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Javascript library for 3D space visualizations

hacktoberfest space visualization

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Javascript library for 3D space visualizations




# spacekit
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Spacekit is a JavaScript library for creating interactive 3D space visualizations - whether of the Earth/moon system, solar system, or beyond.

You can check out an editable live example on [jsfiddle](, or look at a variety of live examples on [](,7672-hawking-1995-uo2,2709-sagan-1982-fh). This library generalizes work that is currently used on [Asterank](, [Meteor Showers](, [Ancient Earth](, [and]( [many]( [other]( [things]( into a single open-source 3D engine for space that is both accurate and visually stunning.

See the **[full documentation](**

Note that this library is a work in progress and the API might change!

[![spacekit examples](](

# Usage

Install via npm:

npm install spacekit.js

And then use `require` or `import`:

const Spacekit = require('spacekit.js');
// or
import Spacekit from 'spacekit.js';

You can also [download a raw build]( or use the latest build in a script tag:


# Terminology and components

`Simulation`: the main container for your visualization. A simulation is comprised by a `Camera` plus whatever you choose to put in it. See [documentation]( for full options.
const sim = new Spacekit.Simulation(document.getElementById('my-container'), {
// Required
basePath: '../path/to/asset',
// Optional
camera: {
initialPosition: [0, -10, 5],
enableDrift: false,
debug: {
showAxes: false,
showGrid: false,
showStats: false,

`Skybox`: the image background of the visualization. The "universe" of the visualization is contained within a large sphere, so "skysphere" may be a better (less conventional) way to describe it. Some skybox assets are provided, including starry milky way background from ESA and NASA Tycho. See [documentation]( for full preset options.
// Use an existing skybox preset.
const skybox = sim.createSkybox(Spacekit.SkyboxPresets.NASA_TYCHO);

// Add a skybox preset
const skybox = sim.createSkybox({
textureUrl: '../path/to/image.png'

`Stars`: an alternative to a skybox. Instead of showing an image, this class loads real star data and positions the stars accordingly in the simulation. Usually this is more performant but less visually stunning.
// Use an existing skybox preset.
const skybox = sim.createStars({minSize /* optional */: 0.75 /* default */});

// Add a skybox preset
const skybox = sim.createSkybox({
textureUrl: '../path/to/image.png'

`SpaceObject`: an object that can be added to the visualization (SpaceObjects can sometimes be referred to as simply "Object"). SpaceObjects can orbit, rotate, etc. Subclasses include `RotatingObject` (has a defined spin axis), `ShapeObject` (has a 3D shapefile), and `SphereObject` (is spherical, like the Earth).
// Create objects using presets. The presets include scientific ephem params and/or position.
const sun = viz.createObject('sun', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.SUN);
viz.createObject('mercury', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.MERCURY);
viz.createObject('venus', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.VENUS);

// Create a stationary object at [3, 1, -5] position.
const obj = viz.createObject('myobj', {
position: [3, 1, -5],

// Create an object that orbits.

// Ephem is a class representing Kepler ephemerides, which defines the trajectory of astronomical objects as well
// as artificial satellites in the sky, i.e., the position (and possibly velocity) over time.
const ephem = new Spacekit.Ephem({
epoch: 2458600.5,
a: 5.38533,
e: 0.19893,
i: 22.11137,
om: 294.42992,
w: 314.28890,
ma: 229.14238,
}, 'deg');

const asteroid = sim.createObject('Asteroid Aci', {

// Create a shape object
const obj = viz.createShape('myobj', {
position: [3, 1, -5],
shape: {
// Example shape file -
shapeUrl: '../path/to/shape.obj', // Cacus
rotation: {
lambdaDeg: 251,
betaDeg: -63,
period: 3.755067,
yorp: 1.9e-8,
phi0: 0,
jd0: 2443568.0,
debug: {
showAxes: true,

// Create a sphere object
sim.createSphere('earth', {
textureUrl: './earth_66mya.jpg',
radius: 2 /* default to 1 */
debug: {
showAxes: true,

`KeplerParticles`: an optimized class for creating many particles that follow Kepler orbits. These particles don't have a specific shape or size. Instead, they share a 2D texture. This is useful for when you want to show many objects at once, such as the asteroid belt.

# Dependencies

Spacekit relies on some image and data assets that are not included in the Javascript file.

By default, these dependencies are hosted on the spacekit site ( If you want to host these assets yourself, you can set the `Simulation`'s `basePath` parameter to a folder that contains these files:

- [Spacekit asset directory](
- [Spacekit data directory](

For example:

const viz = new Spacekit.Simulation({
basePath: '',

If you want to contribute to this project, you will also need to install Python (2.7 or 3).

# Running an Example

Running `./` will start a basic Python webserver. Go to http://localhost:8001/examples/index.html to load a simple example.

If you're making changes to the code, run `yarn build` to update the build outputs. `yarn build:watch` will continuously watch for your changes and update the build and also host a server on localhost:8001 (so you don't have to start the Python server separately).

# Usage

See the [examples]( directory for full usage examples. For now, here's some example code that will build an interactive visualization of a couple planets:

// Create the visualization and put it in our div.
const viz = new Spacekit.Simulation(document.getElementById('main-container'), {
assetPath: '../src/assets',

// Create a skybox using NASA TYCHO artwork.
const skybox = viz.createSkybox(Spacekit.SkyboxPresets.NASA_TYCHO);

// Create our first object - the sun - using a preset space object.
const sun = viz.createObject('sun', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.SUN);

// Then add some planets
viz.createObject('mercury', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.MERCURY);
viz.createObject('venus', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.VENUS);
viz.createObject('earth', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.EARTH);
viz.createObject('mars', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.MARS);
viz.createObject('jupiter', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.JUPITER);
viz.createObject('saturn', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.SATURN);
viz.createObject('uranus', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.URANUS);
viz.createObject('neptune', Spacekit.SpaceObjectPresets.NEPTUNE);
