
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Jekyll-based static site generator for archival description in JSON.

Last synced: 22 days ago
JSON representation

A Jekyll-based static site generator for archival description in JSON.




# StaticAid

A [Jekyll]( static site generator for archival description
serialized in JSON, generated via the [ArchivesSpace](
REST API, or by other modular backends which can be added to the system.

**The Adlib backend is currently unmaintained and tested, and may not work. If
you're an Adlib user, and are interested in helping out, please get in touch!**

## Quick Start

Install [git]( and clone the repository.

$ git clone [email protected]:helrond/staticAid.git

Install [Docker](
and build the image using `docker-compose`.

$ cd staticAid
$ docker-compose build -t staticaid .

Start the container.

$ docker-compose up

The site will build, and the staticAid interface built using sample data will
then be available at http://localhost:4000 in your browser. Any changes to the
templates in the `site/` directory or the python files in the `static_aid/`
directory will result in a rebuild of the site or a reinstallation of the
staticAid scripts, respectively.

## Usage

### Scripts

staticAid comes with bash scripts which will build the site in three different
ways. In the Docker container in this repository, those scripts are installed in
/usr/local/bin. If staticAid is deployed differently, you will need to find a
way to make these scripts executable on the system.

staticAid can produce either full HTML pages, or HTML snippets (page content
without enclosing `html` or `body` tags) which can be embedded in existing pages.
To generate embedded content, use the `*-embedded` version of the commands below.

There are three options for building the HTML site using Jekyll. In all cases,
Jekyll will place the generated site in `build/site/`.

#### Build without updating data

Running `static-aid-build` or `static-aid-build-embedded` will build the site
based on the data currently in the `build/data` directory.

#### Update data then build site

Running `static-aid-update` or `static-aid-update-embedded` will fetch JSON for
resource records, resource record trees and archival objects from ArchivesSpace
using `static_aid/` and save it in your `build/data` directory, then
will build the site based on that data.

**WARNING**: Depending on the amount of data in of your ArchivesSpace instance,
it could take quite a while for this script to loop through all resource records
and components. Be patient!

#### Clean Build

Running `static-aid-rebuild` or `static-aid-rebuild-embedded` will wipe out the
existing data, fetch new data, and build the site from scratch.

**WARNING**: Depending on the amount of data in of your ArchivesSpace instance,
it could take quite a while for this script to loop through all resource records
and components. Be patient!

### JSON-LD Structured Data

By default, StaticAid is set up to generate structured data in your HTML in the
form of JSON-LD objects, coded according to the conventions of JSON-LD
is Google's recommended method of delivering structured data for its indexing algorithms.
(More information [here](

Currently, JSON-LD objects are formed on three kinds of pages:

* Main index page, describing the holding archive ([Schema](
* Collection pages ([Schema](
* Persona and Corporate Agent detail pages ([Schemas](

Variables used in the JSON-LD objects (as well as a few others in building your site)
are stored in `local_settings.cfg`. If you don't want JSON-LD generated, you can
leave those variables undefined. The JSON-LD will be broken, but it will not affect
the display of the web pages.

## Contributing

Pull requests accepted! Feel free to file issues on this repository as well.

## Authors

Hillel Arnold / @helrond
Kevin Clair / @jackflaps
Luke Scott / @v-lukes
Erin O'Meara / @diplomaticaerin
Scott Carlson / @scottythered

## License

staticAid is released under the MIT License. See `` for more information.