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Expedition: The Cards & App RPG

android boardgame cordova game ios mobile-app monorepo postgresql react rpg

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Expedition: The Cards & App RPG




# Expedition [![Build Status](](

![Splash image](

Expedition is a lightweight roleplaying game that's fun for players - and storytellers. Anyone can learn to play in less than 5 minutes!

It's powered by a free companion app with hundreds of free adventures, with new quests every week.

For 1-6 players, 20+ minutes, ages 8+

## Components

- [Expedition App](
- The companion app that's free with the game. Available for web, iOS, and Android devices.
- [Expedition Quest Creator](
- Create your own quests and publish them for the world to see!
- [Expedition Card Creator](
- Create custom cards and print them for free.

### Repository layout

All shared code goes in `/shared`, all deployed code goes in `/services.` Code in services can only reference shared code, and should not reference other services.

## Contributing

Contributions welcome! Earn [loot points]( while practicing your coding skills on the bleeding edge of web technologies. If you're new to any of our tools or libraries, don't worry - we're happy to help and answer questions!

Not sure what to work on? Check out our [open issues](, especially those labeled with `help wanted`.

## Development

### Setup

Expedition requires a unix-based system like OSX or Linux. If you are on Windows, you can use the [Windows Subsystem for Linux](

1. Install [NVM](
2. Install Node 8.11.3 `nvm install 8.11.3 --latest-npm`
3. Install yarn globally: `npm install -g yarn`
4. Install local dependencies: cd into Expedition repo -> `yarn`
5. Run an app! `yarn run app`, `yarn run cards` or `yarn run quests` -> open it in your browser at `http://localhost:8080`
6. IF DEVELOPING: Install Chrome (if not already installed)
7. IF DEVELOPING: Run the tests to make sure everything's working: `yarn test`

#### Setup Notes & Help

To build the Cordova app, you may need to install other global dependencies: `npm install -g cordova webpack@4 webpack-cli@3 webpack-dev-server@3`

Chrome is used for headless browser testing. [How to install Chrome on WSL/Ubuntu cli](

### Running the code

You can run anything in `/services` by running the yarn command of the same name, for example the app by running `yarn run app`.

For the services that depend on the API server, you can also run them against a local copy of the API server by running it as `X-local`, for example `yarn run app-local`.
See the readme at `services/api/` for instructions on configuring the API server.

### Tests and linting

`yarn test` runs all tests in the repo; you can also run tests for a specific service as `X-test`, for example `yarn run app-test`.

Linting is run automatically to verify each commit; tests are run automatically to verify each push.

Linting errors? `yarn run lint --fix` fixes most common linting issues automatically. For alphabetization issues, in Sublime Text you can select multiple lines of text then hit `F5` to auto-sort them.

#### Writing Good Tests

Reducer tests should test state changes via actions, specifically when there's logic involved / they aren't just glue

Use jasmine.objectContaining for more robust tests

Components: test branches for key content, i.e. if search results empty, make sure that resulting string contains "No results found"

Components: make sure that key interactivity works, i.e. that clicking the button calls the expected function (see app/AdvancedPlay tests / enzyme / using spies)

Containers: test when doing logic in mapping state or dispatch (i.e. not just glue) & test the logic (i.e. the combat container) See app/AdvancedPlayContainer, create a mock store, dispatch function, check that actions are dispatched with correct parameters.... this one goes too far and actually also tests the action

Actions: test actions with logic / not just glue (ie Quest load node) see app/actions/card - mock store, spy on outputs, expect the action with parameters to return an object containing. If plain function, call directly. If dispatch-wrapped action, call store.dispatch(action)

### Renovate

We use a Github bot called Renovate to keep our dependencies from getting stale. It automatically opens new PR's each time a dependency has a major version bump. In general, if the CI passes, it's probably safe to merge... but if you ever need to pull a branch down for local testing or changes, you can run `git checkout origin/renovate/`, and then `git push origin HEAD:renovate/` to push your changes back to the branch.

### Deploying

Services can be deployed via `yarn run deploy`, which can also take a specific service and target as arguments (ie `yarn run deploy app beta`). This requires AWS and Heroku permissions.

## Questions?

Reach us at [email protected]