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Vue.js SDK for Storyblok CMS

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Vue.js SDK for Storyblok CMS




Storyblok Logo


The Vue SDK you need to interact with Storyblok API and enable the Real-time Visual Editing Experience.

Storyblok Vue


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> **Note**
> This plugin is for Vue 3. [Check out the docs for Vue 2 version](

## 🚀 Usage

Check out the **[Live Demo](** on Stackblitz!

> **Important**
> If you are first-time user of the Storyblok, read the [Getting Started]( guide to get a project ready in less than 5 minutes.

### Installation

Install `@storyblok/vue`

npm install @storyblok/vue
# yarn add @storyblok/vue

> **Warning**
> This SDK uses the Fetch API under the hood. If your environment doesn't support it, you need to install a polyfill like [isomorphic-fetch]( More info on [storyblok-js-client docs](

Register the plugin on your application (usually in `main.js`), add the `apiPlugin` and add the [access token]( of your Storyblok space:

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { StoryblokVue, apiPlugin } from "@storyblok/vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
use: [apiPlugin],

That's it! All the features are enabled for you: the _Api Client_ for interacting with [Storyblok CDN API](, and _Storyblok Bridge_ for [real-time visual editing experience](

> **Note**
> You can enable/disable some of these features if you don't need them, so you save some KB. Please read the "Features and API" section.

#### From a CDN

Install the file from the CDN and access the methods via `window.storyblokVue`:



### Getting started

`@storyblok/vue` does three actions when you initialize it:

- Provides a `storyblokApi` object in your app, which is an instance of [storyblok-js-client](
- Loads [Storyblok Bridge]( for real-time visual updates
- Provides a `v-editable` directive to link editable components to the Storyblok Visual Editor

#### Short Form

Load globally the Vue components you want to link to Storyblok in your _main.js_ file:

import Page from "./components/Page.vue";
import Teaser from "./components/Teaser.vue";

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
accessToken: "",
use: [apiPlugin],

app.component("Page", Page);
app.component("Teaser", Teaser);

The simplest way is by using the `useStoryblok` one-liner composable. Where you need to pass as first parameter the `slug`, while the second and third parameters, `apiOptions` and `bridgeOptions` respectively, are optional:

> **Note**
> The `resolveRelations` and `resolveLinks` from `bridgeOptions` can be excluded if you're already defining them as `resolve_relations` and `resolve_links` in `apiOptions`, we will add them by default. But you will always be able to overwrite them.


import { useStoryblok } from "@storyblok/vue";
const { story, fetchState } = useStoryblok(
{ version: "draft", resolve_relations: "" }, // API Options
{ resolveRelations: [""], resolveLinks: "url" } // Bridge Options


Check the available [apiOptions]( in our API docs and [bridgeOptions]( passed to the Storyblok Bridge.

#### Rendering Rich Text

You can easily render rich text by using the `renderRichText` function that comes with `@storyblok/vue` and a Vue computed property:


import { computed } from "vue";
import { renderRichText } from "@storyblok/vue";

const articleContent = computed(() => renderRichText(blok.articleContent));


You can set a **custom Schema and component resolver globally** at init time by using the `richText` init option:

import { RichTextSchema, StoryblokVue } from "@storyblok/vue";
import cloneDeep from "clone-deep";

const mySchema = cloneDeep(RichTextSchema); // you can make a copy of the default RichTextSchema
// ... and edit the nodes and marks, or add your own.
// Check the base RichTextSchema source here

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
use: [apiPlugin],
richText: {
schema: mySchema,
resolver: (component, blok) => {
switch (component) {
case "my-custom-component":
return `

return "Resolver not defined";

You can also set a **custom Schema and component resolver only once** by passing the options as the second parameter to `renderRichText` function:

import { renderRichText } from "@storyblok/vue";

renderRichText(blok.richTextField, {
schema: mySchema,
resolver: (component, blok) => {
switch (component) {
case "my-custom-component":
return `

return `Component ${component} not found`;

#### Long Form

##### 1. Fetching Content

Inject `storyblokApi` when using Composition API:


{{ }}

import { useStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/vue";

const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();
const { data } = await storyblokApi.get(
{ version: "draft", resolve_relations: "" } // API Options


> **Note**
> You can skip using `apiPlugin` if you prefer your own method or function to fetch your data.

