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ECMAScript RegExp Match Indices


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ECMAScript RegExp Match Indices




# RegExp Match Indices for ECMAScript

ECMAScript `RegExp` Match Indices provide additional information about the start and end
indices of captured substrings relative to the start of the input string.

A polyfill can be found in the [`regexp-match-indices`]( package on NPM.

> NOTE: This proposal was previously named "RegExp Match Array Offsets", but has been renamed
> to more accurately represent the current status of the proposal.

## Status

**Stage:** 4
**Champion:** Ron Buckton (@rbuckton)

_For detailed status of this proposal see [TODO](#todo), below._

## Authors

* Ron Buckton (@rbuckton)

# Motivations

Today, ECMAScript `RegExp` objects can provide information about a _match_ when calling the `exec`
method. This result is an `Array` containing information about the substrings that were matched,
along with additional properties to indicate the `input` string, the `index` in the input at which
the match was found, as well as a `groups` object containing the substrings for any named capture

However, there are several more advanced scenarios where this information may not necessarily be
sufficient. For example, an ECMAScript implementation of TextMate Language syntax highlighting
needs more than just the `index` of the _match_, but also the start and end indices for individual
capture groups.

As such, we propose the adoption of an additional `indices` property on the array result (the
_substrings array_) of the RegExpBuiltInExec abstract operation (and thus the result from
`RegExp.prototype.exec()`, `String.prototype.match`, etc.). This property would itself be an _indices array_
containing a pair of start and end indices for each captured substring. Any _unmatched_ capture
groups would be `undefined`, similar to their corresponding element in the _substrings array_.
In addition, the _indices array_ would itself have a `groups` property containing the start and end
indices for each named capture group.

> NOTE: For performance reasons, `indices` will only be added to the result if the `d` flag is specified.

## Why Use `d` For the RegExp Flag

We chose `d` due to its presence in the word `indices`, which is the basis for the naming of the feature (i.e.,
`lastIndex` on a RegExp, `index` on a match, etc. The character `i` is already in use for ignore-case, and `n` has
precedence in other engines for handling capturing vs. non-capturing groups. This is similar to the "sticky" flag
using the `y` character, since `s` was used for dot-all.

**Why not use `o` and `offsets` instead of `d` and `indices`?** Our goal is to align the name of the property
with the existing nomenclature on RegExp (i.e., `lastIndex` and `index`).

**Does `d` have a different meaning in other engines?** Yes and no. For the few engines that *do* have a `d` flag
(Onigmo, Perl, and java.util.regex), the meanings differ. Onigmo and Perl both use the `d` flag for
backwards-compatiblity (and Perl's documentation seems strongly worded towards discouraging its use), while
java.util.regex uses `d` for the treatment of new-line handling. You can find a full list of the flags supported
by 46 different RegExp engines in [](./

# Prior Art

* Oniguruma NodeJS bindings: [`captureIndices` property](
* .NET: [`Capture.Index` Property](
* Java: [`Matcher.start(int)` Method](

# Examples

const re1 = /a+(?z)?/d;

// indices are relative to start of the input string:
const s1 = "xaaaz";
const m1 = re1.exec(s1);
m1.indices[0][0] === 1;
m1.indices[0][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices[0]) === "aaaz";

m1.indices[1][0] === 4;
m1.indices[1][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices[1]) === "z";

m1.indices.groups["Z"][0] === 4;
m1.indices.groups["Z"][1] === 5;
s1.slice(...m1.indices.groups["Z"]) === "z";

// capture groups that are not matched return `undefined`:
const m2 = re1.exec("xaaay");
m2.indices[1] === undefined;
m2.indices.groups["Z"] === undefined;


The following is a high-level list of tasks to progress through each stage of the [TC39 proposal process](

### Stage 1 Entrance Criteria

* [x] Identified a "[champion][Champion]" who will advance the addition.
* [x] [Prose][Prose] outlining the problem or need and the general shape of a solution.
* [x] Illustrative [examples][Examples] of usage.
* [x] High-level [API][API].

### Stage 2 Entrance Criteria

* [x] [Initial specification text][Specification].
* [ ] ~~[Transpiler support][Transpiler] (_Optional_).~~

### Stage 3 Entrance Criteria

* [x] [Complete specification text][Specification].
* [x] Designated reviewers have [signed off][Stage3ReviewerSignOff] on the current spec text.
* [x] The ECMAScript editor has [signed off][Stage3EditorSignOff] on the current spec text.

### Stage 4 Entrance Criteria

* [x] [Test262]( acceptance tests have been written for mainline usage scenarios and [merged][Test262PullRequest].
* [x] Two compatible implementations which pass the acceptance tests:
* [x] V8 ([tracking bug]( — Shipping in Chrome Canary 91 (V8 v9.0.259)
* [x] SpiderMonkey ([tracking bug]( — Shipping in Firefox Nightly 88
* [x] JavaScriptCore ([tracking bug]( — Shipping in Safari Technology Preview 122
* [x] Engine262 ([PR#1](, [PR#2](
* [x] A [pull request][Ecma262PullRequest] has been sent to tc39/ecma262 with the integrated spec text.
* [x] The ECMAScript editor has signed off on the [pull request][Ecma262PullRequest].

[Champion]: #status
[Prose]: #motivations
[Examples]: #examples
[API]: #api

[Transpiler]: #todo