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High-Performance MQTT Server

broker iot iot-cloud mqtt mqtt-server websocket-transport

Last synced: 26 days ago
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High-Performance MQTT Server





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![VolantMQ image](doc/images/logo-2.svg)
*VolantMQ image by **Marina Troian**, licensed under [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License][cc-by]

VolantMQ is a high performance MQTT broker that aims to be fully compliant with MQTT specs

###MQTT Specs
- [MQTT v3.1 - V3.1.1]( full support
- [MQTT V5.0]( limited support. see details below
- [x] Properties
- [x] Publish expire
- [x] Session expire
- [ ] [Shared topics](
- [x] Subscription id
- [x] Subscription options
- [ ] [Enhanced authentication](
- [x] Topic alias
- [x] Server disconnect
- [x] Flow control
- [x] Maximum Packet Size
- [x] Server Keep Alive
- [x] Assigned ClientID

### Network Transports
- [x] TCP
- [x] TLS
- [x] WebSocket
- [x] WebSocket+TLS

### Persistence
By default server starts with in-memory persistence which means all sessions and messages lost after server restart.

### Plugins
#### Auth
- [x] Server built-in basic auth.Key-value pairs in format `user: sha256 of password` provided by any of the following options
- Users and their password hashes in config file
- name: internal # authenticator name, used by listeners
backend: simpleAuth # authenticator type
testuser: "9f735e0df9a1ddc702bf0a1a7b83033f9f7153a00c29de82cedadc9957289b05" # testpassword
- Users and their password hashes in separate file
- name: internal # authenticator name, used by listeners
backend: simpleAuth # authenticator type
users: # both can be used simultaneously
testuser: "9f735e0df9a1ddc702bf0a1a7b83033f9f7153a00c29de82cedadc9957289b05" # testpassword

- [x] [![Build status](]( [HTTP](
#### Monitoring
- [x] [![Build status](]( [Systree](
- [x] [![Build status](]( [Prometheus](
- [x] [Grafana dashboard]( Credits to [Oleg Beletskyi](
- [x] [Service monitor for Kubernetes]( Credits to [Oleg Beletskyi](
#### Persistence
- [x] In-Memory server built in
- [x] [![Build status](]( [BBolt](
#### Debug
- [x] [![Build status](]( [PProf](
#### Health
- [x] [![Build status](]( [Health](
## Configuring
Server starts with default config from [here](configuration/defaultConfig.go). Any further configurations applied on top

### Environment variables
- `VOLANTMQ_CONFIG` - path to configuration file described in [this section](#Config file).
- `VOLANTMQ_PLUGIN_AUTH_HTTP__TOKEN` - API token for auth plugins
For example to supply auth token into auth plugin `http1` from config below variable should be declared as `VOLANTMQ_PLUGIN_AUTH_HTTP_HTTP1_TOKEN`

### Config file
File divided in a few sections
Complete example can be found [here](examples/config.yaml)

#### System
level: info # available levels: debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal
defaultPort: 8080 # default HTTP listener assigned. Assigned to plugins like debug/health/metrics if they dont specify own port
#### Plugins
enabled: # list of plugins server will load on startup
- systree
- prometheus
- debug
- health
- auth_http
- persistence_bbolt
config: # configuration of each plugin
- backed: systree # plugin name, allowed: systree, prometheus, http, prof.profiler, health, bbolt
name: http1 # required by auth plugins only. Value used in auth.order
config: # configuration passed to plugin on load stage. refer to particular plugin for configuration
#### Default auth config
order: # default auth order. Authenticators invoked in the order they present in the config. Listener can override
- internal
#### MQTT specs
version: // list of supported MQTT specifications
- v3.1.1
- v5.0
period: 60 # KeepAlive The number of seconds to keep the connection live if there's no data.
# Default is 60 seconds
force: false # Force connection to use server keep alive interval (MQTT 5.0 only)
# Default is false
connectTimeout: 10 # The number of seconds to wait for the CONNACK message before disconnecting.
# If not set then default to 2 seconds.
offlineQoS0: true # OfflineQoS0 tell server to either persist (true) or not persist (false) QoS 0 messages for non-clean sessions
# If not set than default is false
sessionPreempt: true # AllowDuplicates Either allow or deny replacing of existing session if there new client with same clientID
# If not set than default is false
retainAvail: true # don't set to use default
subsOverlap: false # tells server how to handle overlapping subscriptions from within one client
# - true server will send only one publish with max subscribed QoS even there are n subscriptions
# - false server will send as many publishes as amount of subscriptions matching publish topic exists
# Default is false
subsId: false # don't set to use default
subsShared: false # don't set to use default
subsWildcard: true # don't set to use default
receiveMax: 65535 # don't set to use default
maxPacketSize: 268435455 # don't set to use default
maxTopicAlias: 65535 # don't set to use default
maxQoS: 2
#### Listeners
defaultAddr: "" # default
mqtt: # there are two types of listeners allowed tcp and ws (aka WebSocket)
1883: # port number. can be as many ports configurations as needed
host: # optional. listen address. defaultAddr is used if omitted
auth: # optional. default auth configuration is used if omitted
order: # optional. default auth configuration is used if omitted
- internal
- http1
tls: # TLS configuration
cert: # path to certificate file
key: # path to key file
path: mqtt
- http1
path: mqtt
- http1
tls: # TLS configuration
cert: # path to certificate file
key: # path to key file

Reason to have multiple listeners comes from performance impact of TLS as well as authentication
Internal to system users can omit entire auth and TLS
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│ MQTT process │
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│ ╔════════════════════════╗
│ ║ VolantMQ ║
│ ║ ║
╔════▼═══╗ ║ ║
║intranet◀═════════▶ 1883 # no auth, no TLS║
╚════════╝ ║ ║
╔════════╗ ║ ║
║internet◀═════════▶ 1884 # auth and TLS ║
╚═▲══▲══▲╝ ║ ║
│ │ │ ╚════════════════════════╝
│ │ │
┌────┘ │ └───┐
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│IoT1│ │IoT2│ │IoTn│
└────┘ └────┘ └────┘

## Distribution
- [x] [Docker]( image contains prebuilt plugins listed in this [section][#Plugins]
- [ ] [Helm](

###How to use
docker run --rm -p 1883:1883 -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/examples/config.yaml:/etc/volantmq/config.yaml \
--env VOLANTMQ_CONFIG=/etc/volantmq/config.yaml volantmq/volantmq

### [Contributing guidelines](

### Credits
This project is heavily inspired by [surgemq]( As it was unmaintained it was forked to here, redesigned and packed with features since then

Appreciate [JetBrains]( for granted license