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Lightweight state structure for choo apps.

Last synced: 20 days ago
JSON representation

Lightweight state structure for choo apps.




# choo-store [![stability][0]][1]

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Create a store for a [`choo`]( application.


## Features

- **namespacing**: use [`storeName`]( to keep state clean and improve tracing
- **scoped state**: set `initialState` to make initializing and resetting easy
- **simplified events API**: organize all your `events` to reduce boilerplate
- **action functions**: automagically creates `actions` that accept data and emit events
- **event names in state**: event names made available in ``
- **free reset event**: free `reset` event included with purchase

## Install

npm install choo-store

## Usage

First, set up your store's name, initial state, and events:

var createStore = require('choo-store')

module.exports = createStore({
storeName: 'clicks',
initialState: { count: 0 },
events: {
increment: ({ store, emitter }) => {

Next, register your store with your choo app:

var app = require('choo')()
var store = require('./stores/clicks')


Now you can use store state and actions in your component:

var html = require('choo/html')
var { actions } = require('./stores/clicks')

module.exports = ({ clicks }) => {
return html`

count is ${clicks.count}

actions.reset({ render: true })}>Reset


### Example

See the [`example`](./example) folder for a full working example.

You can also check it out locally by cloning this repo and running `npm i && npm run example`.

## API

### `createStore({ storeName, initialState, events })`


- `storeName` - *string*: Name of store. Used for namespacing in state object and prefixing of event names.
- `initialState` - *object*: Initial state of store.
- This will be the state of the store on initialization of the app.
- When calling the `reset` event, state will be returned to this value.
- Must be valid, serializable JSON
- `events` - *object*: List of named event functions.

All params are required.

Returns a regular store function (`function (state, emitter, app)`) to be supplied to Choo's `app.use()` function.

Attaches event names to `[storeName]` for convenience. For example, if you have a store `clicks` with an event `increment`, the event name (`clicks:increment`) will be available at ``.

Returned function also has an `actions` property containing ready-to-go named functions that take whatever data you pass and emit the right event.

### Event Functions

Event functions live in the `events` object and have the following signature:

function eventName ({ data, store, state, emitter, app }) {}


- `data` - *any*: Event data supplied by user.
- `store` - *object*: Local store state.
- `state` - *object*: Global app state.
- `emitter` - *[nanobus](*: Choo event emitter.
- `app` - *[choo](*: Choo instance.

Params are wrapped in a single object so that argument order is made irrelevant and users can take what they need from the event parameters object.

### Emitting Events

Once a store has been created, these three methods of emitting an event all do the same thing:

emit(, 1)
emit('clicks:increment', 1)

### Global Events

You can listen for any of Choo's global events (`DOMContentLoaded`, `DOMTitleChange`,
`navigate`, `popState`, `pushState`, `render`, `replaceState`) by adding an event
with the appropriate name to the `events` object:

storeName: 'history',
initialState: { navigations: 0 },
events: {
navigate: ({ store, emitter }) => {

> Note: global events are not added to `[storeName]` and do not have
an action function associated with them since they are not namespaced events.

### `reset` event

A `reset` event (e.g. `storeName:reset`) is added by default.

Emitting this event will reset the store's state to `initialState`.

It takes a `render` boolean option in case you want to emit a render event afterwards.

store.actions.reset({ render: true })

## Why

**Q: Choo has a decent way to create a store already. Why use this?**

**A: Bigger apps need more structure!**

As an application gets larger, some issues can arise that need to be dealt with:

- properly namespacing stores and events
- resetting stores to their initial state
- avoiding direct manipulation of other stores
- providing coherent structure for a project
- reducing repetitive boilerplate

Doing the above gets time consuming the bigger an app gets. Without lots of attention to detail, it's easy to lose track of [value drift]( between stores in these cases. This module aims to make the process of managing stores and events simple and easy.

## Contributing

Contributions welcome! Please read the [contributing guidelines]( before getting started.

## License
