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Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux

client cloud drive google

Last synced: 11 days ago
JSON representation

Google Drive GUI for Windows / Mac / Linux




Sync your files and folders simply

# ODrive

**Clone and run for a quick way to see ODrive (OpenSource Drive) in action.**

- This is a GUI client for Google Drive on linux application based on the

## Supported Operating Systems

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- Linux (most distros)
- Arch Linux (
- Snap ```sudo snap install --edge odrive```
- Flatpak (
- macOS 10.9 and later
- Microsoft Windows 7 and later

## To Use

To clone and run this repository you'll need [Git]( and [Node.js]( (which comes with [npm]( installed on your computer.

The first thing you need is the source code, in your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone
This will download all the source code in a "ODrive" folder in the current directory. Alternatively, you can download and extract the zip from github's interface.

The steps below (Setup, Build, Run) are to execute in order to ready everything.

## Setup

This step is only needed once, in order to install the necessary environment on your computer for ODrive to run.

# Needed for electron 1.7+ to run, as it's based on chrome
sudo apt install libgconf-2-4

Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, [see this guide]( or use `node` from the command prompt.

## Build

This step is to execute every new version of the source code.

In the project directory:

npm install

Note: If you're using Ubuntu and you get an error message about a missing node binary, you may want to try [this](

```sudo ln -s `which nodejs` /usr/bin/node```

If you are working on the code yourself and editing some files in `app/assets/`, you will need to run `npm run webpack` (or `npm install`) for those changes to have an impact on the application.

## Run

In the project directory:

npm start

On Windows, you can make a `.bat` file with `start cmd /k npm start` that then you can double click to launch the program.

The launch-on-startup functionality is only available on bundled releases. See the **Deployment** section.

## Testing

To make sure the code is ok and run some sanity checks on it:

npm test

## Deployment

### Releases

There are currently three "release" formats supported: nsis (Windows installer) for Windows, AppImage for Linux, and DMG for Mac. You can generate them like this:

npm run release-windows
npm run release-linux
npm run release-mac

To create a different format, like a deb or rpm package for example:

npm run release-linux deb
sudo yum install rpm-build -y
npm run release-linux rpm

The releases are generated in the `dist` folder.

All formats supported by [electron-builder]( are available, such as 7z, zip, tar.gz, deb, rpm, freebsd, pacman, p5p, apk, dmg, pkg, mas, nsis, appx, msi...

### Permissionless deployment

An appimage on linux already runs permissionless. Anyway, you can just do:

# Permissonless deployment
npm run release-windows dir # or zip, 7zip, tar.xz, tar.7z, ...

This will create a folder in `dist` that you can just copy to a Windows machine.

## License

[GPL v3](