
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A .NET Standard Library for using the Dark Sky API.

dark-sky netcore netstandard nuget

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A .NET Standard Library for using the Dark Sky API.




# ARCHIVED: [Apple has purchased Dark Sky and is shutting down the API, so I'm no longer supporting this.](

# Dark Sky Core

[![NuGet](]( [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](](

A .NET Standard Library for using the [Dark Sky API](

## Usage

The main class is [`DarkSkyService`]( When using it you will need provide your API key after [signing up]( for a dev account.
You can also provide an implementations of [`IHttpClient`]( and [`IJsonSerializerService`]( if you want to replace the default [`ZipHttpClient`]( and [`JsonNetJsonSerializerService`](
for testing or other purposes.

Once you have an instance of the class, use `GetForecast` to use the API. The method by default is a [forecast]( request.
If you specify a value for `ForecastDateTime` in an `OptionalParameters` instance it will become a [time machine]( request.

The responses all take the form of a [CamelCase]( version of the [Dark Sky Response]( in `DarkSkyResponse`.
This includes the [headers]( and properties for the required text and link to use based on the [Terms of Service](

var darkSky = new DarkSky.Services.DarkSkyService(apiKey);
var forecast = await darkSky.GetForecast(42.915, -78.741);

if (forecast?.IsSuccessStatus == true)
Console.WriteLine("No current weather data");

You can see more examples of usage in the [integration tests](

## Additional Information

[Code of Conduct]( and [Contributing Guidelines]( for the project.