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dariadb - is a numeric time-series database storage engine.

c-plus-plus database engine no-sql timeseries

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

dariadb - is a numeric time-series database storage engine.




# dariadb - numeric time-series database.

# Continuous Integration

| version | build & tests | test coverage |
| `master` | [![Build Status](]( | [![codecov](]( |
| `develop` | [![Build Status](]( | [![codecov](]( |

# Features
* True columnar storage
* Can be used as a server application or an embedded library.
* Full featured http api.
* Golang client (see folders "go" and "examples/go")
* Accept unordered data.
* Each measurement contains:
- Id - x32 unsigned integer value.
- Time - x64 timestamp.
- Value - x64 float.
- Flag - x32 unsigned integer.
* Write strategies:
- wal - little cache and all values storing to disk in write ahead log. optimised for big write load(but slower than 'memory' strategy).
- compressed - all values compressed for good disk usage without writing to sorted layer.
- memory - all values stored in memory and dropped to disk when memory limit is ended.
- cache - all values stored in memory with writes to disk.
- memory-only - all valeus stored only in memory.
* LSM-like storage struct with three layers:
- Memory cache or Append-only files layer, for fast write speed and crash-safety(if strategy is 'wal').
- Old values stored in compressed block for better disk space usage.
* High write speed:
- as embedded engine - to disk - 1.5 - 3.5 millions values per second to disk
- as memory storage(when strategy is 'memory') - 7-9 millions.
- across the network - 700k - 800k values per second
* Shard-engine: you can split values per shard in disk, for better compaction and read speed up.
* Crash recovery.
* CRC32 for all values.
* Two variants of API:
- Functor API (async) - engine apply given function to each measurement in the incoming request.
- Standard API - You can Query interval as list or values in time point as dictionary.
* Compaction old data with filtration support;
* Statistic:
- time min/max
- value min/max
- measurement count
- values sum
* Statistical functions:
- minimum
- maximum
- count
- average
- median
- sigma(standard deviation)
- percentile90
- percentile99
* Interval aggregation support. Available intervals: raw,minute, half hour, hour, day, week, month, year.

# Usage example
- See folder "examples"
- How to use dariadb as a embedded storage engine: [dariadb-example](

# Dependencies
* Boost 1.54.0 or higher: system, filesystem, date_time,regex, program_options, asio.
* cmake 3.1 or higher
* c++ 14/17 compiler (MSVC 2015, gcc 6.0, clang 3.8)

## Build

### Install dependencies

$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libasio-dev libboost-date-time-dev cmake g++-6 gcc-6 cpp-6
$ export CC="gcc-6"
$ export CXX="g++-6"

### Jemalloc
Optionaly you can install jemalloc for better memory usage.
$ sudo apt-get install libjemalloc-dev

Or you may use builtin jemalloc source in dariadb - just add build option **-DSYSTEM_JEMALLOC=OFF**

### Git submodules
$ cd dariadb
$ git submodules init
$ git submodules update
### Available build options
- **DARIADB_ENABLE_TESTS** - Enable testing of the dariadb. - ON
- **DARIADB_ENABLE_INTEGRATION_TESTS** - Enable integration test. - ON
- **DARIADB_ENABLE_SERVER** - Enable build dariadb server. - ON
- **DARIADB_ENABLE_BENCHMARKS** - Enable build dariadb benchmarks. - ON
- **DARIADB_ENABLE_SAMPLES** - Build dariadb sample programs. - ON
- **DARIADB_ASAN_UBSAN** - Enable address & undefined behavior sanitizer for binary. - OFF
- **DARIADB_MSAN** - Enable memory sanitizer for binary. - OFF
- **DARIADB_SYSTEM_JEMALLOC** - Use jemalloc installed in the system. - ON

#### Configure to build with all benchmarks, but without tests and server.

### clang
Clang currently does not supported.
$ make

### gcc
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
$ make

### Microsoft Visual Studio
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .
$ cmake --build .
if you want to build benchmarks and tests
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=FALSE .
$ cmake --build .

### build with non system installed boost
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBOOST_ROOT="path/to/boost/" .
$ make