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# Federalist + U.S. Web Design System + Gatsby

This site is developed using the [U.S. Web Design System v 2.0]( and is focused on providing developers a starter kit and reference implementation for Federalist websites.

This code uses the [Gatsby]( framework and built with Javascript and [React]( If you prefer to use Ruby, check out [federalist-uswds-jekyll](, which uses [Jekyll]( site engine.

This project assumes that you are comfortable editing source code. If you prefer to launch a website without editing any source code, checkout [uswds-jekyll](, which allows you to change the layout and content with configuration files.

This project strives to be compliant with requirements set by [21st Century IDEA Act]( The standards require that a website or digital service:

- is accessible to individuals with disabilities;
- has a consistent appearance;
- does not duplicate any legacy websites (the legislation also requires agencies to ensure that legacy websites are regularly reviewed, removed, and consolidated);
- has a search function;
- uses an industry standard secure connection;
- β€œis designed around user needs with data-driven analysis influencing management and development decisions, using qualitative and quantitative data to determine user goals, needs, and behaviors, and continually test the website, web-based form, web-based application, or digital service to ensure that user needs are addressed;”
- allows for user customization; and
- is mobile-friendly.

## πŸ–Previous Versions πŸ–

If you're looking for the original starter that included a more integrated approach to using USWDS with React, it is still available [here](, but will not be maintained.

## Features

βœ… [USWDS v2]( javascript, styles, images, and fonts are included by default. Styles can be customized with either SASS or CSS in `src/styles/index.scss`.

βœ… Publish blog posts using Markdown. Any markdown files in the `src/blog-posts` directory will be turned into pages at `/blog/` in the application using the `src/templates/blog-post.js` template, where `` is specified in the frontmatter of the file. An index of all posts will be displayed at `/blog` using the `src/templates/blog.js` template.

βœ… Publish documentation pages using Markdown. Any markdown files in the `src/documentation-pages` directory will be turned into pages at `/` in the application using the `src/templates/documentation-page.js` template, where `` is specified in the frontmatter of the file. Side navigation for documentation pages can be controlled by setting `sidenav: true` or `sidenav: false` to your page front matter.

βœ… Publish custom pages using React. Any javascript files in the `src/pages` directory will be turned into pages at `/.html`, where `` is the actualy name of the file.

βœ… Customize SEO information for each page by adding the `src/components/seo.js` component to any page or template and providing the desired information. Ex. [Home page](

βœ… []( integration - Once you have registered and configured for your site by following [these instructions](, add your "affiliate" and "access key" to `gatsby-config.js`. Ex.

searchgov: {

// You should not change this.
endpoint: '',

// replace this with your account
affiliate: 'federalist-uswds-example',

// replace with your access key
access_key: 'xX1gtb2RcnLbIYkHAcB6IaTRr4ZfN-p16ofcyUebeko=',

// this renders the results within the page instead of sending to user to
inline: true,

The logic for using can be found in the `src/components/search-form.js` component and supports displaying the results inline or sending the user to the view the results. This setting defaults to "inline" but can be changed by setting `searchgov: { inline: false }` in `gatsby-config.js`.

βœ… [Digital Analytics Program (DAP)]( integration - Once you have registered your site with DAP add your "agency" and optionally, `subagency` to `gatsby-config.js` and uncomment the appropriate lines. Ex.

dap: {
// agency: 'your-agency',

// Optional
// subagency: 'your-subagency',

βœ… [Google Analytics]( integration - If you have a Google Analytics account to use, add your "ua" to `gatsby-config.js` and uncomment the appropriate lines. Ex.

ga: {
// ua: 'your-ua',

βœ… Out-of-the-box performant caching strategy following [Gatsby recommended practices]( via `federalist.json`. See [Federalist Documentation]( for more information on `federalist.json`.

## Getting Started

### Easy mode

#### From Federalist
This will create a copy of this repo in a Github repository of your choice and add it to your Federalist dashboard.

- From [Federalist]( click the "+ Add Site" button.
- Click the "Use this template" button for the appropriate template
- Follow the instructions

#### From Github
This will create a copy of this repo in a Github repository of your choice but you will need to add it your [Federalist dashbord](

- Click the "Use this template" button above or [here](
- Follow the instructions
- Return to [Federalist]( and add the repository.

### Hard mode

#### With `npx` (requires node)
$ npx degit
$ cd

#### Push to your Github repository
- [Create a new Github repository](
- Follow the instructions form Github or
$ git init
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main
$ git add . && git commit -m 'Initial commit'
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:/.git
(Make sure to replace `` and `` above with the correct values)
$ git push -u origin main

### Installation for development
$ git clone
$ cd federalist-uswds-gatsby

### Running the application

#### With locally installed `node`
$ npm install
$ npm run develop

To build but not serve the site, run `npm run build`.

#### With Docker
$ docker-compose run node npm install
$ docker-compose up

To build but not serve the site, run:
docker-compose run node npm run build

Note that when built by Federalist, `npm run federalist` is used instead of
`npm run build`.

Open your web browser to [localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000/) to view your

_Note: You'll also see a second link: _`http://localhost:8000/___graphql`_. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the [Gatsby tutorial](

Note that when built by Federalist, `npm run federalist` is used instead of the
`build` script.

## Technologies you should be familiarize yourself with

- [Gatsby]( - The framework that does all the magic
- [React]( - The view library
- [GraphQL]( - The data layer used by Gatsby
- [node]( - Javascript runtime
- [npm]( - Javascript dependency manager
- [U.S. Web Design System v 2.0](

### πŸŽ“ Learning Gatsby

Looking for more guidance? Full documentation for Gatsby lives [on the website]( Here are some places to start:

- **For most developers, we recommend starting with our [in-depth tutorial for creating a site with Gatsby](** It starts with zero assumptions about your level of ability and walks through every step of the process.

- **To dive straight into code samples, head [to our documentation](** In particular, check out the _Guides_, _API Reference_, and _Advanced Tutorials_ sections in the sidebar.

## Things to Note

- The Federalist script runs the Gatsby build with the `--prefix-paths` flag. This is necessary to make sure all internal internal links point to the correct path for preview deployments.
- Always use the `Link` component provided by Gatsby for internal links, see previous note.
- Importing USWDS images can be done straight from their local location in `node_modules`. See [Banner.js]( for an example.
- This is built from the default [Gatsby default starter](, you can view the documentation there to see more of what is included.

## Contributing

See [CONTRIBUTING]( for additional information.

## Public domain

This project is in the worldwide [public domain](LICENSE). As stated in [CONTRIBUTING](

> This project is in the public domain within the United States, and copyright
> and related rights in the work worldwide are waived through the [CC0 1.0
> Universal public domain dedication](
> All contributions to this project will be released under the CC0 dedication.
> By submitting a pull request, you are agreeing to comply with this waiver of
> copyright interest.