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Create Filters on table column items(like Excel)

filters react react-component react-filter reactjs tablefilter

Last synced: 20 days ago
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Create Filters on table column items(like Excel)




# react-table-filter

> Module creates Excel like Column Filters for Table. The filter list contains all the unique items present in every column. See image below for example.

![alt text](

## Demo


## Install
You need to have react and react-dom as dependencies in your project.

1. With [npm]( installed, run

$ npm install react-table-filter --save

2. At this point you can import react-table-filter and its styles in your application as follows:

import TableFilter from 'react-table-filter';

// Be sure to include styles at some point, probably during your bootstraping
// In JS
import react-table-filter/lib/styles.css;

// In SCSS
@import "path-to-node_modules/react-table-filter/lib/styles.css";

// Or directly import css


## Usage

1. Wrap header columns (th / td) with TableFilter as shown below.




Required Props on TableFilter

rows - Initial Array of Items

onFilterUpdate - Function called with updated filtered data when filters are added/removed. This function is used to show updated data by your application. Ex:

filterUpdated = (newData, filterConfiguration) => {
"upddatedData": newData
Arguments Detail:
newData - Filtered Data to be used to show on UI
filterConfiguration - Current filters configuration.
**filterConfiguration** can be saved and be passed as prop(initialFilters) to **TableFilter** to maintain filter state while initializing the component.(In case user navigates away and comes back etc.)

Required Props on th/td (Header columns)

filterkey - The key by which that column is to be filtered(key as present in rows data)

Only the Columns with "filterkey" prop present will be considered for filtering.

## Reset Items after Initialization

If you want to reset Items after component mount. Make a reference to **TableFilter** node and call **reset** method as shown below.

{this.tableFilterNode = node;}>

this.tableFilterNode.reset(newData, resetFilters);

Arguments Detail:
newData - Data to reset
resetFilters(Default: true) - Boolean tells component to maintain/reset existing filters
## API

### Properties

#### TableFilter

Name | Type | Default | Required | Description
:--- | :--- | :------ | :------- | :----------
rows | array | | true | Items for the Filter
onFilterUpdate | function(updatedData, filterConfiguration) | | true | Function called with filtered data and updated filter configuration
rowClass | string | | false | Any additional class to be added to table row contaning header columns
initialFilters | Array | | false | Initial Filter configuration to be applied. Configuration is received as second argument for **onFilterUpdate** function
rowComponent | Component | Table Row Element | false | The columns headers will by default be placed inside Table Row Element. If **rowComponent** is passed it will be used. Any react component can be used.

#### TableFilter Ref Methods

Name | Type | Description
:--- | :--- | :----------
reset | function(items, resetFilters=true) | Function called to reset items after component has been mounted. You can choose to either reset current filters or not.

#### Cloumn Headers(td/th)

Name | Type | Default | Required | Description
:--- | :--- | :------ | :------- | :----------
filterkey | string | | false | Key by which the Column should be filtered(Key as present in single Item)
itemDisplayValueFunc | function(itemValue) | | false | Optional Function that returns the Value that is displayed in the filter list for each item(Default is the item value - Item[key])
itemSortValueFunc | function(itemValue) | | false | Optional Function that returns the Value that is used while sorting (Default is the item value - Item[key])
alignleft | string | "false" | false | Decides while side filter list should be aligned w.r.t Column. Allowed "true"/"false"
casesensitive | string | "false" | false | Case Sensitivity during sort. Allowed "true"/"false"
showsearch | string | "true" | false | Display/Hide the search input. Allowed "true"/"false"

## License