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Graphviz web D3.js renderer

animation dot graphviz javascript parse

Last synced: 27 days ago
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Graphviz web D3.js renderer




Graphviz *dot* in your browser

Bower component `graphviz-d3-renderer` renders [Graphviz]( source in the browser with [d3.js](
Check it out on [Graphviz fiddling website](

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* `dot` parser with lax mode to verify Graphviz input
* `dot` mode for ACE editor
* stage data renderer with `d3.js`

DOT parser is written in [PEG.js]( has lax mode to parse source to the end with all errors.
[Graphviz]( is embedded in browser using [viz.js](
Instead of using SVG directly it uses `xdot` format and parses it. Data structure of the output is drawn using
[d3.js]( with animations during rendering.

To include it in your project simply use `Bower`:
bower install graphviz-d3-renderer --save

Note that it needs `require.js` to work. Before loading proper paths should be defined for renderer and its dependecies (`d3.js` and `worker` for `require.js` plugin):
//By default load any module IDs from js/lib
baseUrl: 'js',
//except, if the module ID starts with "app",
//load it from the js/app directory. paths
//config is relative to the baseUrl, and
//never includes a ".js" extension since
//the paths config could be for a directory.
paths: {
d3: '/bower_components/d3/d3',
"dot-checker": '/bower_components/graphviz-d3-renderer/dist/dot-checker',
"layout-worker": '/bower_components/graphviz-d3-renderer/dist/layout-worker',
worker: '/bower_components/requirejs-web-workers/src/worker',
renderer: '/bower_components/graphviz-d3-renderer/dist/renderer'
Then you can inject it into you app:
function (renderer) {

dotSource = 'digraph xyz ...';
// initialize svg stage

// update stage with new dot source
Now you can even zoom / drag your graph

function (renderer) {
dotSource = 'digraph xyz ...';
// initialize svg stage. Have to get a return value from renderer.init
// to properly reset the image.
zoomFunc = renderer.init({element:"#graph", extend:[0.1, 10]});

// update stage with new dot source

// for saving the image,
$('#copy-button').on('click', function(){
$('#copy-div').html(renderer.getImage({reset:true, zoomFunc:zoomFunc}));

// if do not need to reset the image before saving the image
$('#copy-button').on('click', function(){

* Test suite using Graphviz gallery examples (50% done)
* Improve animations with path tweening and concatenation of arrow heads with arrow arcs
* Custom `viz.js` compile with `xdot` output only to optimize size

Building and contributing
To make controlled changes you need `node` and `grunt`. When you add a new feature you must cover it with unit tests.
> grunt build test

When everything is ready you can build also dist version (takes some time).
> grunt all

Currently project is available on LGPL so you can use it unmodified in free or commercial projects. If you add improvements
to it you must share them.