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Extended properties for Qt5

c-plus-plus qt

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JSON representation

Extended properties for Qt5




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# QtnProperty
This is user and programmer friendly properties for Qt framework.
See [wiki]( for some details.

# Overview
There are some limitations of standard Qt property system.
This project is an attempt to make better properties.
The key features are:

* Properties hierarchy (properties can be organized in hierarchy at any depth)
* Property widget to observe and edit properties in uniform way
* Signals before and after property has changed
* Property description - short text which help user to understand meaning and purpose of the property
* Property state - property can be disabled or hidden at any moment
* Serialization via QDataStream
* Set/Get property value to/from QVariant and QString
* Scripting support
* Delegates to customize look and feel properties in property widget
* PEG (property/enum generator) - it's optional tool like Qt moc which generates properties hierarchy from QML like files into C++ code.

New Features in v2.0.0
* **Multi-properties with QtnMultipleProperty.** It is useful when you want to show properties of multiple objects at once. When values of objects's properties differ it shows grayed (**Multiple properties**). When you set a new property value, it will be changed in every dependent object. Multi-property set can be created with qtnCreateQObjectMultiPropertySet function defined in [QObjectPropertySet.h]( or from custom property sets in a loop with qtnPropertiesToMultiSet function where target argument is a multi-property set, and source argument is a source property set you want to join.
* **QVariant properties with QtnCustomPropertyWidget.** You can edit QVariant as property set / add/remove subproperties in QVariantMap or QVariantList, copy/paste variant properties.
* **Integer 64 properties** QtnPropertyInt64 QtnPropertyUInt64
* **Floating point variants of QPoint, QSize, QRect properties**
* **Overriding QtnPropertyDelegateFactory for QtnPropertySet**
* **Improvements to sync objects values and property editors**
* **Translations EN_RU**

Some screenshots of the Demo application:

# How to build

1. Qt 5.9 framework or later
2. Optional: Flex 2.6.4 and Bison 3.1.1 (for Windows can be found [here]( if you build QtnPEG tool

**To build:**

mkdir path_to_build
cd path_to_build
qmake path_to_QtnProperty/ -r

Or just open path\_to\_QtnProperty/ file in Qt Creator and build all.
Generated libraries and executables will be placed into the target specific folders.
For example:


**To run tests and demo, go to one of the binary folders and run:**


QtnProperty project consists of four submodules:

1. **QtnProperty** library - property classes. By default it is a static library. If you need a dynamic library, you should run **qmake** with **CONFIG+=qtnproperty_dynamic** argument
3. **QtnPEG** tool - optional executable to generate C++ code for property sets from simple QML like files (*.pef files)
4. **QtnPropertyTests** - tests for QtnPropertyCore library
5. **QtnPropertyDemo** - demo application

# How to use

## Step 1.
To have QtnProperty in your project you should include QtnPropertyDepend.pri file into your pro file. Example:
TEMPLATE = subdirs
QtnProperty \

QtnProperty.file = path_to/QtnProperty/

Application.depends = \
QT += core gui widgets script


# this will add QtnProperty root to include path and will link the library to your app.

## Step 2.
Then you can manually create property sets in your C++ code, create QtnPropertyWidget or QtnPropertyView widgets and assign property set to the widget:

class Ui_MainWindow
QtnPropertyWidget *centralWidget;

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

m_propertySet = new QtnPropertySet(this)

auto floatValue = qtnCreateProperty(m_propertySet);
floatValue->setDescription(tr("Float value"));

auto textColor = qtnCreateProperty(m_propertySet);
textColor->setDescription(tr("Foreground text color"));
textColor->setValue(QColor(0, 0, 0));

This example will show you something like this:


## Step 3.
If you want to use *.pef files to generate properties C++ code you need to build QtnPEG executable.

## Step 4.
To use *.pef files in your project you should do the following in your pro file:

* Define PEG_TOOL variable as full path to the QtnPEG executable
* include PEG.pri file
* list all *.pef files in PEG_SOURCES variable

PEG_SOURCES += TextEditor.pef

## Step 5.
Write *.pef file with propertyset declaration. See [wiki](*.pef)) for more info. For example TextEditor.pef:

#include "QtnProperty/PropertyCore.h"

property_set TextEditor
Bool enableWrapping
description = "Enable/disable text wrapping";
value = true;

Bool replaceTabsWithSpaces
description = "Automatically replace tabs with spaces";
value = false;

slot propertyDidChange
tabSize.switchState(QtnPropertyStateImmutable, !replaceTabsWithSpaces);

UInt tabSize
description = "Number of spaces to be placed.";
state = QtnPropertyStateImmutable;
value = 4;

## Step 6.
Include generated TextEditor.peg.h and TextEditor.peg.cpp files into
your project.

## Step 7.
Now you can use QtnPropertySetTextEditor class (defined in generated files) in your C++ code like this:
QtnPropertySetTextEditor params;
params.enableWrapping = false;
if (params.replaceTabsWithSpaces)

Video of GUI testing using Froglogic (c) Squish test framework is [here](