##### 2. Listen to Storyblok Visual Editor events

Use `useStoryBridge` to get the new story every time is triggered a `change` event from the Visual Editor. You need to pass the story id as first param, and a callback function as second param to update the new story:


import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { useStoryblokBridge, useStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/vue";

const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();
const { data } = await storyblokApi.get(
{ version: "draft", resolve_relations: "" } // API Options
const state = reactive({ story: data.story });

onMounted(() => {
useStoryblokBridge(, story => (state.story = story));


You can pass [Bridge options]( as a third parameter as well:

(story) => (state.story = story),
resolveRelations: [""],
resolveLinks: "url",
} // Bridge Options

##### 3. Link your components to Storyblok Visual Editor

For every component you've defined in your Storyblok space, add the `v-editable` directive with the blok content:



Where `blok` is the actual blok data coming from [Storblok's Content Delivery API](

Check out the [playground](/../../tree/next/playground) for a full example.

### Features and API

You can **choose the features to use** when you initialize the plugin. In that way, you can improve Web Performance by optimizing your page load and save some bytes.

#### useStoryblok(pathToStory, apiOptions = {}, bridgeOptions = {})

This example of `useStoryblok`:


import { useStoryblok } from "@storyblok/vue";
const story = await useStoryblok(
{ version: "draft", resolve_relations: "" }, // API Options
{ resolveRelations: [""], resolveLinks: "url" } // Bridge Options


Is equivalent to the following, using `useStoryblokBridge` and `useStoryblokApi`:


import { onMounted } from "vue";
import { useStoryblokBridge, useStoryblokApi } from "@storyblok/vue";

const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi();
const { data } = await storyblokApi.get(
{ version: "draft", resolve_relations: "" }, // API Options
const state = reactive({ story: data.story });

onMounted(() => {
story => (state.story = story),
{ resolveRelations: [""], resolveLinks: "url" } // Bridge Options


Check the available [apiOptions]( (passed to `storyblok-js-client`) and [bridgeOptions]( (passed to the Storyblok Bridge).

#### Storyblok API

You can use an `apiOptions` object. This is passed down to the [storyblok-js-client config object](

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
accessToken: "",
apiOptions: {
// storyblok-js-client config object
cache: { type: "memory" },
use: [apiPlugin],

If you prefer to use your own fetch method, just remove the `apiPlugin` and `storyblok-js-client` won't be added to your application.


#### Region parameter

Possible values:

- `eu` (default): For spaces created in the EU
- `us`: For spaces created in the US
- `ap`: For spaces created in Australia
- `ca`: For spaces created in Canada
- `cn`: For spaces created in China

Full example for a space created in the US:

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
accessToken: "",
use: [apiPlugin],
apiOptions: {
region: "us",

> **Important**
> For spaces created in the United States or China, the `region` parameter **must** be specified.

#### Storyblok Bridge

You can conditionally load it by using the `bridge` option. Very useful if you want to disable it in production:

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
bridge: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",

In case you need it, you have still access to the raw `window.StoryblokBridge`:

const sbBridge = new window.StoryblokBridge(options);

sbBridge.on(["input", "published", "change"], (event) => {
// ...

#### Using Fallback components

By default, `@storyblok/vue` show a `console.error` if a component is not implemented. Setting `enableFallbackComponent` to `true` bypasses that behavior, rendering a fallback component in the frontend instead.

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
// ...
enableFallbackComponent: true,

You can also create and use a custom fallback component by setting `customFallbackComponent: "MyCustomFallback"`.

import MyCustomFallback from "./components/MyCustomFallback.vue";

app.use(StoryblokVue, {
// ...
enableFallbackComponent: true,
customFallbackComponent: "MyCustomFallback",

app.component("MyCustomFallback", MyCustomFallback);

### Compatibility

This plugin is for Vue 3. Thus, it supports the [same browsers as Vue 3]( In short: all modern browsers, dropping IE support.

## The Storyblok JavaScript SDK Ecosystem

![A visual representation of the Storyblok JavaScript SDK Ecosystem](

## 🔗 Related Links

- **[Add a headless CMS to Vue.js in 5 minutes](**: Quick-start guide on getting up and running with Storyblok and Vue.
- **[Storyblok & Vue.js on GitHub](**: Check all of our Vue.js open source repos.
- **[Storyblok CLI](**: A simple CLI for scaffolding Storyblok projects and fieldtypes.

## ℹī¸ More Resources

### Support

- Bugs or Feature Requests? [Submit an issue](/../../issues/new).
- Do you have questions about Storyblok or you need help? [Join our Discord Community](

### Contributing

Please see our [contributing guidelines]( and our [code of conduct](
This project use [semantic-release]( for generate new versions by using commit messages and we use the Angular Convention to naming the commits. Check [this question]( about it in semantic-release FAQ.