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Go library for the Solana Blockchain

Last synced: 22 days ago
JSON representation

Go library for the Solana Blockchain




# StreamingFast Solana library for Go

Go library to interface with Solana nodes's JSON-RPC interface, Solana's SPL tokens various instructions decoding for popular programs.

> :warning: `solana-go` works using SemVer but in 0 version, which means that the 'minor' will be changed when some broken changes are introduced into the application, and the 'patch' will be changed when a new feature with new changes is added or for bug fixing. As soon as v1.0.0 be released, `solana-go` will start to use SemVer as usual.

## Installation

go get

> All development happens on the `develop` branch so if you need to check if there is any fixes in there, try updating to it with `go get`

## Usage

Loading an SPL mint


import ""
import ""

addr := solana.MustPublicKeyFromBase58("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v")
cli := rpc.NewClient("")

var m token.Mint
err := cli.GetAccountDataIn(context.Background(), addr, &m)
// handle `err`

// {"OwnerOption":1,
// "Owner":"2wmVCSfPxGPjrnMMn7rchp4uaeoTqN39mXFC2zhPdri9",
// "Decimals":128,
// "IsInitialized":true}


Getting any account's data:


import ""
import ""

addr := solana.MustPublicKeyFromBase58("EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v")
cli := rpc.NewClient("")

acct, err := cli.GetAccountInfo(context.Background(), addr)
// handle `err`

// {
// "context": {
// "Slot": 47836700
// },
// "value": {
// "lamports": 1461600,
// "data": {
// "data": "AQAAABzjWe1aAS4E+hQrnHUaHF6Hz9CgFhuchf/TG3jN/Nj2gCa3xLwWAAAGAQEAAAAqnl7btTwEZ5CY/3sSZRcUQ0/AjFYqmjuGEQXmctQicw==",
// "encoding": "base64"
// },
// "owner": "TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA",
// "executable": false,
// "rentEpoch": 109
// }
// }


## Examples

### Reference

* [Get Recent Blockhash](./example_rpc_get_recent_blockhash_test.go)
* WebSocket
* [Account Subscribe](./example_ws_account_subscribe_test.go)

### Running

The easiest way to see the actual output for a given example is to add a line
`// Output: any` at the very end of the test, looks like this for
`ExampleRPC_GetRecentBlockhash` file ([example_rpc_get_recent_blockhash_test.go](./example_rpc_get_recent_blockhash_test.go)):


// Output: any

This tells `go test` that it can execute this test correctly. Then, simply
run only this example:

go test -run ExampleRPC_GetRecentBlockhash

Replacing `ExampleRPC_GetRecentBlockhash` with the actual example name you want to try
out where line `// Output: any` was added.

This will run the example and compares the standard output with the `any` which
will fail. But it's ok an expected, so you can see the actual output
printed to your terminal.

> WebSocket examples runs for a 1 minute then exits, you will not see anything until the example finish
> RPC URL to use can be specified by using environment variable `SOLANA_GO_RPC_URL`, defaults to
> WS URL to use can be specified by using environment variable `SOLANA_GO_WS_URL`, defaults to ws://

## Contributing

**Issues and PR in this repo related strictly to the solana go library.**

Report any protocol-specific issues in their
[respective repositories](

**Please first refer to the general
[StreamingFast contribution guide](**,
if you wish to contribute to this code base.

This codebase uses unit tests extensively, please write and run tests.

## License

[Apache 2.0](LICENSE)