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Files, tools, and plans for bringing legacy data into ArchivesSpace at Smith

Last synced: 22 days ago
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Files, tools, and plans for bringing legacy data into ArchivesSpace at Smith




# aspace-migration
Files, tools, and plans for bringing legacy data into ArchivesSpace at Smith

### Resource records (multilevel) to-do
* [Migrate from DTD -> schema (ASAP)](
* Validate against schema (ASAP)
* Remediate schema errors (ASAP)
* [Update country code, language code and repository code](
* [Add level attributes](
* [Validate against EAD import schematron] (
* Remediate schematron errors
* [Fix elements that ArchivesSpace barfs on] (
* change did/note to did/odd
* check for nested note elements (i.e., bioghist/bioghist/p)
* put @ids and @parents on containers
* check publish status / force publish upon import
* currently, title and ref elements of the same indexentry element are imported as separate index records
* ead / did / physdesc / dimension or physfacet element is loaded twice, once as a Note w/Type=Physical Description and again as a Note with Type=Dimensions. Check and de-dupe.
* in the case of multiple unittitles or unitids, behavior is “last wins” rather than “multiple unittitles.” Esp problematic for records with names in multiple languages. Diagnose pre-migration, fix post-migration.
* langmaterial/language elements stripped during import. Diagnose pre-migration, fix post-migration.
* Can’t have notes over 65k. Diagnose pre-migration, fix post-migration.
* Extents that don't start with a numeric character
* Fix elements that will be wonky in ArchivesSpace
* Update subtitle
* De-duplicate series-level cs
* Disassociate container from see/see also components
* Fix stuff that looks bad
* Update circa and undated
* Change from all-caps to DACS case
* Fix problems
* Update copyright statement to CC0
* DACS capitalization for C/collection, P/papers, R/records
* Get rid of descgrp
* Get rid of head
* Properly encode series numbers from unittitle to level, unitid
* Spell out manuscript tradition abbreviations
* De-nest unitdate from unittitle
* Delete trailing commas on unittitle
* Stuff to test
* Tables
* Which files have
* chronlist
* indexentry
* duplicate unittitle, unitid
* check for langmaterial/language
* tables
* indices
* DACS single-level minimum

### Resource records (single-level) to-do
* Map InMagic records to Resource schema
* Select records not present as multi-level
* Reconcile information in single-level and multi-level resource records, post to ArchivesSpace
* Post single-level resource records (only) to ArchivesSpace

### Accession records to-do
* Map InMagic records to Accession schema
* Map linked resource IDs from InMagic to ArchivesSpace
* Post accession records to ArchivesSpace

### Name records to-do
* Map InMagic records to Names schema
* Post name records to ArchivesSpace
* Merge name records already imported as part of EAD import with existing name records

### Top containers to do
* Identify multi-level resources that re-number at each series; add fauxcodes.

### Container profiles to do
* [Post to ArchivesSpace from survey data](

### Records not described as part of multi-level description
* Halfway house for image records
* Migrate A/V and electronic records table to proper media log
* Transform objects database into finding aid
* Transform HTML oral history collections into finding aids

### Normalization and reconciliation
* Normalize dates (timetwister or Bentley method)
* Reconcile subjects (topical) to LCSH
* Reconcile subjects (form/genre) to AAT
* Reconcile subjects (geographic) to TGN
* Reconcile names to LCNAF
* Merge duplicate subjects
* Merge duplicate names
* Update conditions governing access with machine-actionable restriction information