user"

return ;

### Environment/Facing-Out camera

class WebcamCapture extends React.Component {
render() {
const videoConstraints = {
facingMode: { exact: "environment" }

return ;

For more information on `facingMode`, please see the MDN web docs [](

## Show all cameras by deviceId

const WebcamCapture = () => {
const [deviceId, setDeviceId] = React.useState({});
const [devices, setDevices] = React.useState([]);

const handleDevices = React.useCallback(
mediaDevices =>
setDevices(mediaDevices.filter(({ kind }) => kind === "videoinput")),

() => {

return (
{, key) => (

{device.label || `Device ${key + 1}`}


## Recording a stream

## Using within an iframe

The Webcam component will fail to load when used inside a cross-origin iframe in newer version of Chrome (> 64). In order to overcome this security restriction a special `allow` attribute needs to be added to the iframe tag specifying `microphone` and `camera` as the required permissions like in the below example:



## Mirrored video but non-mirrored screenshot

Add `mirrored` prop to the component will make the video and the screenshot be mirrored, but sometimes you need to show a mirrored video but take a non-mirrored screenshot, to accomplish that, you just need to add this CSS to your project:

video {
transform: scaleX(-1);
You can find an example at [](

## License

