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Super minimal browserify development server

Last synced: 22 days ago
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Super minimal browserify development server




# wzrd

Super minimal browserify development server. Inspired by [beefy]( but with less magic

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## installation

npm install wzrd -g

**note** that you must have a copy of `browserify` installed as well. It can be either local (preferred) or global.

npm install browserify --save

## usage

wzrd app.js

This will start a local development server (default of `localhost:9966`) that serves all files in the current folder with the exception of `app.js`, which will be browserified instead. `wzrd` will spawn the command `browserify app.js` and send the output bundle back to the client.

If no `index.html` is present in the directory you run `wzrd` in, one will be generated for you that has a `` in it.

### mappings

You can also specify a mapping:

wzrd app.js:bundle.js

This means if a request to the server comes in for `bundle.js`, `wzrd` will run the command `browserify app.js` and serve that.

### multiple entries

wzrd app.js:bundle.js foo.js:bar.js baz.js

### https

wzrd app.js --https

this will start a local https server (by default `https://localhost:4443`) and generate a self signed SSL certificate. You will get a certificate error in your browser, but if you ignore the error the app should load.

### passing extra args to browserify

wzrd app.js -- -t brfs

anything after `--` will get passed directly to `browserify` as arguments. so the example above would spawn the command `browserify app.js -t brfs`

### pushstate server support

wzrd app.js --pushstate

if you want to leverage the html5 pushstate and support natural urls in your frontend application you can use the `--pushstate` flag. This flag will instruct the wzrd server to always return index.html for any file not found request from your server.