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A framework for building custom AI Copilots πŸ€– in-app AI chatbots, in-app AI Agents, & AI-powered Textareas.

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A framework for building custom AI Copilots πŸ€– in-app AI chatbots, in-app AI Agents, & AI-powered Textareas.




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The Open-Source Copilot Framework

Build, deploy, and operate fully custom AI Copilots.

in-app AI chatbots, AI agents, and AI Textareas.

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## "Hello World" Templates

PowerPoint + Copilot + Voice


"Hello World" (A Todo App)

Todo App

PowerPoint + Copilot


Spreadsheets + Copilot


## Components

🌟 **\:**

Build **app-aware AI chatbots** that can "see" the current app state + take action inside your app.

The AI chatbot can talk to your app frontend & backend, and to 3rd party services (Salesforce, Dropbox, etc.) via plugins.

Supports generative UI. Start in seconds:

🌟 **\:**

Drop-in replacement for any `.` AI-assisted text generation.

Autocompletions + AI editing + generate from scratch. Grounded on your users' data and Copilot application context.

Simply change `textarea` to `CopilotTextarea`.

🌟 **In-App Agents (powered by LangChain):**

Give agents access to realtime application context, and let agents take action inside applications.

🌟 **Co-Agents (powered by LangChain. Coming soon.):**

Allow end-users to observe and intervene in an in-app agent’s operations, with native application UX.
End users can **_correct_** mistakes in intermediate steps if any were made, and **restart agent operation from that point onwards**.

## How does it work

**Define the following simple entry-points** into your application, and the CopilotKitπŸͺ execution engine takes care of the rest!

- **Application state** (frontend + backend + 3rd party)
- **Application interaction** (via plain typescript code, frontend + backend)
- **Purpose-specific LLM chains**
- and more.

## Installation

npm i @copilotkit/react-core @copilotkit/react-ui @copilotkit/react-textarea

## Getting started

See quickstart in the [docs](

## Demo

**3-min showcase + 3-min implementation tutorial:**


## Building blocks

A more comprehensive and up-to-date overview is available in the [docs](

But roughly:

### Copilot entrypoints

- βœ… `useCopilotReadable`: give frontend state to the copilot
- βœ… `useMakeCopilotDocumentReadable`: give document state to the copilot, especially useful with 3rd party state (e.g. Gong call transcript).
- βœ… `useCopilotAction`: frontend application interaction
- βœ… `CopilotRuntime`: server side runtime
- 🚧 `useCopilotChain`: provide usecase-specific LLM chains

### Built-in UI components

- βœ… ``: Built in, hackable Copilot UI (optional - you can bring your own UI).
- βœ… ``: Built in popup UI.
- βœ… ``: Standalone chat UI
- βœ… ``: drop-in `` replacement with Copilot autocompletions.
- βœ… `useCopilotChat()` for fully-custom UI component
- 🚧 use custom UX elements inside the chat (coming soon)

## Examples

### ``

import "@copilotkit/react-ui/styles.css"; // add to the app-global css
import { CopilotKit } from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import { CopilotSidebar } from "@copilotkit/react-ui";

function MyAmazingContent() {
const importantInfo = useImportantInfo();
description: "Very important information",
value: importantInfo,

name: `selectDestinations_${toCamelCase(heading)}`,
description: `Set the given destinations as 'selected', on the ${heading} table`,
parameters: [
name: "destinationNames",
type: "string[]",
description: "The names of the destinations to select",
required: true,
handler: async ({ destinationNames }) => {
setCheckedRows((prevState) => {
const newState = { ...prevState };
destinationNames.forEach((destinationName) => {
newState[destinationName] = true;
return newState;

return ;

export default function App() {
return (

{" "}
{/* Global state & copilot logic. Put this around the entire app */}

{" "}
{/* A built-in Copilot UI (or bring your own UI). Put around individual pages, or the entire app. */}


### ``

A drop-in replacement with autocompletions, AI insertions/edits, and generate-from-scratch.

Indexed on data provided to the Copilot.

import "@copilotkit/react-textarea/styles.css"; // add to the app-global css
import { CopilotTextarea } from "@copilotkit/react-textarea";
import { CopilotKit } from "@copilotkit/react-core";

// call ANYWHERE in your app to provide external context (make sure you wrap the app with a ):
// See below for more features (parent/child hierarchy, categories, etc.)
description: "The description of your data",
value: relevantInformation,

return (

{" "}
{/* Global state & copilot logic. Put this around the entire app */}


## Near-Term Roadmap

### πŸ“Š Please vote on features via the Issues tab!

### Copilot-App Interaction

- βœ… `useCopilotReadable`: give frontend state to the copilot
- βœ… `useMakeCopilotDocumentReadable`: give document state to the copilot, especially useful with 3rd party state (e.g. Gong call transcript)
- βœ… `useCopilotAction`: Let the copilot interact with the application
- 🚧 `useMakeCopilotAskable`: let the copilot ask for additional information when needed (coming soon)
- 🚧 `useCopilotChain`: provide usecase-specific chain
- 🚧 `useEditCopilotMessage`: edit the (unsent) typed user message to the copilot (coming soon)
- 🚧 copilot-assisted navigation: go to the best page to achieve some objective.
- 🚧 Copilot Cloud: From hosting, chat history, analytics, and evals, to automatic Copilot personalization and self-improvement.

### Integrations

- βœ… Vercel AI SDK
- βœ… OpenAI APIs
- 🚧 Langchain
- 🚧 Additional LLM providers

### Frameworks

- βœ… React
- 🚧 Vue
- 🚧 Svelte
- 🚧 Swift (Mac + iOS)

## Contribute

Contributions are welcome! πŸŽ‰

[Join the Discord](

## Contact

atai ``